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normal WitL highlights 2017

04 Jun 2017 14:05 - 04 Jun 2017 17:19 #1 by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta)
WitL highlights 2017 was created by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta)
Amazing event. This will be so long I'm posting it first then editing the rest...

So I got up early grabbing Melody and loading the truck 3 times once to add stuff twice to fix what was missed and thrice to add a Forest to the truck. We got there all in one piece and set up the encampment. Downside we are missing our one carved paving stone set into the ground last year.

The place looked great. Thanks for making that easy guys.

Sleep was still scarce didn't treasure hunt nor did I fish. All the planned stuff that didn't happen. Sleep cooking and RP drinking cider... RP and catch up RP and RP was all to be had. Two and a half days if realizing my role in Travance as Birgitta has radically changed. Radically.

War dog protection team for Master Warrior 3 lesson. For those who did not see. Mel was out there doing it combat wise. Checking the enemy and when she figured out she was the object being protected just had a blast. 6 times we reset the scenario her completely free and loosely goosey running around. Thank you to all those who loved on her watched out for her and were brave enough to be in the lesson. Your excitement in Working with her proving she really is combat ready and capable even with Mom outside scenario...my hat off and bow.

The Plan the chocolate the RP heavy start that seemed so off base in the attempt to reach the Icarus child in the biomass mess. Doc. Your actions reactions and Working with us was amazing. The Spirits stepping up. Finding our physically fastest and suicide mission volunteers for the main did the Old swords heart some serious good. You and your actions are changing a 15 year old veteran of Travance. Something I didn't think possible.

Matt M. And A-team * (tm) you need to be trademarked as master constructionists and mad people. Please take a bow and except my standing O for your hard work dedication and amazing portrayals of characters as complex as any PC out there. Able... You might be something far more than you know...


So many in your face interactions that showed a softer side to the double edged sword that is both Birgitta and Travance. You know who you are...all of you.

Making sure it happened. James thank you for always being there when I need you most no matter the PC NPC or being just you.

The call so early to drive home was an emergency. Everything is ok now.

Matt you are MY hero. I am misting up and have to stop as its hard to see my keys so thank you for what I really needed even if the nights put a hurting on me. Someday this weather will change.

Birgitta Drexel (Primary)
Commander of Training Baronial Militia
Blood Spirits (Cmd/Sgt)
Blue Dragoon

"Amateurs Practice Until They Get It Right; Professionals Practice Until They Can’t Get It Wrong"

Callisto Boyington (Alt)

AKA Leslie McCormack
Last edit: 04 Jun 2017 17:19 by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta). Reason: Additions
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04 Jun 2017 19:58 #2 by Dunn Ironwill (JackDimms)
Replied by Dunn Ironwill (JackDimms) on topic WitL highlights 2017
Can you believe 5 years ago I was walking into my first game, I was young and stupid, playing a young and stupid character and 5 years later that character has captured the hearts and minds of so many. Meanwhile my oter character has delved deep inside the darkness and has been chewed up and spat out. I have to thank Matt M. I have to thank Forest Dougan, Jeff Balla, Michaela Brenton, the list goes on and on. You all know who you are and you know I love you all!! Now then to highlights!

Wednesday I was so psyched to finally be on my vacation, ready to party and boy howdy it was a party! Everyone had a lot of fun and hopefully no one was too hung over in the morning. Had a few great talks with people and had a blast getting Dunn prepared for his ritual the following night. I mean that was really it. Just a big ass party and I loved every second of it.

Thursday, oh man, had I known what Dunn was getting into. Big shout out to Chris Zipeto for allowing me to do something I have always wanted to do and really push meshing science and faith. I mean the Chain Warden showing up to Dunn's ritual and just tearing his soul apart piece by piece. You have given Dunn a great enemy and one he will face for his God. Shout out to Alisandria for the save. Dunn is too ambtious to stop the ritual, glad you guys came when you did. Another shout out to Nick, Renee, Alisia, Ben, Cassie, and Sharone. I would have not been able to do this without you.

It was honestly a great moment as Midori was just telling Dunn about the Chain Warden, and how it was messing with her lately which reminds me!

Dunn has delivered his first mass. Speaking to a small bunch during Duncan's mass. Man it was great to speak and have the beliefs of Dunn be really accepted.

Friday during the day was pretty boring, a lot of Chain Warden talk, a lot of the empaths moving away from me. Great rp, its awesome that Dunn is now a beacon of suffering.

Now onto the meat! Hey guys Duo came back! Yup! He didn't die and more so, he was accepted. More so I have to say for so many to call him Dimms still, to see past the skin and see the human inside tortured between the family he has in Travance and the family that he has with the brothers. Leslie, you are so amazing. Our morning talk was incredible and really made me feel like a big part of the plot. The fight was awesome and Ostcliff instantly grabbed Duo and made sure to keep him safe. We may have had casulities, but Ostcliff did not suffer even one down as we moved on our patrols.

Saturday like I had mentioned was an awesome morning. Seeing Duncan, Brigitta, Seamus, Danae, Falia, oh man Failia. You make my heart shatter, but for you to come around, even Ardin coming around was a great experience. Main mod was awesome as hell! It felt really natural to be fighting alongside Pendarvin again and I thank you guys so much for having me fight with you. The one funny thing is that out of all the hommunculous freaking out about Father, all Duo could think while standing over him was "You deserve this."

Sunday was kinda eventful. Pushing Rane, getting executed, everything was dope as hell! God I love WITL!!!!!

I'll add more maybe as more comes to mind, but for now, til next time.

Professor Dunn Ironwill
Cenobite of Agaura
Vassal of Ostcliff

OOG: Dane Williams
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04 Jun 2017 23:37 #3 by Cara Easton (Raeelle)
Replied by Cara Easton (Raeelle) on topic WitL highlights 2017
My highlight of the event was the shower where I got to finally wash all that fake blood off of me!!

