PC of the Month
Thorgrim Ironfeld
Mitch's Dwarf, Thorgrim Ironfeld is a great example of quality role playing. Thorgrim can be seen all around town and at the forge, standing guard and interacting at the inn. While he never breaks character and maintains a hard as nails exterior, his approachable and personal demeanor is inviting for those who wish to interact with him. He is constantly repairing armor and talking about crafting. He is always in-character and paints a perfect picture of what a dwarf should be in the Knight Realms universe. Special nod to : Magnus
NPC of the Month
Judge DeVoe
Judge is the overwhelming choice this month for his portrayal of the Mad Mage and Matron Chastel this month for NPC. His Mad Mage portrayed an insanity that could be read plainly from Judge's eyes. In addition, the Dark Elf matron, Chastel was both deadly serious, and incredibly funny. Chastel, specifically her voice, made a creepy addition to main mod on Saturday night. There is just too much good to say about his performance. He made the ridiculous seem not only plausible, but frighteningly real. He really embodied the characters he portrayed which made the staff take notice. Not to be forgotten: Cameron for the “Voice of the Illithid”
Player of the Month
Aaron "Wally" Brownbridge
Wally came through again and in a big way. He saved both back to back weekends and managed to create some well planned atmosphere and helped some good storylines unfold for the players of Knight Realms to be lost in. Thanks again Wally. We’d also like to thank the chefs for this weekend. They managed to pull off yet another wonderful feast. Doing back-to-back events and never missing a beat made for well fed players. Great job again Yhatzi's!
Cabin of the Month
The Black Orchid Merchant Hall
The job that MaryBeth and crew always does with the Black Orchid trade hall and Absinthe booth deserves a nod this month. This event, they turned the Monastery building into a newly laid out trade hall draped in black and purple with wall hangings from Winterdark and images of wolves and faeries. The center table was decorated well and they did a good job of drawing attention away from the out of game fridge and microwave with cleverly placed fabric. It had a different feel and was done well. It made great use of limited space while housing many people. Pendarvin was also very well decorated again this month!