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PC of the Month
Sister Celestine Tellinghast
MaryBeth as Celestine. Her dedication to her calling was evident in her reaction to what happened on the Friday night Mod, and her espousement of the 'if you're not for us you're against us' ideal without ever saying it was chilling and powerful. Celestine's frustration was highly evident this event, even though she struggled very hard to hold on to her composure during a moment of betrayal in her own death, she went out of her way to involve several others in the situation and raised the bar for everyone’s role play. Just take a look at what she did to her tabard for the RP and there is no denying Celestine gets overlooked way too much. She really moves with ease through all the little groups in game equally, and her emotional changes were awesome as well, evoking sorrow and pity one moment, and crackling anger the next. Just before main mod, she wandered through the group of ‘new-comers’ (many of them having no idea who she was), casting prayers on as many as she could before they had to leave to save the Count. Very nicely done MB. Honorable mentions to: Judge as Ethan, Reonna as Amira, Ashley as the new Sylph and Goose as Father Morgan.
NPC of the Month
Daimen as the Arch Devil of Glomm
Damien as the Arch Devil of Glomm. Damien stayed in character the whole time he was there, even when no groups of PCs were present. As he was heard RPing with the other npcs, so that if anyone might hear, they’d all be in game. He walked arrogantly in to the middle of town and made everyone that dealt with him feel his foulness– just like a good Glommite should! Way to creep us out Damien! Runners up: Skimmel as the Flesh Walker & Shannon Fiddler for her Argentian.
Players of the Month
Jenn W. and Tori
Jenn W. and her helper Tori get the player award for this month. Jenn volunteered back in December to do the private feast for our fund raiser raffle. Tom the winner, said he was a meat and potatoes guy, so Jenn delivered big time with platters of all kinds of meat! She donated the wonderful food and her time to help us raise money. The food was delicious and the spread on the table looked awesome, and very ‘in-game’. Tori helped her to set up the platters in the hot kitchen – even when the power went out, as well as being a runner for staff members throughout the event. Jenn always puts out great spreads and it is nice to see the extra work she puts into it make it as authentic as possible in the modern world. Thanks so much for your hard work! We’d also like to give honorable mentions to Matt White, for reasons too numerous get into and to Virginia and Raf for getting the feast done under not so easy circumstances. Thanks to you both, and the crew that helped you.
Cabin of the Month
The Trade Hall
The Trade Hall wins for July! Despite the heat, many cabins were done very well, but this is the one that really made everyone take notice. The inside perfectly captured what would happen if multiple people of multiple cultural backgrounds were forced to share the same space. You could tell exactly who was sleeping where or at the very least what race they were because the objects and decorations and there placement made sense. It had just the right amount of clutter and made you feel like you were walking into a home that had been established and inhabited for months. Chris, Geoff and their crews did an awesome job! Honorable mentions: The group that stayed in Kaladonia #2 and Janus’s cabin in Drega’mire were both well done also!
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