But in seriousness-

My first full witl, definitely a fun but exhausting event.

Thank you to my Wednesday night NPCs. You were all amazing and ran with what I gave you. Party at the end of the world, corpse lights, and instacult! Hope you had as much fun as I did. To the PCs who came to interact with my corpse lights, you were all awesome.

Cara is finally a motherfreakin' sorcerer!!! One year since I learned my first mage spell, and I can't wait to see where this journey continues to take me. Thank you to Alisia, Drew, Steve, and Jason for some great sorcery related talks and lessons. Thank you matt calo for pushing me to follow my sorcery dreams.

Giant ritual was fun, thank you Alisia!

Cara finding out a big huge thing about who and what she is. Thank you steve for that rp, it was one of my top moments. I never thought I'd see Aleister almost in tears.

Amazing RP with starling about some of her history. Alice, A+

Lessons for Cade, Bear, Belegchand, barak, and Staring. Thank you for letting me get to test out what I've learned.

So much yoyo time.

Aka bouncy time

Aka how many different foods can I eat off a rubber rat....

Holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy Sparkles, the Calmest Rat in the Entire World

Thank you Alice for Sisters Time. It was so much fun and I couldn't ask for a better playmate. <3

Planning on going back to sleep and instead ending up fixing the weave and dealing with a gift from Dominique. Lots learned, lots more to find out.

Drega boat rides with jonas Kane

Biggest highlight- Lore:etiquette lesson!!! Only in Drega'Mire do you have the Lady of the land quick bind the lord of the land and make him and a squire sit and learn etiquette. Which we protested loudly the entire time and tried to escape. Finding out that only Belegchand actually had lore etiquette after all of the guilt we got from Angelica and starling. Amazing amazing time. Best thing!!

Alt : Laurel Astraeus

OOG: Rae L
Card Staff
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05 Jun 2017 09:27 #4 by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme)
Replied by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme) on topic WitL highlights 2017
The week portion was spent doing a lot of pushing myself in things. I began working towards an OOG phobia (I have a serious thing with lakes/oceans, etc) by actually getting in a canoe with Dirge and Althea to go to the pirate island and treasure hunt. Next event I plan on trying to actually get into the lake! Also worked on fear of heights by climbing and getting into places and working on becoming more confident. So a HUGE HUGE thank you to all of my KR friends who helped me out with a lot of these by being there for me as emotional support.

That being said... a lot of fun in game stuff. Treasure hunting, exploring the camp more, things like that. I enjoyed being able to relax a bit. My NPC shift during the week portion was amusing. Wandering around trying to find a place to settle and proclaiming the tenants of the Triad!!! Although I almost died laughing when Maple approached asking about the difference between a Triad and a Dryad and the response was "Well, one's a three and the other's a tree." Other highlights included Swyft thinking I was a bird when I was laughing at the Djinn and Tonic (yes, I am that weirdo with the squeaking laugh), and making plenty more friends.

During the weekend, I really got involved a lot more. Friday night we went hunting for Icarus Spawn while protecting Eden. Khala also go involved in some other things that are really going to help shape and develop her character more. Saturday I got to do combat drills with the Ostvolk and work more on being able to fight. I got tips and pointers and got to start learning how to be a skirmisher which was A LOT of fun. That evening I got to NPC main mod and just... omg... Matt did an amazing job with that. I really had a blast charging onto the field with a giant 2-hander and just going to town.

All in all, not only did Khala get some growth and development this event, but me as a player did as well. It was amazing and fun and I can't wait for things to develop more!

Main Character: Khala Stormbringer
Alt: Keladry Aybara

OOG: JymmeAnne Walton
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05 Jun 2017 10:01 - 05 Jun 2017 10:42 #5 by Narcis (ChrisR)
Replied by Narcis (ChrisR) on topic WitL highlights 2017
-Ophelia on Wednesday was an exciting treat! Wasn't expecting what I got but it was great! Thanks to all who interacted with her and listened to her be weird!!!!

- Since I woke up on Thursday and until I left late Saturday Leliana's life was learning how Ritual Magic worked. My first attempt at a Sorcery Drawing lacked several important things and while she was upset (being a child prodigy can make taking criticism very hard) she definitely appreciated learning where she was wrong and how to better construct her rituals.

-Shout out to Steve, Tori, Jason T., Drew and Alisia for giving me feedback on my rituals and ideas! (I guess Tim gets a thank you too but he was far too busy most of the time to actually help me :P )

-Magic Lesson/Seminar with Lord Tartaros. It was really informative and I really enjoyed it! I hope for more!

-3 Ideas and more than 5 drafts later did I have a Two Part Ritual to try and bind Beholder. Submitting it was probably one of the scariest things I've ever done because I was afraid I'd forget what I meant for things to do so I labeled everything which made my Sorcery look like a mess

-Feels a little weird when your teacher tells a Homonculi that you are also an experiment. Leliana still is like "ehhh...." about that.

-Tense scenes are tense!

-I was on a ever moving somewhat far distance from Icarus the entire main mod. It was terrifying and wonderful to watch just entire swaths of the battle field just hit the ground. Watching all the close combatants do their thing was cool :D

- I was in the right spot apparently because I got a full view of the Icarus Core rolling out of the biomass and being picked up by Prometheus and ran away with. It was probably one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen. Then when I later went upstairs to get something and when I turned the corner and got a close up look at the costume was even more intense 0.o

-That was so intense that when I invoked the ritual and RP'd my binding that I actually calmed down adrenaline wise XD

-Indigestion the rest of the night.

-Cennius Senpai returns!!! I wish people would stop being so rude to him! He is very helpful!!! Gotta try and follow up on his request so we can fix more things!


At feast I 'married' Jonas Kane. It was obviously a joke but Leliana was determined to make it 'official' so she could have his Money. Leliana runs into Van at the end of the night:

Leliana: "I married Jonas Kane!"
Van: "No"

There was more to that, but that's the most important and hilarious part. Little sister too young for marriage forever!

