Royal, Noble, and Legal Structure of Travance
- Lois Heimdell
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02 Sep 2019 13:05 - 02 Sep 2019 13:07 #1
by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
Royal, Noble, and Legal Structure of Travance was created by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
Royal & Noble Structure for Kormyre
Royal Titles (Bloodlines)
The King and/or Queen are the absolute monarchs of the Kingdom of Kormyre. One who sits on the throne with the Monarch’s crown and scepter is the Monarch. Their spoken word is Kingdom law the moment it leaves their lips. Every power and force within the kingdom serves the King and/or Queen at their pleasure. To deny their wishes is to commit high treason. Their power over the Kingdom can only be removed by their death of if they willingly abdicate their position to a blood heir.
Princes or Princesses are the children born of the Monarch. These children are the line of lineage who are most likely to inherit the throne of Kormyre. Unless elevated under those rare circumstances, they are perpetually known by these titles and their orders can only be countermanded by the Monarch or an appointed representative. Often Princes or Princesses will be joined in marriage to high nobles of other kingdoms to form and secure the alliances between them.
Counts, Dukes or Earls are more often than not more distant blood relatives of the Monarch, however this is not always the case if the Monarch’s bloodline is not large. These royal titles rule over large areas of the kingdom, often comprised of multiple baronies. These titles share the same scope of power within the Kingdom. A Count, Duke or Earl can only have their orders countermanded by a Prince, Princess, King or Queen or their appointed representative.
Marriage and Offspring
When all royalty is married, their spouses are instantly elevated to the same power and title and retain those titles even in the event of their spouse’s death. With the exception of Princes and Princesses, the children of royal bloodlines do not gain any royal title, but sometimes are awarded an honorary title of nobility. These children, however, can inherit their royal titles if their parents have died or abdicated their positions.
Visiting Royalty of Kormyre
Kormyre Royalty holds authority wherever they go within the Kingdom. If a Count, Duke or Earl gives an order within a land they do not directly oversee, that order must still be acted out unless the royalty who directly oversees the land countermands the order.
Noble Titles (Appointments)
A baron or baroness rules over a specific barony in the Kingdom, overseeing it and protecting it for the Monarch. This ruler has the right to grant provinces within to lords or ladies to oversee and protect on their behalf.
A lord or lady often rules over a specific province in the Kingdom. This ruler has the right to grant lands within the province to knights for them to oversee and protect on their behalf. On occasion this title is granted to someone who does not rule over physical lands, but instead oversees a single mansion or keep. In either case the power of the title is the same, even if the lord/lady does not hold lands to grant knights.
A knight is a station of profound respect, who protects and oversees an area within a province entrusted to them by a lord or lady. In some rare instances a Knighthood is bestowed without being tied to land. Knight is a title bestowed upon an individual as recognition for instances of extreme heroism or in recognition of extreme loyalty to the Kingdom.
Marriage and Offspring
When a baron, baroness, lord, or lady are married, their spouses are instantly elevated to the same power and title, however these titles are silently marked by the Kingdom as “Sicut Effectus” and they do not retain these titles in the event of their spouse’s death. The children of nobility do not gain any noble title. The status of those married to Knights remain unaffected in title by their marriage.
Visiting Nobility
If a Kormyrian noble gives an order within a land they do not directly oversee that order may be politely taken instead as a strong suggestion. Those who show blatant disrespect to visiting nobility may end up being reprimanded by the noble whom does oversee them, for being disrespectful to a noble of any kind is a disgrace upon the land and the Kingdom itself.
Special Cases
Ruling of a Barony with no Baron or Baroness
A barony might at times not be ruled by a baron or baroness. In these times rulership falls to the Count, Duke, or Earl assigned to it by the Kingdom. The Kormyrian royalty assigned to it may in their absence allow the barony to be run by a council of all lords and ladies within the barony. In these situations decisions for the barony are made by the majority vote of those present, with each province getting one vote, which can be cast by the lord, lady or an appointed representative of that province.
