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unanswered Treaty of the Tavrick Accords. 1219

  • Aleister
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09 May 2019 13:33 - 09 May 2019 13:33 #1 by Aleister (Aleister)
Treaty of the Tavrick Accords. 1219 was created by Aleister (Aleister)
Treaty of the Tavrick Accords, 1219

In compliance with the diplomatic mission of Ser Kestral of Travance in the city of Tavrick, an agreement was made at that time to negotiate a treaty between the Empire of Kormyre and the Kingdom of Kormyre.

Duke Edgar Balliol agrees to accept a cease-fire within the lands of Fairfield, and will take no aggressive action against Kormyre in that territory, nor claim any further of that land until such time as the demon threat on the Southern border is neutralized.

Count Sebastian Everest agrees to accept a cease-fire against the Empire’s forces within Fairfield or surrounding territories until such time as the demon threat on the Southern border is neutralized.

In accordance with this agreement, both forces will devote resources, soldiers, and other necessities in an effort to collectively vanquish the demonic inhabitants. When such threat is agreed by both forces to have been quelled, the armies will return to their previous stations prior to the accords and end the cease-fire unless a new treaty is negotiated.
As a sign of good faith, Duke Balliol will make the following proclamation once the treaty is signed:

“Despite the Empires lack of resources to feed prisoners during this wartime, the empire will nevertheless make sure all prisoners being held in all territories continue to be fed and kept from physical or mental harm for the duration of this treaty.”

Duke Edgar Balliol
Cdr. Alyssa Dreslin
Lord Drexel


Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
Assistant Director
Last edit: 09 May 2019 13:33 by Aleister (Aleister).
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