PS: I have a cult of Kobolds now....so I guess we'll see if I can fix that... I tried to but they...succeeded???

OOG:Chris R.
Storyteller / Marshal
Last edit: 05 Jun 2017 10:42 by Narcis (ChrisR). Reason: Forgot about kobold cult!
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05 Jun 2017 12:53 #6 by Mantel (sigma-j)
Replied by Mantel (sigma-j) on topic WitL highlights 2017
Holy shit, this definitely topped things for me, undoubtedly my favorite event thusfar. Hats off to Matt and team Homunculus, absolutely no regrets. The RP, the effects, the lore, everything about this plot blows me away and I always look forward to more from you all.

This was Mantel's 1 year anniversary in Travance. Thank you to literally everyone I RP'd with this event and before for making it a blast for me. A lot has happened in a year, but none of it could have been possible without you and the beautiful world staff has created for us to build off of.

MANTEL GOT TO TEACH FOR THE FIRST TIME! And taught four people at that! Thanks to Blue Kestrel, Burkhart, Nikolai, and Paeoniis for giving me the opportunity! I was caught off guard and had to improvise, but I hope you all enjoyed them, as I certainly did. I look forward to more RP with you all. Teaching one of Tari's students off the cuff a spell for a sphere she doesn't have while she was watching was intimidating and enjoyable! Mark off the Mage List, Air sphere, Fireball, Cloak of Wind, and Gust of Wind off of my list of lessons. ^_^

RP with Guildmaster Morwenne as usual. Alisia's really stepping up for the sake of Travance and the Guild, and paying for it, she deserves so much thanks from the players and characters IG and OOG, surrounding her work with Mages' and Adventurers' Guilds, Exemplars/Soul Binders, and making sure we're all healthy and okay.

Bummed to have missed out on the experimental rituals but loved every moment of RP that sprung from it.

RP with Snow Blackwater, we should do some more.

RP with Aryia because reasons. Looking forward to seeing where that goes.

Bill Hannings, Liz Reese, and Nick Culberson thank you thank you thank you, that Ogre mod Sunday was fantastic, thank you for giving us the alternative RP-it-out solution. Proud to have avoided more Ogre deaths!

The return of Will Bartlett as former General Gord. Fighting alongside him, speaking with him. All wonderful, I look forward to seeing him again and was very glad IC and OOC to meet him.

Ostcliff strategic drills with Father Arkenian and the Ostvolk. We really are a cohesive unit, and everyone learned very quickly. Amazing coincidences being able to test our mettle for real TWICE during the drills, thank you to all NPCs on the evacuation mod and the two Icarus spawn that came to us.

NPCing Main Mod. Dear gods, it has been forever since I've enjoyed it. I even injured myself, but still felt confident that all players, PC and NPC alike, had respect for one another and eachother's safety in mind. Really thank you all. Loved duels with Gemora, Edwin, a newer Ranger I almost killed, and the one new player who thought they'd be safe if they went invisible. ;)

Lessons from Edwin, Tobias, Mileof, Tari, ohdeargod I learned a lot of things, very sorry, but if you taught me something this event, know that you were all stellar and amazing and I love you and thank you.

New hat for Mantel was bittersweet IC and OOC, but it works for now. ^_^

Conversations regarding the Chain Warden. ;)

Ostcliff is always a highlight for me.

Conversation with Reyna of course.

RP with Peaches, Burkhart, Marcus, Moostrav, and the rest of our loose siblinghoods.

Meeting Blacktree and discussing Witch Hunting as a Layman, then later being outed by a good friend as an Aspirant. Looking forward to continuing to explore that path in the future.

TRASH BUILLLLD. Glad to help James with Sam Stassen with a particularly trashy situation. ;)

Lowlight: Wanting to swim and never actually going to do it. xD Plus never seeing Night Harrier island.

Certain there's more but god damn, five days is a lot to remember at a Feast. Love you all, thank you.

Mantel Warrane (AWz., QMA; AM, WSS)
Grand Librarian Emeritus, Darkwood Academy of the Metaphysical Arts
Professor Emeritus of Weave Studies, Darkwood Academy
Warden of the Keep, Allied Territory of Corvancia

(OOG Jean M, they/them)

"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole." - C.G. Jung
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05 Jun 2017 13:09 #7 by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf)
Replied by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf) on topic WitL highlights 2017
This event was amazing. The plot was executed perfectly. It felt easy to engage, and be involved in. The mods were super cool and a ton of fun. And every npc was engaging and interesting. Also giant monsters are fun to fight.

The week was pretty calm, and I kind of needed that. It was good to just hang out with friends and have fun. Nothing really crazy happened, and I loved that.

Nick Culberson (Nesterin), Joey Glaser(Arradir) and Max Louscher(Maer), thanks for an amazing Naming Ritual. And thanks Drew Benton and Alisia for making it even more interesting.

Now for the weekend. Mini main mod right at lay on was the best. It exemplified the dread expected from the Monster, and added to the atmosphere. Friday night was intense. I spent as much time as possible going around fighting off Icarus spawn. My goal for the weekend was to see how many crazy situations I can get myself into. I can honestly say I got into a ton of them.

Will Bartlett, thanks for giving my character the coolest way to quell his rage. Goard is a great mentor and teacher, and it was amazing.

Main mod was incredible. It was amazing to see Icarus in person, and a little more ridiculous to fight. Grasughel had me join his strike team, and I thought we were clearing out spawn. I was wrong, and kind of glad. That was probably the best main mod I have ever been on. It was so much fun to do burpees in armor.

Saturday night, well that night changed my character forever. Alisia Rueda, thank you so much for possibly the most unique and wonderful experience ever for my character. It was amazing to learn about what he is becoming, and going to Vardengale for the first time as well as meeting Loam was incredible.