Travance Proper and Travance’s Baronial Feasts
Travance Proper is specifically a plot of land that is roughly 100 acres in size and consists of spread out temporary buildings used to house representatives of the Barony’s provinces during the Baronial Feasts. Because the proper is primarily only used for baronial feasts, it is not run by a separate noble and is not considered part of any province. Only the Baron or Royalty rules in the Proper. In the absence of either, the above described council of lord and ladies rule.
Special Dispensation for Heroes
The kingdom recognizes that there are some parts of the world that are under circumstances of duress and require powerful and strong-willed individuals to help protect the safety of the Kingdoms subjects. These strong-willed individuals sometimes referred to by the common folk as Heroes are allotted a reasonable amount of disposition in their actions in order to perform their service. One who is identified as a hero by the kingdom may operate in a grey area of the noble structure that prevents them from being ordered to perform any action against their will by a carrier of a noble title. This courtesy must be exercised without extreme offense and does not extend to their interaction with Kormyrian royalty. One who is identified as a hero must still obey any kingdom laws that does not conflict with the above notice of disposition and may be judged and punished for any infractions against the kingdoms law. This grey area does not allow for the blatant disrespect of a noble, which may be punishable as a Public Nuisance or worse crime, depending on the severity and length of the disrespect. It is important to note, however, that merely refusing an order is not in and of itself considered disrespectful.
A Hero is still responsible for their actions and can suffer the consequences of making bad choices.
((OOG-Any Player Character in Knight Realms is by default a Hero for these purposes.))
How Heroic Dispensation Plays Within the Noble Gentry
If you are a part of the noble gentry, then you must follow the orders of your superiors regardless of whether you are classified by the kingdom as a Hero or not. If you choose not to follow orders of your superiors, then you may be punished and in the case of repeat offenses you may be removed from the gentry, by being stripped of your noble title. A noble title may only be removed by the holder of a title that is two steps above them, or by an appointed representative of such, or by the specific individual noble whom appointed said noble title.
The Provinces of Travance
Intention of the laws: people are responsible for the consequences of their actions. If their actions only affect themselves negatively, the law is not concerned with it; the law is only concerned with actions that negatively affect Kormyre or Her Subjects.
Crimes Bearing a Minor Punishment
•None shall steal, damage, or destroy the property of a Subject.
•None shall invade the domain of a Subject uninvited and with malicious intent.
•None shall deceive a Subject with malicious intent. This includes Forgery.
•None shall cause mass disruption of Subjects or act as a public nuisance.
Crimes Bearing a Standard Punishment
•None shall bring harm to a Subject or the Kingdom, nor inhibit anyone in the course of preventing harm
or death to a Subject, excepting in the virtue of defense.
•None shall control the mind, body, or emotions of a Subject excepting with the explicit sanction of a
Lord or higher, or if the Subject be - of free and clear spirit - willing.
•None shall hold or confine a Subject without the Subject’s direct consent or as requested by the legal
authority of the area.
•No Subject shall mint any currencies not authorized by the Bank of Kormyre.
•No Subject shall refuse the Royal Guard or Inquisition in the courses of their duties, nor interfere in their
•None shall intentionally withhold valuable information from the Kingdom when this information is
deemed important by the gentry.
•None shall engage in blackmail or extortion.
•None shall worship, nor preach, nor serve any forces or entities that are declared enemies of the Barony
and Her physical or metaphysical stability. None shall summon nor call forth powers granted by these
forces or entities, including but not limited to: aberrant magic; true warlock symbiotes; and blight. This
may be considered a Major Crime based upon the severity of the crimes committed in association.
Crimes Bearing a Major Punishment
•None shall commit murder upon a Subject.
•None shall buy, sell, or keep slaves. Whosoever serves another unwillingly and without compensation is called a slave. This excludes those who are serving a lawful punishment, or are conscripted in service to the Crown.
