Aemorniel (Aemorniel)

Aemorniel Estelwen Silverbow
Norivu'Kathleen Wayneright (NPC)

Total number of tagged images: 29

NPC of the Month
  • NPC of the Month
  • Category: Awards for September, 2011
  • Stuttering Tammi

    “JJ” as Stuttering Tammi! JJ has been a full time NPC for several recent events, and has gotten our notice from the begining, but this month was truly a shining one. She did a great job as the young Gaian Cleric Bounty Hunter assisting a much older, past his prime, mentor. She was his eyes when he could not see, ears when he did not hear and crutch when he had trouble walking. And in general a big help to Mike, who was running the event. Awesome job and keep up the work…we are watching!
JJ and Vince
Damian and JJ
Cy, JJ, and Damian
Aemorniel Silverbow 2
Aemorniel Silverbow 1
Aemorniel Silverbow and Amizar Wuzwir - Scholars
  • Aemorniel Silverbow and Amizar Wuzwir - Scholars
  • Category: March, 2012
Aemorniel Silverbow and Ridigan
  • Aemorniel Silverbow and Ridigan
  • Category: April, 2012
Counting Gems
Aemorniel Silverbow at the Bar
Aemorniel at Work
Player of the Month
  • Player of the Month
  • Category: Awards for November, 2012
  • JJ as Aemorniel Silverbow

    She got very involved in the weekend plot and did a great job RPing. She went all-out collecting the plot information and disseminating it across the town in true Chroniclerite fashion. In addition, she is currently in the process of typing out all of the handwritten plot information the weekend director put in game, which is a great help documenting everything in and out of game. JJ has raised her own personal bar! Great job, thank you!

Award Winners 1
Award Winners 2
The Baroness lost in thought
Sir Maxwell and Amorniel
Sir Weaveforger and Amorniel
Research Room
Player of the Month
  • Player of the Month
  • Category: Awards for September, 2013
  • JJ Richards, Padma Fuller, and Michelle Theis

    We have multiple winners for Player this month.  JJ was a huge help to Kristen, who was running the event. According to Kristen, JJ (in addition to very successfully playing a major NPC role) went above and beyond, helping her write, run, and make the props for the whole weekend and she could not have done it without her. Great job and thank you for all of your hard work!

    We’d also like to thank two people that helped out James and Steve in a big way. In addition to sewing some of the costuming for the event, Michelle Theis and Padma Fuller spent a lot of time in the week leading up to the event washing all of the NPC costumes, organizing them, and cataloging items so we know what else is needed to make the monster cabin even better. Thank you so much for your efforts.

In the Inn 1
Kathleen Wayneright

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”Can you tell I just came up from the bottom of the ocean?  I’m very salty.”

~Dame Arden