Overall, it was amazing. I can't wait for the next chapter in the story.

Kanas Silverfang

OOG: Jeremy Schwartz
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05 Jun 2017 13:22 #8 by Seth (Kurteth)
Replied by Seth (Kurteth) on topic WitL highlights 2017
Oh man where to even start.

My hours up ad Jediah's Shack were some of the greatest RP I've ever done, and definitely changed Seth and how he looks at the world.

The Roleplaying with Darius, especially his third Master Warrior Lesson with Melody the wardog was pretty great.

My various meetings and roleplaying with Dr. Tobias now that he has finally returned was something special, and I hope to RP with you more in the future Jason!

Speaking of Jason, finally getting to really roleplay with Caldor, and being invited on a ritual mod which was a lot of fun.

Lorelai and Bjorn you helped me get to a place I didn't think Seth would get for at least a few more years. Honestly thank you for that great roleplay.

Every freaking second with Eden. Lauren you continue to astound me with your roleplay and you are fantastic.

Finding my way into the Blackbird for the Ebon Hounds initiation meeting was great and I'm excited for what that brings in the future. When I'm back, Van and I have to talk.

Main mod. Oh boy Matt, Oh boy. I am extremely new to Larping, just started in August 2016. But, I NEVER thought a "boss fight" of that caliber could even be done in a live-action setting. Dodge rolling under the fists, swinging my sword at Icarus' back. Watching Lawrence and others run up with canons on their shoulders almost point blank and fire canons at it, cheering on successful hits. Seeing the shield wall distract and gain it's ire. Dropping to the floor when the magic laser swept by. Intercepting when the disintegration laser hit another person. Watching people scramble about picking up the lost ammo, watching people fend the hordes of spawn away from the beast so that we could. Roaming the battle field with "Grashugel's Skirmishers". I have to say, it was the most magnificent battle I have ever been a part of, and I honestly for the first time at KR, felt like a hero with the rest of you, felling a monstrous beast.

A HUGE thank to the crew that spent LITERAL DAYS building Icarus, and piloting it. I can't even imagine, but my goodness you guys pulled it off without a hitch. It ran perfectly, and smoothly. And that main mod was the best one I've ever seen. Congratulations, and take a well earned rest. You have done amazing work.

And then, the most pivotal scene in my characters life up to this point. May, Romeo, Bill, Taylor. The scenes outside the inn, and in the side room, are pretty much unable to be put into concise words. Thank all of you for coming along on this journey, and thanks for being great friends out of game, even if I can be a jerk in game.

And finally, Matthew. Thank you for allowing some new kid to kill the Seneschal his second larping event ever. Thank you for rolling with the punches. Thank you for writing a story for me even though you are so busy with all of the other story and plots you have going on. Thank you so much for making me feel important when you really don't have to. And thank you for helping me have a great time.

I love each and every one of you, and can't wait to see you in August!


OOG:Ben Carlson
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05 Jun 2017 14:10 - 05 Jun 2017 14:23 #9 by Darius Redmaw (jackcoyle27)
Replied by Darius Redmaw (jackcoyle27) on topic WitL highlights 2017
My first week in the life did not disappoint! Matt Magnus is now and will forever be the shit! thank you so much brother!

Master warrior third lesson: Standing side by side with Seth and Kardin defending Mel the Wardog against Duncan Pluvious Brogan and Rui was amazing. I really felt like I'd earned something at the end of it all. Thank you all.

Another duel with Gilgamesh getting to try out my new skills. Brian you are awesome at that character and constantly motivate me to be a better combat roleplayer, thank you

SCARLET!!!!! that character actually showing up was awesome. Justin Devoe and Steve Oros thank you for making that character a reality in game as well as between game. Interacting with he was equal parts heartwarming and terrifying.

Jed roleplay is still best roleplay, especially with Jade and Seth thrown in. Thank you guys

Padma it was awesome to finally meet and interact with your character. Darius appreciated her bluntness and honesty, especially considering Jade's often grim reputation.

Hannah, you knocked Scarlet out of the park! I'm so proud of you.

Kerrick and the pack, you guys know how awesome you are.

Forest Dougan my brother, thank you! You know what you did, just thank you.

Having Arian take Darius as his apprentice made me realize how far I've come. I look forward to fighting in the Oscliff shield wall and the awesome things that will happen.

Arian being willing to fight Wulfgar over Darius. Oscliff is the best land in the game because of stuff like this.

John Tinney. Thank you for everything you have done for me both in and out of game!

Leslie, it was great to get to know the commander a bit better both in and out of game, much love!

The last words of Sebastian will go down in history, as will the toasts that the Osfolk drank to his memory.

Hannah, Forest, Matt Magnus, Hayley, Rob Ira, Matt Bowman, Jeff Balla, Ben Carlson, Ben Herman, Erik Damgaurd, Josh Lindover, Leslie, John Tinney, Josh Leib, Trevor Layton, Jen and Drew and so many others, thank you all.

Darius Red-Maw
Champion of Agaura

alt Thaddeus Black
"Plain, simple Thaddeus"

OOG Jack Coyle
Last edit: 05 Jun 2017 14:23 by Darius Redmaw (jackcoyle27).
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05 Jun 2017 16:19 #10 by Corvin Ralenfolly (SteveM)
Replied by Corvin Ralenfolly (SteveM) on topic WitL highlights 2017
I Came, I Cooked, I Slept, Everything was Good.