•None shall take arms against the Kingdom, nor commit espionage against the Kingdom, nor hinder another in the pursuit of an enemy of the Kingdom. None shall commit treason or sedition against the Kingdom of Kormyre.
Crimes Adjusting Existing Punishments
•None shall conspire to break with a law of Kormyre. Whosoever breaks with this law shall be punished according one tier of punishment below the law that the convicted conspired to break with.
•None shall attempt to escape from lawful detainment or punishment. Whosoever breaks with this law shall be punished at one tier of punishment above the law that the convicted initially broke.
The Baronial Guard
The Baronial Guard is the section of the Royal Guard dedicated to upholding the safety of Travance. They are led by the Captain of the Guard, who may structure the Baronial Guard as they see fit. Individual guards may be vassals or residents of any Land, or remain neutral, by their choice. The Captain must remain unvassaled to any single Land, and reports directly to the Great Council as a body and the Count himself.
Guards swear an oath to serve and protect all subjects of Travance, and uphold the law in the Court of Commons and Criminal Court. They are expected to defend the people of Travance from external threats, hazardous environmental/metaphysical effects, immediate violent danger, and other such situations. They are not expected to stop people who voluntarily choose to engage such things, nor do they have the authority to order people away from those situations, unless so directed by the Great Council.
A Guard is always able, and encouraged, to bring matters up the chain of authority if they feel they are not able to handle a situation on their own.
The Baronial Inquisition
The Baronial Inquisition is dedicated to ensuring that matters of law, crime, and punishment are handled according to the legal system as set forth in this document. They are led by the Magistrate. As with the Guard, individual Inquisitors may be vassals or residents of any Land, or remain neutral, and the Magistrate may structure the Inquisition as they see fit. The Magistrate must remain unvassaled, and reports directly to the Great Council as a body and the Count himself.
The Inquisition’s primary duty is to help the populace understand the law and navigate the legal system. They may also, in cases of uncertainty, be requested by anyone on the Great Council to investigate incidents . The Magistrate serves as arbiter in any case brought to the Great Council, or as requested by any Lord or Lady. Individual inquisitors may also be called upon to serve as arbiter during any cases held in the lower Courts, in keeping with their role as protectors of the law, depending on the severity of the case.
Legal Definitions
Subject of the Barony/Kingdom - Anyone present within the Barony/Kingdom that is a sapient, self-aware being.
Enemy of the Kingdom - A person(s) who bears Malicious intent toward a Subject(s).
Malicious - With intent to inhibit, harm, or disable another Subject for purposes outside of the defense of another.
Treason - An act that would undermine the governing structure of the Kingdom or would aid an Enemy Faction of the kingdom. Disobeying an order is not treason.
Arbiter - The person presiding over a criminal case. The arbiter does not actually decide the punishment, though they can make suggestions and remind others of punishments listed in that tier of crime. The arbiter makes sure the proceedings go smoothly, that all sides get a chance to speak, that the proper laws are applied, and helps carry out the sentencing.
Judge - The person(s) who is responsible for making the final decision of guilt or innocence and what the punishment will be.
The legal system can be easily navigated by asking these three questions:
1) What crime was committed?
2) Who was the victim of the crime?
3) What is the appropriate punishment?
The immediate circumstances of the crime and vassalship status of the victim(s) determines which Court is applicable. Once the crime is determined and the Court chosen, the punishment is decided and executed. If any subject feels that they have been charged and punished in error, or that someone has abused the legal system, they may bring this up to a higher Court for further investigation.
The first court, and the one which most subjects of Travance will deal with most often, is the Court of Commons. This is the court of immediacy and self-defense and protects the actions of subjects who need to take swift action to prevent harm to themselves or someone nearby. Any recognized subject of Kormyre in good standing with the local government is automatically considered a just and legal authority in Court of Commons and may dole out an appropriate sentence to any crimes as they are being committed against them. The crime and sentencing must then be reported, as soon as the victim is able, to the appropriate authority. Note that this Court does not apply if the crime has happened some time in the past; it is only for when swift action is necessary and no higher authority can be found.
