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PC of the Month
Jake as Teeg the Dryad wins the gold for PC this month. The man holds a very difficult character concept together even through some of the most frustrating and awkward situations. He will sit in the freezing cold rather than deal with a crowded inn, and consistently speaks in broken common and uses certain foreign words to denote important things. He is able to set aside conventional morality and replace it with a very alien thought process which he effectively relates to those around him. Jake’s performance is something we can all take lessons from. Well done!
NPC of the Month
Daimen and Emily as the Khitanese Nobles
While not everyone had the opportunity to meet Damien and Emily personally as their Khitanese nobility from the jade empire, most everyone did get to see them at feast. Word has it, they were amazing. Not once during the feast did they break character. Muttering to each other the entire time about the barbaric customs of the land and looking lost as to how to deal with having their food touched by commoners' hands. The sheer amount of discomfort they poured onto everyone around them was absolutely worth the prize. Great job guys, and thank you for making uncomfortable so much fun!
Player of the Month
Frank Martinez
Frank Martinez is our choice for Player of the Month. For being super patient and going out of his way to help new or newish players; he assisted them in building characters or updating their cards. Also, his very tireless dedication during Bed Building Friday afternoon was a huge help to everyone. The staff and players are happy to have such a dedicated player. Other of note that went above and beyond: Jon G., Alex T., Tom H. & Aaron B.
Cabin of the Month
Jen W.
Jen W. wins this month for decorating the Barracks and her side sleeping room as Winterdark. Again, even with the tight quarters at our winter camp she did a good job. Honorable mention goes to Bill F. for the tea ceremony. Although not a cabin decoration, it was a well placed effort in providing atmosphere.
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