Character of the Month
Christine as Ava
Christine truly impressed us this month with Ava’s ever evolving insanity. Her ability to adapt to each player she interacts with and cater her insanity to their responses is wonderful to watch. On top of such a strong interactive concept, Ava rarely follows social queues. While this can sometimes lead to hilarious or cringe worthy RP moments, we have noticed that it consistently leads to unexpectedly powerful scenes between characters. We had the privilege of catching a few this month and were truly blown away. Awesome job, Christine!
NPC of the Month
Mark Hughson as the Morlen Commander (Main Mod Boss)
Mark’s portrayal of the Morlen commander was wonderful. He brought to life a character so believable and so sympathetic, it was easy for many PCs to get involved and spring into decisive action. Character's were sprinting across the camp, looking for solutions, while players of all professions stepped up in order to calm the Morlen and keep him down. Mark looked amazing and did a stellar job portraying this tortured being and one could feel the expanse and variety of his emotions. Mark thoroughly understood the NPC he portrayed, and was able to craft a character who could consistently and effectively engaged the PCs. That's the job of an NPC, and he accomplished it spectacularly.
Player of the Month
John Lee (Redd)
John saved the weekend for one player. He found $50 in the inn and immediately went to report it, turning the money in. A short time later, a Marshal was approached by an upset player who asked if we had found her $50 entry for the game. Money and PC were reunited. Kudos to John for his honesty!
Honorable mention to Katie Moyer. She jumped in Saturday (and stopped playing her PC to do so) to become the right-hand of the storytellers. She would monitor ongoing mod sites, wait for the next to be set, and then return to logistics to lead the NPCs while the PCs were gathered. With her help, 5 modules started on time in 5 hours. Each one ran smoothly. As always, thank you Katie!
Cabin of the Month
Londwyn Tent in Pendarvin
This area was consistently one of the most IG looking areas we observed all weekend. There were rugs, tea sets, other decorations, and a really cool chandelier. So many props and pieces were integrated into the small space. The setup made you really think you were standing in an expedition tent for Londwyn. These players transformed a camp ground into a Travancian tent transformed into a Londwynian living space. We hear rumors that there are plans to improve it further, and we’re looking forward to seeing what they do with it!Honorable Mention to The Blackbird Tavern. Inviting and constantly improving, this seedy underground tavern caught our eye. Well done! Keep up the great atmosphere