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PC of the Month
Not everyone got to witness the winners’ finest moments at the September event, but those that did spoke out so loudly about the awesomeness of Cyril as Misaki during his torture, that he gets our praise. He was; abducted, tortured, fed to a demon, turned into an undead, to name a few things, and loved every minute of it. Stories of his attempts to disrupt a ritual with no arms or legs will be long remembered. Thank you Cyril, for doing such a great job!
NPC of the Month
Stuttering Tammi
“JJ” as Stuttering Tammi! JJ has been a full time NPC for several recent events, and has gotten our notice from the begining, but this month was truly a shining one. She did a great job as the young Gaian Cleric Bounty Hunter assisting a much older, past his prime, mentor. She was his eyes when he could not see, ears when he did not hear and crutch when he had trouble walking. And in general a big help to Mike, who was running the event. Awesome job and keep up the work…we are watching!
Player of the Month
Doug P.
Many people helped out for the weekend, and all are appreciated. However, the person that most helped the weekend director gets the award for September. Doug P., for making the arms for the Heralds of Death, which made a cool idea in Mike’s head into one of the most frightening aspects of the weekend. Thanks Doug!
Cabin of the Month
The Baron's Manor, The Monastery
Two buildings got the most notice this month from our marshals and players. The Barons Manor was set up very nicely and was especially well done for the trial. We’d like to thank the people that jumped in at the last minute, prior to the trial, to make it look regal. You know who you are! Once again, the Monastery looked fantastic. It improves every month and those staying there are doing a great job keeping up the atmosphere every event.
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