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PC of the Month
This month our hats go off to Ali, who plays Nutmeg the Hobbit. During the Saturday afternoon mod, while everyone else was freaking out, Nutmeg was there trying to calm down the Minotaur and talk him out of attacking, even as he pummeled her into goo. She even made a thrown-weapon apple, which she pitched at him! She isn't afraid to take big risks as her PC and has a naïve innocence, making her ignorant to fear itself. Her costume is equally as cool, as she had many pockets sewn into various spots on her clothes. Not to mention, she makes the trip from Toronto. Awesome job Ali! Honorable mention to Mark Bradford as Clove the Dryad. He was so good that sometimes you really had to look to see him, even when people were pointing at him. He didn't enter a single building all event. We are sure we will have many more praises for this great new character very soon!
NPC of the Month
Sean as the Minotaur (Skimmel-taur) We can’t say enough about well Sean did in this role. Though he was mostly there as a combat machine and encounter, every attack and ability he performed was acted out and animated to make you believe the effect was, in fact, occurring. When he charged, it was like he was a bull charging. When he created an upheaval, one could truly imagine the ground rippling beneath him. When he slayed someone, you could imagine someone being taken down by the strike. His reactions to the tablet effects were consistent and well role-played. On top of it all, he did it all in a combat-safe manner. Great job Sean!
Player of the Month
Jake did a fantastic job helping out preparing for the weekend. From creating the parts for the the Minotaur costume, making props and being in logistics to apply the lengthy makeup job for the beast, Jake had a hand in it all. His crafting skills really added to the atmosphere for the event. Thank you for all of your efforts. We’d also like to give a huge thanks to Shawn, the guy that did such a great job and helped out for many hours in the kitchen!
Cabin of the Month
Gwynned's Store
So much care and effort was put into this area, that we must give the Sept. cabin award to Suzie. From the “wares” for sale at the store to the pillows and covered tables, everything about it looked comfortable and inviting. Throughout the entire weekend, everything was kept IG and neat. The best part is that Suzie didn’t just do this for herself, but so everyone else could enjoy it, as it is a more public place than many of the other areas. So, for making the atmosphere better for everyone, we thank you, your continued efforts are noticed!
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