In Travance, crimes tried in the Court of Commons can be reported to a Guard, an Inquisitor, or any Travancian noble. Failure to do so may be taken later as evidence of guilt in abuse of the legal system should the sentenced criminal decide to elevate the crime to a higher Court.
The second court is the Criminal Court. In cases where a crime was witnessed or strongly suspected to have occurred, but the immediacy has passed or the witness did not feel safe in confronting the criminal at the time, the subject may bring the case to the Criminal Court. This Court is intended to deal with quick cases, and to clear out “he said, she said” arguments.
If the victim is a sworn vassal to a land and the perpetrator is not, or is also a vassal of the same land, the Lord or Lady of that Land or their duly-appointed representative has full authority as judge. If the victim is not a sworn vassal, then the Guard or any noble can serve as judge, with an Inquisitor serving as arbiter if deemed necessary. Any authority to whom crimes in this Court are brought may choose to ask that a case be forestalled and brought to a higher court for further investigation and arbitration. A Lord or Lady of a land always has the right to forgive any crime that was committed solely against their person, their vassals, or their lands.
A report should be filed by the presiding arbiter with the office of the Inquisition .
The third Court is the Noble Court. This Court primarily deals with crimes that require extensive investigation, occurred between vassals of two or more lands, or affected vassals of two or more lands. The presiding authority is the Great Council, sans any Lords or Ladies whose vassals are currently on trial. The Magistrate or other temporarily-appointed representative of the Count serves as arbiter.
A scribe or clerk must always take account of proceedings in the Noble Court and file them with the office of the Magistrate.
The final Court is the High Court, and all proceedings in this Court are controlled directly by the Count as he sees fit. This Court is reserved for extreme situations, situations where the accused is a Lord or Lady, or any situation for which the Count desires to take direct control.
Inquisitorial Tribunal
When it is believed that the legal system of Kormyre has been abused, misappropriated, wielded in poor faith or in any way falsified, a Inquisitorial Tribunal is to be sent to investigate the matter with all due force, in order to protect the integrity of Kormyrian Law and find the truth in whatever proceedings have transpired. These cases and the dispatching of the Inquisition are directed by the Court directly above the one which covered the initial crime.
Sample Cases
A bandit has jumped you on the road and is trying to stab you! You stab them first. This is the Court of Commons, and you have just executed a criminal for attempted murder. Report it to a Guard when you get a chance.
A bandit has stolen your sweet roll. This is still the Court of Commons, because it is in the process of occurring. You can try to apprehend them, but as theft is a Minor crime, you may not kill them, because execution is not an acceptable punishment for a Minor crime. If the bandit gets away, report the crime to a Guard, who can then bring the accused in to Criminal Court.
You are a vassal of a land and have been stabbed by a vassal of another land. This case automatically moves up to Noble Court. The accused’s Lord or Lady does not have the right to forgive their vassal for a crime against you.
Suggested Punishments
This is not a strict list so much as a set of guidelines. Punishments may be adjusted according to the circumstances.
Minor Punishments
Fine of 10 Gold
Order of Inaction - An order to avoid a situation, location, or behavior for a period of time.
Transcription - Clerical work such as making copies of Guard reports, information from scholars, or meeting minutes.
Cool Your Heels - Stay quietly in one spot for 15 minutes ((PC)), or take a walk to the jail ((NPC)).
Standard Punishments
Fine of 50 Gold
Protective Duty/Patrol - The sentenced is assigned to guard a person, location, or object, or to join the
Baronial Guard on a patrol of the Proper.
Small Geas - A compulsion to perform a task. The task should take no more than one or two Feasts to complete.
Major Punishments
Permanent Brand
Large Geas - As Small Geas, except that the task may be longer or more complex and may take several Feasts to see through.
