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stickyandlocked Procedures for the Safety of Knight Realms' Players

22 Sep 2014 21:01 #1 by Silverbow Patriarch (Ardin)
Procedures for the Safety of Knight Realms' Players was created by Silverbow Patriarch (Ardin)
For those who do not know me, I am one of the many who are responsible for seeing to the safety and well-being of our Knight Realms players. Toward that end, I coordinate with Staff and together we come up with ideas and protocols on how to handle situations when someone gets injured or becomes ill. After meeting with Staff, we have a procedure that we want followed in that rare case when a player needs medical attention.

If you get hurt or sick, find someone nearby to assist you. If you see someone become ill or get injured, by all means help that person and act within the scope of your medical expertise. If the person can be moved without making the condition worse, move him/her to either the kitchen or to Logistics. We can coordinate care for a player if they are in a well-lit area where we can best conduct an assessment and provide treatment. If a player cannot safely be moved, then contact a Safety Marshal or a Staff member, who will make a determination on whether it is safe to transport a player or if another action is warranted. Do not leave an injured or ill player alone. Send someone else to get help. If necessary use a cell phone and contact a safety marshal or someone from Staff. Our numbers are available in Logistics and can be programmed into your phone.

Most minor injuries can be handled on site and the player can usually return to the event, with possible restrictions if warranted. If a player needs to be driven to the hospital, they should go with a family member or friend, who will often be called upon to transport the player and stay with the player while at the hospital. A Safety Marshal or someone from Staff will determine how this should occur and whether a Safety Marshal will accompany a player to the hospital. A player who is transported to a hospital for treatment and returns to the camp after being treated needs to see the Director before going back In Game. This is for the safety of the player.

If a player has a potentially life-threatening injury (a rare situation indeed) or requires Advanced Medical Care, 9-1-1 will be called as soon as possible and whenever possible, by a Safety Marshal, someone from Staff, or by a player with medical expertise who determines that Advanced Life Support is needed. When this occurs, the Director needs to be contacted immediately and made aware of the situation. Again, any player who requires the care of Paramedics, will be Out of Game and can only return to the game after speaking with the Director.

If anyone has any questions about the information presented here, please speak to me in person at the event or to anyone on Staff. We want to make sure your experience is a safe one.

Please indicate that you have read this information by clicking the Thank You button on the bottom of this post.

Lord Ardin Silverbow
Lord of Pendarvin

"While others succumb, we overcome."
-Silverbow Motto

OOG: Norm B
Safety Deputy

"When I think of the greatness of my job and realize that I am what I am, I am amazed, but on reflection, who is as good as I am? I know of no one."
-George Patton(I wish Ardin had said this first)
The following user(s) said Thank You: GJSchaller (GJSchaller), LStarling (Kwildar), Matt D (MattD), Bladesworn (Bladesworn), Gabriel Chance (Kiellor), Aria (Aria), PIT DAWWWWWWG (Aldous), Andy (Andy), Jack (Keeperofdice), Pappy (Quan), Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood), Gwynedd (Gwynedd), Rudolf (Rudolf), JTinney (Swordsaint), Sergei Petsho (Bran MacInnes), Piggy Punch (Wyen Nightfrost), Kadin D (Katie D), Ehlenathelasa Blacktree (ehlena), rivanyasi (rivanyasi), Gabrian Grottings (E.B), Narcis (ChrisR), Bat Cooper (Cassius23), Keavy (Dani), Kirsten (Lotano), Croínamara (Jen), Annora (Karen), Angeliana (Angeliana), Gilthu (Gilthu), Arden (Shelby), Rowan Uidhir (Teresa), Peonia Smut'yan Silverfang (Yaya), Draven Erdboren (Grundill), Chris McKenzie (cgmckenzie), Goggs (coryan), Tycho Montresor (Tycho Montresor), Not An Assassin (Salem), Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings), Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf), Father Nikolai (ertsyperts), Renji Shintaro (digitaldpad), Templar Aldric (Selrik), Thalia Burdorn (abbyl), Urkug (bluellama777), Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast), ThePhage (markdigi215), Wylla H. (Tifferzlives), Erik Silverfang (ASchleicher), Cael Tanwyn (CaelTanwyn), Brokk Ironjaw (derekkonn)
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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