Welcome to Knight Realms 1226 topics
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New Players 876 topicsWelcome to Knight Realms! Here is the place for us to greet you warmly and exchange salutation. Feel free to introduce yourself and ask questions that we may be able to help you with.
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell), Gallion (Gallion)
Event Highlights 350 topicsLet's talk about it! We want to know what happened to you that made an event memorable. Share tales of humor, drama, and excitement that you've experienced during an event.
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell), Gallion (Gallion)
Knight Realms Discussion 6620 topics
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Announcements 1680 topicsThis forum is the place to communicate anything that pertains directly to Knight Realms. Posts such as Rules Announcements, Arrival Times, or something that relates to your playing KR is welcome here. If your post is frivolous in nature, please refer to the "Off-Topic" forum instead.
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell), Gallion (Gallion)
Straight Talk 67 topicsA place for the Staff of Knight Realms to respond to concerns and comments from the players. This forum is set, so that only Administrators (Staff) may post. If you have a concern, please email the appropriate Staff member, or use the Feedback form on the main website.
Moderators: Gallion (Gallion)
Rules Questions and Answers 120 topicsThis forum is for the player interested in the advanced aspects of Knight Realms, from questions about Role-Playing to Rules Questions. Topics can cover RP, Makeup, Costuming, Acting methods, or anything else to enhance the Knight Realms experience.
Moderators: Nicoletta (fyperia), Gallion (Gallion)
Marketplace 923 topicsBuy Sell Trade! Welcome to the KR Player Marketplace. Here is where you can post your services, items for sale, offers for trade, or inquire about anything you may be looking for that perhaps someone here may have to offer.
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell), Gallion (Gallion)
Off-Topic 3830 topicsThis forum is for sharing jokes, links, birthday announcements, computer questions, or other topics that do not directly relate to the Knight Realms game. Threads that deviate from being topical in another forum may be moved here by forum administrators.
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell), Gallion (Gallion)
In-Game Boards 2506 topics
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Baronial Notice Board 20 topicsOfficial written announcements, laws, lists, and other administrate of the Barony of Travance. If you cannot read, a guardsman will read it for you. (This forum may only be posted to by In-Game Nobles.)
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell), Damien (Damien), GJSchaller (GJSchaller), Gallion (Gallion)
The Dragon's Claw Inn 2454 topics"Bring ye selves in from the night and the rain, Lord and Lady, for we in the Dragon's Claw are ready to serve thee. And welcome ye selves to the Message Board upon the wall by the hearth. Not a large thing, and we do keep it tidy by moderating it heavily, but perhaps my Lord and Lady will find something that interests thee. Have pen and parchment and the skill of words and ye can contribute if ye like, though no tellin' what response will find thee..."
Moderators: Damien (Damien), Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell), GJSchaller (GJSchaller), Gallion (Gallion)
The Boar Tusk Inn 32 topicsA lively humble inn centered in the village of Grimwyr. The mugs are full and the music is bounding! All are bustling for the Duke's arrival to prepare for the grand feast in his Grace's honor! Come in and see what news is posted or be welcome to write some yourself!
Moderators: Gallion (Gallion)
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