Seizing of Wealth
Indentured Service - The sentenced is to work as a personal aide to a noble or other prominent leader in town for several Feasts for no pay.
Royal Titles (Bloodlines)
The King and/or Queen are the absolute monarchs of the Kingdom of Kormyre. One who sits on the throne with the Monarch’s crown and scepter is the Monarch. Their spoken word is Kingdom law the moment it leaves their lips. Every power and force within the kingdom serves the King and/or Queen at their pleasure. To deny their wishes is to commit high treason. Their power over the Kingdom can only be removed by their death of if they willingly abdicate their position to a blood heir.
Princes or Princesses are the children born of the Monarch. These children are the line of lineage who are most likely to inherit the throne of Kormyre. Unless elevated under those rare circumstances, they are perpetually known by these titles and their orders can only be countermanded by the Monarch or an appointed representative. Often Princes or Princesses will be joined in marriage to high nobles of other kingdoms to form and secure the alliances between them.
Counts, Dukes or Earls are more often than not more distant blood relatives of the Monarch, however this is not always the case if the Monarch’s bloodline is not large. These royal titles rule over large areas of the kingdom, often comprised of multiple baronies. These titles share the same scope of power within the Kingdom. A Count, Duke or Earl can only have their orders countermanded by a Prince, Princess, King or Queen or their appointed representative.
Marriage and Offspring
When all royalty is married, their spouses are instantly elevated to the same power and title and retain those titles even in the event of their spouse’s death. With the exception of Princes and Princesses, the children of royal bloodlines do not gain any royal title, but sometimes are awarded an honorary title of nobility. These children, however, can inherit their royal titles if their parents have died or abdicated their positions.
Visiting Royalty of Kormyre
Kormyre Royalty holds authority wherever they go within the Kingdom. If a Count, Duke or Earl gives an order within a land they do not directly oversee, that order must still be acted out unless the royalty who directly oversees the land countermands the order.
Noble Titles (Appointments)
A baron or baroness rules over a specific barony in the Kingdom, overseeing it and protecting it for the Monarch. This ruler has the right to grant provinces within to lords or ladies to oversee and protect on their behalf.
A lord or lady often rules over a specific province in the Kingdom. This ruler has the right to grant lands within the province to knights for them to oversee and protect on their behalf. On occasion this title is granted to someone who does not rule over physical lands, but instead oversees a single mansion or keep. In either case the power of the title is the same, even if the lord/lady does not hold lands to grant knights.
A knight is a station of profound respect, who protects and oversees an area within a province entrusted to them by a lord or lady. In some rare instances a Knighthood is bestowed without being tied to land. Knight is a title bestowed upon an individual as recognition for instances of extreme heroism or in recognition of extreme loyalty to the Kingdom.
Marriage and Offspring
When a baron, baroness, lord, or lady are married, their spouses are instantly elevated to the same power and title, however these titles are silently marked by the Kingdom as “Sicut Effectus” and they do not retain these titles in the event of their spouse’s death. The children of nobility do not gain any noble title. The status of those married to Knights remain unaffected in title by their marriage.
Visiting Nobility
If a Kormyrian noble gives an order within a land they do not directly oversee that order may be politely taken instead as a strong suggestion. Those who show blatant disrespect to visiting nobility may end up being reprimanded by the noble whom does oversee them, for being disrespectful to a noble of any kind is a disgrace upon the land and the Kingdom itself.
Special Cases
Ruling of a Barony with no Baron or Baroness
A barony might at times not be ruled by a baron or baroness. In these times rulership falls to the Count, Duke, or Earl assigned to it by the Kingdom. The Kormyrian royalty assigned to it may in their absence allow the barony to be run by a council of all lords and ladies within the barony. In these situations decisions for the barony are made by the majority vote of those present, with each province getting one vote, which can be cast by the lord, lady or an appointed representative of that province.