Corvin Ralenfolly

Steve M.
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05 Jun 2017 18:47 #11 by Narcis (ChrisR)
Replied by Narcis (ChrisR) on topic WitL highlights 2017
Also as Ophelia, didn't think I'd get to see Antoinette that soon after bringing her in!!! But was definitely happy to :D

OOG:Chris R.
Storyteller / Marshal
05 Jun 2017 19:41 #12 by Charani Yhatzi (MaliHH)
Replied by Charani Yhatzi (MaliHH) on topic WitL highlights 2017
I have no words. And I have so much to say.
These past five and a half years I've been Almat she's gone through so much. Being able to take her to basically more than she ever dreamed of being is amazing.
This was the best possible event I could have imagined for retirement. I can't even begin to put it all into words. But I think it was the best event I've had in ages, and just all my time with everyone...and the people who came back! I got to say goodbye to Tobar and Qwildar!!! I mean, just, wow.
I'll try to actually write up specifics at some point, if I can stop being so full of emotion.
Thank you all for this amazing ride I've had as Almat.
When I come back in a number of months, I can't wait to start a whole new story.

~Charani Yhatzi

OOG: Sharone Horowit-Hendler
kitchen staff
The following user(s) said Thank You: Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt), Mantel (sigma-j), Seth (Kurteth)
05 Jun 2017 20:10 #13 by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt)
Replied by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt) on topic WitL highlights 2017
Okay, a few things to start. First I don't even know if I can do a highlights as I didn't PC, but I as I was JUST reminded by a fellow player, if I preach these and event recaps I should also do them. This event was great, sure it was stressful, but y'all worked so hard also, so here are my Highlights folks!

The ride up early, when even the War Dog thinks I need a smoke break. I love you guys. Wednesday Night was awesome I spoke to so many people I normally never get to interact with, it was refreshing.

A Pimp Named McKinley, Jared bro, that has to be a reoccurring npc, if allowed. I will npc with you anytime. We did all an NPC can save for kill PCs. Dude, when the boat started sinking...I won't lie, shit was real. I got so much more to say but, 6 hours talking, dude you know. July, what we are doing, next level! How about you and Danni killin it? Made a mini mod, like then and THERE, that wouldn't have happened without y'all!

Stephie, you are a solider. I can't say how much you mean to me, the whole Wolf Pack. Smokes, energy drinks, ALL the water(could relate to Nyad level) you made sure that I ate. When I had to go, you jumped right up when I was hurting, to have my back on that level. The stuff you do for the game, the players, and me...I have your back, knowing that you ALWAYS have mine. If I could rip out a heart and slam you in a new one, I would!!!

Speaking of heart ripping, how about Eden(I can say this now, Argyles fav fake person as he says)??? YOU own that role. Outstanding performance, you carried a scene that was a nervous about...all about dem players!!! You are a rock star out there, Matt told you time and time again, you've stepped up as Duncan says. You make me want to be a better role player.

Andrew Randolph, wow y'all killing it with that island. It was so hyped by PCs, we had NPCs ask to be sent there! Like what? I had to see it, had to. You and crew really nailed it. Evin and Riza, dope work as other players called it.

Dustin, "I want a bottle of fake blood to spit out."
Dustin,"yeah I need a small bottle of blood to spit."
Dustin, that was awesome, just awesome. Jared and I called that the most metal moment of the weekend.

Rachael and Allice, you know the PCs loved it. What more can I say?

Reece, that was epic. I had you bro, I had you. Matt Magnus might be busy, but he cares.

Oh, super shout out to Matt Calo. Thanks for rolling with it man. That time a RM is like,"super rp I'll look over here." The patience of a Saint.

Ree and feast, we put you though hell. I love you, feast was great, thank you for sending us food. The dry ice, the way to make it all work, is inspiring. I volunteer to help you the next event you cook.

Paul as Amazar. Good to see you back! I might be busier than I even know, but I will always make time. Welcome back, I missed you.

The Team, wow we did it. I am so sorry to not help more. The clean up, I am so sorry. I could barely walk. The fire, damn y'all did even let it slow you down. I don't have the words the monster crew. Y'all are inhuman. Will Bartlett, well done. Matt knows that you'll die for him...and roleplay. Hayley wow, just wow. Miria, gurl you made friend and I ; owe you. The Perfects, In perfects, y'all are family. I love you all.

Rogues, no names. Yo know I got you! I could barely walk, and was like,"nope, I got this." Y'all carried me to bed...That. That was a highlight of my life.

Drega Mire, thank you. "Remember; The Beatles." Tori thanks for keeping out of bracelets. It isn't a good look.

Ben Herman, what won't you do for this game?

To my wife, thanks for sleeping alone and always being there when I need you. Your understanding is something that made me fall in love with you all the faster.

Romeo, I thank you, I owe you, and I got you. Trust.

The Witch Hunters. I am proud to be one of YOU. We got this, it's bumpy, but it wouldn't be run if it wasn't. The next generation is coming into it's own. Let's do this!!!

Finally, Matt Magnus Majchrzak BRAVO SIR! Your master piece, your imagine, Mona Lisa, you're vision man.
Man, thank you. You're a brother, a mentor, a friend, and I don't have the words. An artist too.
A few years ago, Luis and yourself told me to keep coming and see what I find. I have never looked back. I imagine that that when asked why Forest? You said something like,"let's see what he can do, plus he'll stop asking so many damn questions about it." Matt I don't know what you saw in me, but I am so grateful for the opportunity that YOU made possible.
Look at those haters now man, a warrior should judge himself by the success of his enemies...Dude they see YOU! Players wonder at how you top yourself time and time again. We all wish we could do more. It drives me to learn, to grow, and give more when I think I am spend. It's all for the love of the game. You gave me a way to go out there and give it back. I can never repay that, but I'll never stop trying. I love you Matt, and so does Knight Realms. I think I speak for everyone right now, thank you.
"Peaches, you have not yet begun to feel the diddle."

Until next episode, be real and love each other y'all

Del Dragon, Argyle
(OOC: Forest Dougan)
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05 Jun 2017 20:25 #14 by Adertha (mlouscher)
Replied by Adertha (mlouscher) on topic WitL highlights 2017
Congratulations! New Level Achieved!
Title Unlocked: Seasoned Adventurer.
Achievement(/s) Unlocked:

-Sequence Break ("What do you mean I can't speedrun a LARP?") - Die to a boss before it spawns.

