Character of the Month
Padma Fuller as Mistress Jade
There are a lot of players with insanity points at KR. There are few who take those insanities to the lengths that Padma went in her portrayal of a stark, raving mad Jade. Padma played her normally more serious and shrewd Jade in a way we wish everyone had gotten to witness. This “new look” built up over the course of months and was quite the sight to behold. We’d like to give her credit for playing an aspect of her character that was never initially intended. Thanks for rolling with a game detriment and making it into something awesome.
Honorable Mentions go to:
Chris Mackenzie as Buckles – after something unexpected happened to his character, he did a great job of freaking us all out!
Danielle as Keavy: Her RP was great all event. Watching the interaction with Bloodtide and the Count was amazing
NPC of the Month
Bill Hannings as Orion MacBride, Farmstead Memory Crew, and Crystal Benoist as Fallow’s Sorceress
Bill Hannings as Orion MacBride:
This portrayal of the first celt hero was everything that you would want to see as a celt PC. He was the best kind of arrogant, warm and unburdened by the darkness of most Travancian hearts. "Of course I'm a hero!, he seemed to say, "Come, let us drink and be merry and dance with faeries." The best thing about it was seeing the absolute departure from the stoic and brooding Grim. Bill really stepped up to the plate and delivered something that many have never seen him bring before. Well done.
Farmstead Memory Crew:
Jen F. as Gail
Crystal Glynn as the Mother
Lauren Feingold as the Little Sister
Jeff Balla as Mr. FallowAs major NPCs in the Fallow storyline, this group took a new style encounter and managed to capture the interest of the majority of the PCs on main mod. Through their constant roleplay they gave out major details of the Fallow storyline in a reoccurring scene which they practiced for hours before hand. This went on as a backdrop during the combat of main mod. We couldn’t have done it without you all and you have our deep appreciation for making the encounter a bigger success than we had even hoped for.
Crystal Benoist as Fallow’s Sorceress:
As a secondary character among the main mod bosses, Crystal’s sorceress rose up to the RP challenge to make her presence known to all. From her introduction earlier in the day, up to and through the main battle, she did an awesome job!
Player of the Month
Jeff McLean
When certain players give it their all year after year it is easy for them to be overlooked at times. Jeff is one of those players. His contributions to KR are numerous and this month was no exception. For setting up multiple parts of main mod and collecting and making props for weeks beforehand, Jeff’s meticulous details served to make the atmosphere of the Battle Field and the Farmstead a great success. Thank you from all of us for your hard work.
We’d also like to thank John Ratti (JR) and Chris Lotano for the numerous times that they helped throughout the event, without even being asked.
The entire crew of people who ran the story and plot this month deserve our thanks and praise. They worked with a level of organization, involvement, communication, and writing quality that helped make this whole event a great success.
Cabin of the Month
Farmstead House and Battlefield at Main Mod
Sometimes we just have to give this award to an NPC area and this is one of those time.
The Farmstead was secondary in telling part of the story but like most settings at Knight Realms, did so much for the immersion of the encounter, that it became a main focus for the less battle-ready heroes. The props and set up helped the NPCs tell a story in a way that we are so thrilled to have brought to you.
The Field itself was ominous and its reputation needed to be just that when the players arrive at the site. This was achieved by numerous static scarecrows and live NPCs alike. The elements of atmosphere were carefully laid out to make the fields come to life…or death. Weren’t you just a bit…scared?