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PC of the Month
Nate R. as Na'ar has been in our sights for the last few events, but this month his exceptional character really shined. During an intense situation, he cut his own hand off due to his failure to save someone. Nate's dedication to RPing his healer is top notch and it really showed. He's often an understated character, but Nate's been advancing himself, and finding new ways of driving his roleplay forward. Bravo, and well done.
NPC of the Month
Kristen M. as Aesira Rehamet
Kristen M. as the mummy gets the award for May. It's rare to see someone who can pull off a seductive and creepy role, yet still be a character you want to drop everything to help. Kristen did all this with this weekend’s plot villain, who had more of a heart than one would have thought at first glance. Great job Kristen and thank you!
Player of the Month
Alisia R.
Usually this award goes to someone for their out-of-game help. This month Alisia R. did just that, but, she did it while playing her PC. Alisia went out of her way to include many players during her stay, especially new players where she helped them see how useful you can be from your first day in Travance. This wasn't her job, her duty, or her assignment, she just did it for her own reasons, and we commend that. From her inclusion of new players in a ritual to help solve the weekend plot, to chatting it up IG with another bunch of players to help them feel welcome and special. For this, we thank you!
Cabin of the Month
Moirya's tent
Moirya's tent in Kaladonia. There was one word for Sam D's efforts this month: Phenomenal. Her tent had such a presence as to seem twice as large. It was draped with symmetrical tapestries, and a myriad of cloths to truly give it not just character, but Moirya's character. Well done.
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