-Templates Don't Mean Nothin' - Die with the Spawn template without successfully dealing any damage.

-But Their Soul Refused To Break - Give a sufficient answer to return to life.

-Glass Cage Of Emotions - Cause an emotional breakdown in a normally emotionless character.

-Just Full Of Feelings - Cry at least three times in one event.

-Positive Energy Cram Session- Learn more than six Healing talents in a single event.

-The Start Of Something Beautiful - Witness the first Positive|White Strand ritual.

-Probably Should Have Said Something - Hear about colleague's betrayal, be completely unsurprised.

I don't think enough furious propellers could possibly be given to the Icarus team, that rig was incredible and seeing it in motion was the most amazing piece of practical effects I've ever seen at a LARP. I don't think your build is going to be one-upped by this or any LARPS any time soon.

Nethrion Adertha Nides
Professor Of Healing, Darkwood Academy
A Woman Of Relatively Little Consequence

OOG: Eva L
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05 Jun 2017 21:23 #15 by Aria (Aria)
Replied by Aria (Aria) on topic WitL highlights 2017
I'm not getting involved in plot...im not getting involved in plot...wait a black sorcerer hurt Aleister and barak...welp time to get involved and meet the homonculi

Much moral discussion about how I feel about the homonculi existence and the fathers, Tari actually showing some racism

All of steve...his plot just keeps pushing and he's very patient with me. Had fights with both good and dark, talking down a mob, defying a knights orders and potentially ruining a long standing friendship. On the back end, picking a fight with dark trying to stick to my morals. Pledging my life for a very uncertain cause

All of the political conversation and someone beginning to open my eyes to a reality I don't want to see. You know who you are ;)

All of the magic, between the lessons given, learned and all of the magical conversation was amazing. For once I didn't feel like I had to go to someone for the answers.

Jason aka Barack having endless patience with me and continuing to help me figure out the white sorcerer thing.

My new home on Sunday, I can't remember the last time I just sat around with people, told old stories and laughed like that.

My welcome to my new home, Romeo is literally the sweetest person ever.

Dropping a mega surprise during feast and just watching that particular reaction

Dame Tari Zhafirah Stonebar Deldragon of the Order of the Sagewardens
Dean of Arcane Studies of the Darkwood Acadamy of the Metaphysical Arts

Playing with fire is bad for those who burn themselves.  For the rest of us, it is a very great pleasure....
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05 Jun 2017 22:51 - 06 Jun 2017 01:50 #16 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic WitL highlights 2017
There's something special about playing an recurring NPC for several years and seeing how the roleplay shapes them. It went from being bribed with quiche and cookies; to being afraid of being eaten; to running into danger together; to mourning with each other and putting differences aside. Uncertainty isn't usually my friend, but when I get to experience "Who Will You Be?" first-hand, it definitely is. Thanks for taking a chance on me, Matt.

One of my favorite parts about this event, was the in-game and out-of-game camaraderie with the cast. If getting our make-up and garb ready to go took longer than it should have, it was because we were laughing too hard.

The intro was great, especially since I saw it from a different angle than most of you did. I saw an endless parade of NPCs stream out of Logistics. Then it was like a radio broadcast, listening as the town's thrown into mayhem. Grunts and screams. Someone shouts at the top of their lungs, "GET TO THE BLACKBIRD!"

Then Matt calls us to get into position, sends us through the portal, and we're running at top speed to save the town. It felt like a TV show or a movie that opens right at the most dramatic moment.

Friday night, I get an OOG compliment that caught me off-guard in the best way possible. Peter R., thanks again, dude!

Chet getting so incensed at someone in the Inn that he picked up one of the smaller benches and threatened them with it. Walter S. after game asking me about that moment. He's a character (pun totally intended), what can I say?

Attending Brazen mass the following morning; Chet having almost a half-dozen moments where the message of Duncan's mass smacked him in the face. At one point, Chet even passed on the message of the mass without realizing the source until afterward.

Loon. Chet adores challenges, which may be to his detriment, but that sure didn't stop him from getting into a couple shouting matches. Kim, thank you for being a great sport!

Gabe teaching Chet how to harness his rage. Excellent lesson. It was definitely fun getting to roleplay with you beyond a couple one-liners. Thank you Chelsea for volunteering.

The "Great Travancian Bar Crawl" was interesting. After Camp Con some years ago, I'd wondered what it would be like if that concept (characters drinking real-life alcohol) were expanded outside of just the Dragon's Claw. On the other hand, my Malycite NPC was too busy getting into trouble with Utgard to see the results. Praise Malyc?

Thanks to Orophin for being there at just the right moment before "Daniel Havington" was turned over to the authorities.

Chasing after an incredibly frustrated Seth after a tip-off from Dimetri. Nalick's holy symbol deciding to fall off at a perfectly poetic moment. A short stand-off in the Barracks, followed by a tense moment in the watchtower field.


Nalick stands with his back facing Seth, arms stretched to the side. Chills.

Kwildar hug. It can't not be a highlight when a saint of your goddess shows up, hugs you, and cracks a couple one-liners.

Amizar's invention and a nutty idea that could only happen with Chet Hardwick bouncing ideas back and forth.

Hayley getting painted up as baby Icarus in Logistics and Rachael as Yoyo being covered in blood. Oh. My. God.

Saturday night, I'm out of Ludwig garb and got most of the make-up off, just as Justin W. (Jackdaw) started his Monster Marshal shift. He talked to a couple of us there about a mod he had planned and with what little sanity I had left, I volunteered. It went great. Also, "sorry for getting us lost on the way to the party."

Sunday morning I wake up lacking much of a voice. Sitting on the bench in the Barracks, I hear what sound like actual, real-life wolves outside. Tobias heads outside and I hear, "Shoo, shoo!" thinking Jason F. is shooing away some coyotes before realizing that it was some NPC wolves as a wake-up mod. Props for the realistic sound effects, guys. Sorry I wasn't up to roleplaying with you.

