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PC of the Month
Winks had a tough weekend. He was pushed around, almost died in a pit of acid, interrogated, tortured and took a death, all within a 24 hour period. Walter does a terrific job of playing a goblin townsperson. The torture scene on Saturday night was difficult to listen too, as he acted out his pain, sounding as if his teeth were really knocked out of his head and other terrible things that don't really need to be mentioned here. Great job!
Player of the Month
Emerson Daly and Chris Goley
We have two winners this month. Chris Goley is a guy that seems to be everywhere. He stepped up and worked extra shifts, did extra clean up and, he was one of the last people to leave the camp and worked his butt off to get logistics clean. He did so without complaint and always steps it up to help the game. Emerson Daly made the most out of a situation some players might have complained about, thus entertaining all involved and acting as a hook for many PC’s to get involved with plot. He showed enthusiasm, adaptability in role-play, and enjoyment throughout the entire thing, which all together defines a successful event for a player. His contribution as a PC to NPC gave a great addition to the plot. Thank you to you both!
Cabin of the Month
Celts room, upstairs Inn
Very well done. Each bunk was surrounded in tartan, which we assume matched that character’s clan. Tartan ‘garland’ around entire room, let one know that care was taken to improve the look of the paneled walls. Assorted decorations were out; all OOG belongings were put away. Tartan curtain over the door was a nice touch. Thank you! Honorable Mentions: Alisandria Room – upstairs Inn, The Herb Shop – downstairs Inn and BIG props to Waterfront, which was actually an NPC cabin. They did an outstanding job!
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