Travance Proper and Travance’s Baronial Feasts
Travance Proper is specifically a plot of land that is roughly 100 acres in size and consists of spread out temporary buildings used to house representatives of the Barony’s provinces during the Baronial Feasts. Because the proper is primarily only used for baronial feasts, it is not run by a separate noble and is not considered part of any province. Only the Baron or Royalty rules in the Proper. In the absence of either, the above described council of lord and ladies rule.
Special Dispensation for Heroes
The kingdom recognizes that there are some parts of the world that are under circumstances of duress and require powerful and strong-willed individuals to help protect the safety of the Kingdoms subjects. These strong-willed individuals sometimes referred to by the common folk as Heroes are allotted a reasonable amount of disposition in their actions in order to perform their service. One who is identified as a hero by the kingdom may operate in a grey area of the noble structure that prevents them from being ordered to perform any action against their will by a carrier of a noble title. This courtesy must be exercised without extreme offense and does not extend to their interaction with Kormyrian royalty. One who is identified as a hero must still obey any kingdom laws that does not conflict with the above notice of disposition and may be judged and punished for any infractions against the kingdoms law. This grey area does not allow for the blatant disrespect of a noble, which may be punishable as a Public Nuisance or worse crime, depending on the severity and length of the disrespect. It is important to note, however, that merely refusing an order is not in and of itself considered disrespectful.
A Hero is still responsible for their actions and can suffer the consequences of making bad choices.
((OOG-Any Player Character in Knight Realms is by default a Hero for these purposes.))
How Heroic Dispensation Plays Within the Noble Gentry
If you are a part of the noble gentry, then you must follow the orders of your superiors regardless of whether you are classified by the kingdom as a Hero or not. If you choose not to follow orders of your superiors, then you may be punished and in the case of repeat offenses you may be removed from the gentry, by being stripped of your noble title. A noble title may only be removed by the holder of a title that is two steps above them, or by an appointed representative of such, or by the specific individual noble whom appointed said noble title.
The Provinces of Travance
Intention of the laws: people are responsible for the consequences of their actions. If their actions only affect themselves negatively, the law is not concerned with it; the law is only concerned with actions that negatively affect Kormyre or Her Subjects.
Crimes Bearing a Minor Punishment
•None shall steal, damage, or destroy the property of a Subject.
•None shall invade the domain of a Subject uninvited and with malicious intent.
•None shall deceive a Subject with malicious intent. This includes Forgery.
•None shall cause mass disruption of Subjects or act as a public nuisance.
Crimes Bearing a Standard Punishment
•None shall bring harm to a Subject or the Kingdom, nor inhibit anyone in the course of preventing harm
or death to a Subject, excepting in the virtue of defense.
•None shall control the mind, body, or emotions of a Subject excepting with the explicit sanction of a
Lord or higher, or if the Subject be - of free and clear spirit - willing.
•None shall hold or confine a Subject without the Subject’s direct consent or as requested by the legal
authority of the area.
•No Subject shall mint any currencies not authorized by the Bank of Kormyre.
•No Subject shall refuse the Royal Guard or Inquisition in the courses of their duties, nor interfere in their
•None shall intentionally withhold valuable information from the Kingdom when this information is
deemed important by the gentry.
•None shall engage in blackmail or extortion.
•None shall worship, nor preach, nor serve any forces or entities that are declared enemies of the Barony
and Her physical or metaphysical stability. None shall summon nor call forth powers granted by these
forces or entities, including but not limited to: aberrant magic; true warlock symbiotes; and blight. This
may be considered a Major Crime based upon the severity of the crimes committed in association.
Crimes Bearing a Major Punishment
•None shall commit murder upon a Subject.
•None shall buy, sell, or keep slaves. Whosoever serves another unwillingly and without compensation is called a slave. This excludes those who are serving a lawful punishment, or are conscripted in service to the Crown.
•None shall take arms against the Kingdom, nor commit espionage against the Kingdom, nor hinder another in the pursuit of an enemy of the Kingdom. None shall commit treason or sedition against the Kingdom of Kormyre.
