There are 4 images in category
PC of the Month
Keavy, played by Danielle gets our praise for The Week in the Life event. She is always true to her wild roots, not just as a Sylvan elf, but as one who was raised in the wilds outside of the city of Selendrias. She barks at foes she is fighting, which seems to genuinely unnerve them sometimes. She reacts with an animalistic caution and curiosity to new things, and her costume continues the theme. All this and she is a fairly new player. Great job Danielle!
NPC of the Month
Padma as Lilia
The Green Sorceress, Lilia, played by Padma. She played the character for most of the weekend portion of the event and was well received. She did an awesome job getting people, many of whom were new, to go out on mods. We were also told she took on Master Haroldson and chewed him up for lunch. Great job and thank you!
Cabin of the Month
Alisandria & The Mage's Guild
Everything really looked great for the extra-long event. It really proved that everyone’s extra efforts paid off. This month we’d like to give the award to the Mages Guild and Alisandria. Both places were heavily occupied for the entire 5 days and managed to stay looking great the whole time. Everyone at both places did a fantastic job helping to set up and break down. Thank you!
There are 4 images in category