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PC of the Month
Nyda & Shalock
We have two winners this month: Ashly as Nyda the Sylph: Beautiful and creepy at the same time is always a plus in our book. She really took from what we understand to be a small encounter from months back and developed it into a big aspect for her character in March. She's also a perfect example of someone we might overlook because she always brings her A game for exceptional RP. Her costuming and makeup are always excellent. Her snotty attitude and the way she communicates using only one or two words bring a lot to the character as well. Great job! Sean Mahoney as Shalok made an impression this month. He was left to die, started his journey to the ascended wars as any Templar would strive for and then was snatched back because of being reanimated. He apparently brought many to tears as he begged Angelica to kill him so he could return to the ultimate battle. He theb agreed to fulfill his last task to help the town. Sean has always done a great job with Shalok. This month we’d like to give him extra recognition for a long-played character that developed over the years. In March, Shalok took his final death. He will be greatly missed.
NPC of the Month
Paige as the Dutchess
Paige as the Duchess. Her handling of a tense political situation was believable, and her presence held the attention of a room full of powerful PCs. Although she was not the person originally cast to play this role, she pulled it off at the last minute and did a great job. She came into the Guild at very real “hectic” time and did a good job interacting with the myriad of personalities in the room. Her performance perfectly emphasizes the point of any NPC, which is to entertain the PCs. Honorable mention: Aaron as Raum, The Greater Devil. Aaron knew about his role on Thursday just before the event and he did an excellent job. He played a perfect Devil of Malyc, bent on sowing chaos, destruction and doing both incredibly well.
Player of the Month
Brian Rigney
Brian for being an NPC superhero and always being a good sport. He NPCd multiple shifts, including this really disgusting role for Plot in which he had a bag of rotten meat dissected on his chest. He really, really stepped up and helped out whenever we needed help this weekend. Thank you for all of your hard work Brian!
Cabin of the Month
The General Store & The Mage's Guild
There are two for March. The Mortar and Pestle gets our vote for March. Paul and Suzi continue to improve the props and decorations every month to run their in-game store. They also offer more items for people to buy, not just for commodity cards, but actual usable items. It is always a welcoming place to step into, and the back room and porch were a nice touch as places for a little quiet time to have a snack or meeting. Keep up the good work. The Mage's Guild also deserves the award for this month. It was well decorated and stayed in game and neat the whole event, despite the number of people staying in there. Thanks for doing a great job!
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