Crimes Adjusting Existing Punishments
•None shall conspire to break with a law of Kormyre. Whosoever breaks with this law shall be punished according one tier of punishment below the law that the convicted conspired to break with.
•None shall attempt to escape from lawful detainment or punishment. Whosoever breaks with this law shall be punished at one tier of punishment above the law that the convicted initially broke.
The Baronial Guard
The Baronial Guard is the section of the Royal Guard dedicated to upholding the safety of Travance. They are led by the Captain of the Guard, who may structure the Baronial Guard as they see fit. Individual guards may be vassals or residents of any Land, or remain neutral, by their choice. The Captain must remain unvassaled to any single Land, and reports directly to the Great Council as a body and the Count himself.
Guards swear an oath to serve and protect all subjects of Travance, and uphold the law in the Court of Commons and Criminal Court. They are expected to defend the people of Travance from external threats, hazardous environmental/metaphysical effects, immediate violent danger, and other such situations. They are not expected to stop people who voluntarily choose to engage such things, nor do they have the authority to order people away from those situations, unless so directed by the Great Council.
A Guard is always able, and encouraged, to bring matters up the chain of authority if they feel they are not able to handle a situation on their own.
The Baronial Inquisition
The Baronial Inquisition is dedicated to ensuring that matters of law, crime, and punishment are handled according to the legal system as set forth in this document. They are led by the Magistrate. As with the Guard, individual Inquisitors may be vassals or residents of any Land, or remain neutral, and the Magistrate may structure the Inquisition as they see fit. The Magistrate must remain unvassaled, and reports directly to the Great Council as a body and the Count himself.
The Inquisition’s primary duty is to help the populace understand the law and navigate the legal system. They may also, in cases of uncertainty, be requested by anyone on the Great Council to investigate incidents . The Magistrate serves as arbiter in any case brought to the Great Council, or as requested by any Lord or Lady. Individual inquisitors may also be called upon to serve as arbiter during any cases held in the lower Courts, in keeping with their role as protectors of the law, depending on the severity of the case.
Legal Definitions
Subject of the Barony/Kingdom - Anyone present within the Barony/Kingdom that is a sapient, self-aware being.
Enemy of the Kingdom - A person(s) who bears Malicious intent toward a Subject(s).
Malicious - With intent to inhibit, harm, or disable another Subject for purposes outside of the defense of another.
Treason - An act that would undermine the governing structure of the Kingdom or would aid an Enemy Faction of the kingdom. Disobeying an order is not treason.
Arbiter - The person presiding over a criminal case. The arbiter does not actually decide the punishment, though they can make suggestions and remind others of punishments listed in that tier of crime. The arbiter makes sure the proceedings go smoothly, that all sides get a chance to speak, that the proper laws are applied, and helps carry out the sentencing.
Judge - The person(s) who is responsible for making the final decision of guilt or innocence and what the punishment will be.
The legal system can be easily navigated by asking these three questions:
1) What crime was committed?
2) Who was the victim of the crime?
3) What is the appropriate punishment?
The immediate circumstances of the crime and vassalship status of the victim(s) determines which Court is applicable. Once the crime is determined and the Court chosen, the punishment is decided and executed. If any subject feels that they have been charged and punished in error, or that someone has abused the legal system, they may bring this up to a higher Court for further investigation.
The first court, and the one which most subjects of Travance will deal with most often, is the Court of Commons. This is the court of immediacy and self-defense and protects the actions of subjects who need to take swift action to prevent harm to themselves or someone nearby. Any recognized subject of Kormyre in good standing with the local government is automatically considered a just and legal authority in Court of Commons and may dole out an appropriate sentence to any crimes as they are being committed against them. The crime and sentencing must then be reported, as soon as the victim is able, to the appropriate authority. Note that this Court does not apply if the crime has happened some time in the past; it is only for when swift action is necessary and no higher authority can be found.