Nalick heads to the Inn and once inside, the first thing I see is Sam P. coming down the stairs. A pleasant surprise!

There was a great mini-moment later that day. Long story short, Nalick was with a group of people during a cluster-fudge of misunderstanding and Lord Tartaros called all of us "ridiculous" among other things. Later on, Nalick's helping someone carry things out of the Inn and listing a bunch of things. The door swings open and Tartaros is standing there holding it open while Nalick and friend pass through.

Nalick: "...and Lord Tartaros being a saint!"
Tartaros: "Even after I called all of you ridiculous?"
Nalick: "Hey... I'm forgiving!"

Philosophical discussions with George about Andorra. All of that few and far between for Nalick (RP with George, mentioning Her name outside of someone sneezing, and just in general having philosophical discussions). That said, I think it went well. In any event, it was good practice. As always, Bob shows up at just the right moment and the discussion expands. Trying to emphasize the fact that he's trying to remain respectful of Bob's opposing viewpoints while disagreeing emphatically.

Eodra mod. Holding hands and chanting "UNITY!" and a million other silly things. Clergy are definitely a family now.

Chet finally meets Jed and makes a "great" first impression. Calls the guy a "liar" to his face--the fact that Jed agreed notwithstanding--and angering him by giving Scarlet a plate full of food from Kaladonia's cookout. Cracking wise that she eats without utensils just like he does. Hannah, you nailed the role!

Forest, you goddamned Energizer Bunny--if that bunny was giving empowering pep talks in between cranking out 67 gallons of fake blood. Who's to say he isn't. Not me. Anyway, love ya, brother!

We're a little under three weeks until the next go-around. Wash your garb, take care of your weapons, grab some bug spray, fill out that Event Recap Form, and let's see what you guys are made of next time!

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 01:50 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche).
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06 Jun 2017 00:20 - 09 Jun 2017 17:25 #17 by Wili (kelley.commeford@gmail.com)
Replied by Wili (kelley.commeford@gmail.com) on topic WitL highlights 2017
I FINALLY MADE THE FULL WITL YAY!!!! Also happy two year KR-niversary to me.

TREASURE ISLAND!! Between me, Snow, and Calven, we probably logged 50+ combined hours to get that damn treasure, but it was totally worth it. Also I'm suuuuuper into ciphers now (thanks Magpie!) Good job team, that was so much fun. Sorry we tore up your island, James. It'll grow back.

There's just something about sailing to an island to find treasure that is super satisfying.

The great Travancian bar crawl! It was super fun to be able to drink actual booze at my little bar. Alisandria and Jonas hanging out before hand:
"So I should probably go prepare for this, huh?
"Nah, you'll be alright. You and I are just doing what we always do"
"eh, I still have ten minutes to go brew the beer, it'll be fine"
GARBAGE BOOZE hehehe Jonas you crack me up.

Tying for best food even though I'm stingy and only gave food to Matt. Can't wait to see the prize!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who got snacks from my stew and bake sale. Life shat on me this month, and I wouldn't have been able to do WITL without y'all. <3 <3 <3

Layon- immediate attack. Beeline to Blackbird. "How did you get here?" "I sprinted".

Rolling up to Jed's shack- Oh hey there, Seth, what are YOU doing here? Meeting Scarlet, almost getting killed by Scarlet. I totally would have taken a tag for that, your reaction was beautiful.

Accidentally shooting Chet in the face. "Do you even know how to work that thing?" POW right in the kisser. Sorry Jeff!!!

Chilling with Jade was great, as always. Especially when merchants came to town.

Digging through my stockpiles to help Snow snag a beholder. Sorry your plans got walled, man. I was rooting for you, and secretly hoping for some murder. It IS meant for an evil character, after all.

Trying to commune with Mae's new Phoenix. Being so tired and sore and delirious from lots of running that people probably thought I was actually drunk. That was super fun.

HOLY SWEET JESUS THAT MONSTER!!!! It was so majestic and beautiful and scary and awesome and that was the MOST fun I have EVER had on a main mod, with soul gauntlet coming in second. I LOVE mods where I have to be OOG spritely and dodge shit like my life depends on it (NOT related to combat), and this was amazing. Team lady power fetching cannon shells like Gimli and Legolas was a highlight. Y'all need to collect your free drinks at the Blackbird next month, and let's do it again. Also Meander, I need some of that special sauce. I've said it before and I'll say it again - if y'all EVER need help making awesome shit for plot, I am super crafty and will happily lend my skills (just not money, I'm a grad student, after all).

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge 400 magic fire. My legs are so sore. I'm very upset I live on the third floor. Totally worth it, and now I think I need to start having IG training sessions (cough cough WINKS).

Do you want to go to a party? I really need to RP with Jonas more, you are hysterical. Possibly opened up some new rogue plot, we shall see. Watching loot magically reappear for sorcerers. Most intriguing.

Late night Blackbird bonding with my bros. Jared said it best- Dark Hollow is actually a family. I love you nerds. See you next month.

OH YEAH and we totally saved a turtle

OH YEAH Dave McCormick- you are one observant sunofagun. I have never heard anyone more accurately describe Kelley, and by proxy, Wili, than you did.

Wilindé Aläciel
AKA Wili
Blackbird Manager Extraordinaire

OOG-Kelley Commeford
Last edit: 09 Jun 2017 17:25 by Wili (kelley.commeford@gmail.com).
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06 Jun 2017 02:11 - 06 Jun 2017 02:16 #18 by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings)
Replied by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings) on topic WitL highlights 2017
The Bar Crawl was a huge joy for me. Grim getting IG drunk enough to dance around and sing was pretty great. He so rarely has known joy in his life in Travance, and it was this that reminded him of what he's fighting for, and for whom.

