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PC of the Month
Bolton gets our praise for November. His clever play on the Fallow mod, and his encouraging involvement with new PCs on Sunday’s rat cave mod have gotten him noticed. This character has many layers and is great to interact with. Great job Elias! Honorable mention goes to Scott C. as Gorvax. His first ever appearance as a PC had everyone noticing him.
NPC of the Month
Greg as Lord Fallow
He was a horror to watch, using his natural charm to win over unsuspecting PCs. He was "teaching" children the dark arts and sounding just like a school teacher, which was very creepy. Even though he only can come once every year or so, he still is willing to set aside a large chunk of his weekend to NPC so people can have a good time. Thanks Greg! Honorable mention goes to the Arcanite trio. Pat H. as the creature and Alex & Doug for marshaling the slow moving foe – making sure everyone it met was overcome with fear.
Player of the Month
Alex & Keath
Alex & Keath stepped up at the last minute to write and run main mod. Two days before the event they discovered they were needed. They wrote the plot, made props and delivered an enjoyable encounter for everyone. Thanks for your hard work! Nods to Katie for volunteering for various things all weekend, including helping to make breakfast for several hours, even though it was right before her MM shift.
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