In Travance, crimes tried in the Court of Commons can be reported to a Guard, an Inquisitor, or any Travancian noble. Failure to do so may be taken later as evidence of guilt in abuse of the legal system should the sentenced criminal decide to elevate the crime to a higher Court.
The second court is the Criminal Court. In cases where a crime was witnessed or strongly suspected to have occurred, but the immediacy has passed or the witness did not feel safe in confronting the criminal at the time, the subject may bring the case to the Criminal Court. This Court is intended to deal with quick cases, and to clear out “he said, she said” arguments.
If the victim is a sworn vassal to a land and the perpetrator is not, or is also a vassal of the same land, the Lord or Lady of that Land or their duly-appointed representative has full authority as judge. If the victim is not a sworn vassal, then the Guard or any noble can serve as judge, with an Inquisitor serving as arbiter if deemed necessary. Any authority to whom crimes in this Court are brought may choose to ask that a case be forestalled and brought to a higher court for further investigation and arbitration. A Lord or Lady of a land always has the right to forgive any crime that was committed solely against their person, their vassals, or their lands.
A report should be filed by the presiding arbiter with the office of the Inquisition .
The third Court is the Noble Court. This Court primarily deals with crimes that require extensive investigation, occurred between vassals of two or more lands, or affected vassals of two or more lands. The presiding authority is the Great Council, sans any Lords or Ladies whose vassals are currently on trial. The Magistrate or other temporarily-appointed representative of the Count serves as arbiter.
A scribe or clerk must always take account of proceedings in the Noble Court and file them with the office of the Magistrate.
The final Court is the High Court, and all proceedings in this Court are controlled directly by the Count as he sees fit. This Court is reserved for extreme situations, situations where the accused is a Lord or Lady, or any situation for which the Count desires to take direct control.
Inquisitorial Tribunal
When it is believed that the legal system of Kormyre has been abused, misappropriated, wielded in poor faith or in any way falsified, a Inquisitorial Tribunal is to be sent to investigate the matter with all due force, in order to protect the integrity of Kormyrian Law and find the truth in whatever proceedings have transpired. These cases and the dispatching of the Inquisition are directed by the Court directly above the one which covered the initial crime.
Sample Cases
A bandit has jumped you on the road and is trying to stab you! You stab them first. This is the Court of Commons, and you have just executed a criminal for attempted murder. Report it to a Guard when you get a chance.
A bandit has stolen your sweet roll. This is still the Court of Commons, because it is in the process of occurring. You can try to apprehend them, but as theft is a Minor crime, you may not kill them, because execution is not an acceptable punishment for a Minor crime. If the bandit gets away, report the crime to a Guard, who can then bring the accused in to Criminal Court.
You are a vassal of a land and have been stabbed by a vassal of another land. This case automatically moves up to Noble Court. The accused’s Lord or Lady does not have the right to forgive their vassal for a crime against you.
Suggested Punishments
This is not a strict list so much as a set of guidelines. Punishments may be adjusted according to the circumstances.
Minor Punishments
Fine of 10 Gold
Order of Inaction - An order to avoid a situation, location, or behavior for a period of time.
Transcription - Clerical work such as making copies of Guard reports, information from scholars, or meeting minutes.
Cool Your Heels - Stay quietly in one spot for 15 minutes ((PC)), or take a walk to the jail ((NPC)).
Standard Punishments
Fine of 50 Gold
Protective Duty/Patrol - The sentenced is assigned to guard a person, location, or object, or to join the
Baronial Guard on a patrol of the Proper.
Small Geas - A compulsion to perform a task. The task should take no more than one or two Feasts to complete.
Major Punishments
Permanent Brand
Large Geas - As Small Geas, except that the task may be longer or more complex and may take several Feasts to see through.
Seizing of Wealth
Indentured Service - The sentenced is to work as a personal aide to a noble or other prominent leader in town for several Feasts for no pay.
Last edit: 02 Sep 2019 13:07 by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell).
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