The Coven of the Eldritch Star grossly misjudged the power of the Heroes of Travance. Thanks to his spies, the Count knew that this coven could not succeed at its goal to take the Kingdom, but yet still the lives of several hundred innocents were at stake. The mission for Travance was to act fast and keep innocent deaths from these assaults down to a minimum.  As far as everyone could tell it seemed like no towns or villages where sacked due to Travance’s quick action, strength, and diplomacy. 

Four of the five coven armies were defeated, and three of the five coven leaders were killed. Of those who were left, Hystern Meldicia sat in a Travancian jail cell and Camilla Meldicia’s army stood down and disbanded as she was released to go back to Ravenhurst.  After having the influence of Malvazad exorcised from her, Camilla would denounce her brothers who had died as traitors to the crown removing them from the family name of Meldicia.  She declares aloud that she hopes to one day see her brother Hystern returned to their home, but he remains in prison; for treason has its price and the Kingdom has yet to decide his fate… 





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Akira: "Who goes?!"

Reply from the dark: "Who goes?!"

Akira: "I asked first!"

Reply from the dark: "Too bad!"