Alisandrian games were great, especially the Tarot readings. Both of mine, from the NPC and from Carlos were super accurate to what went down.

Grim realizing what he's fighting for, and trying to protect is the moments of happiness like the pendarvin cookout. Homunculi just socalizing and laughging with everyone else. Peace and joy and camraderie that he has often denied himself as the wolf at the edge of the fire.

Hanging out with norm as any of his characters is always great.

A long ride to the Night Harrier island, posing like a hero on the boat.

Training with Aiki at the beach, realizing how far I have yet to go if I'm going to beat the opponent I'm intending to face someday, then training a new swordsman as they came iand realizing just how far I've come.

So many barbecues. All of the meat. Twas meat realms.

Scholar brunch lunch thing. Hearing my gawd show up, learning a bit about cinder's fate and realizing Grim doesn't really have much to ASK his god because he simply believes and loves.

Arguing with Aldric over whether Grim would be a better Valosian than Galladellian.

Asking gideon for help with Forging a really kickass thing for a certain perfect as a gift. Getting far more than he ever asked for. Grim won't forget such kindness, and hopefully the perfect Homunculi won't either.
The invasion of Travance by the horror that is Icarus spawn. A huge swarming battle outside the Inn. The terrifying realization that Grimkjell is acting guard commander. Stepping up, getting the search and destroy going, and smashing through foe after foe till encountering Rudy's node form, then clobbering that into non-existence as well.
Well met by moonlight indeed, as Grim and Lilith re-unite and he protects her like the loyal wolf that he is, in his heart.
Scheme o clock with Tobias, initial plot dump, Kaladonia cookout moment of mirroring each other's voices and responses. Realizing how incomplete Grimkjell felt without his Londwyn besto doctor and good if not best friend there.
Brief talks with Seamus about proper squire choices.

A talk with Barak Tellinghast about choices for both rituals, and being excited that grim endorsed or suggested both choices independently.
Realizing that the quite time of feasting and knowing joy with friends both Travancian and Homunculi born was what he had always wanted. Being told he smiled a lot more lately, which is probably true.
Grim's hilarious family interference spoiling everything ever for him (though probably not permanently or badly). Big bear arm wrestling valius and Big Belberith and losing was also great.
The charge of the Heargen on the high risk, high reward mod was glorious as we ALL came to bring our A game and beat the heck out of some demons and ghoulies and other such nasties. It was indeed clobberin time and the 5 heargen fighters did their job so very well.
Hayley's sweet but creepy old lady, and the later reveal of what would have happened to Grim if he overstayed his welcome, and me realizing it's a real compliment that a guy with no aligned lists at all (at present), is considered a good enough man to consider killing simply because he's virtuous.
Cornhole and other hobbit games and fun with the Alisandrian hobbits from Abergavenny (Laugh at the land marshal getting the name wrong).

Two incredible Tarot readings.

Tobias' telepathic exploration and mental therapy for Lilith at the suggestion of Silus Crone. Grim was so impressed and proud of his friend. The group that went with all contributed, except for perhaps grim who mostly was along for the ride and as the protector. Grim intercepting every attack made by their foe within the realm of memories was kind of awesome and demonstrative of that aspect of Zanshin that makes him a Kensai as well as simply a Marauder.
Alice's little crayon/colored pencil drawing of Liliths' house and the places set was huge of course.

Ben's marshaling of magical mental landscape mod was top-notch, and bringing in the Night haunter for one final exchange of words with grimkjell was Glorious.

Grim's final request in the mindscape, even though it was declined. Grim finally getting the courage to say the words after the battle with Icarus, but hilariously speaking into her hair andprobably unheard.

Eden for everything, but most especially for "Oh, I see your out for the night with Him again." Them big sister nasties were great.
2 PCs popping up from behind the Djinn and tonic's bar during patrols and scaring the crap otu of my search and destroy team.

The almost-accident with the not-water during that patrol was pretty hilarious too. Fortunately nobody drank anything that they shouldn't but it was close, lol.

Mourning the lost guardsmen who died doing their duty in the best possible way, even after they came back.
Going to father's wrecked lab to find Yoyo, and afterwards to negotiate with her in good faith. Rachael's "Oh. You." was great. Grimkjell gets a lot of them from Father's children for various reasons, all of them hilarious.
Explaining the concept of marriage to Lilith, and being amused when she thought human reproduction was gross.
Finding out just how well the town did in the preparations for Icarus and by going on and succeeding in a thoughtful way on all the mods Matt M ran.
Seeing Forest work his ass off.
Chopping down for realsies, even if I got hella blisters from it.

Seeing Melody again, as well as all the other doggos.
Aella for being the family member that understood. People realizing that Grimkjell was happy
Congratulating Blue Kestrel, Valanye, and Kardin on their becoming squires.

Having a thoughtful couple of heart to hearts with Jackdaw, and realizing how he's changed, as well as how Grimkjll has changed as well. realizing they were good friends despite it all.
Main mod vs Icarus was great, as I was on Team Gras' squad which had one of the more dangerous jobs in all of Travance. It was funny dark souls moments as Seth was fast rolling and grim in his heavier armor simply backstepped away from every hammy fist swing. He still got zapped by the magic da mage raray whih made for some fun RP.
Sharing meals iwth family, helping with feast.

Assigning Kanas to escort Eden as a test of his heart and soul.

Mourning father with Lilith, and swearing a blood oath of vengeance even as he realized what a terrible idea it was. Grim's so worried about that family, and he's gonna do his best not to see it destroyed by Eden's selfish act. Realizing that him grasping his blade so hard he was drawing blood is a direct emulation of his action during his previous confrontation with Eden in April or so.
Fun conversations in the dark about brothels and the like.
Interesting arguments about Homunculi, their safety, how the town and Kormyre should react to them. Grim arguing strongly that they should be accepted, and hoping in his heart of hearts that Ludwig and the rest of the people that objected would soften or change their minds over time.
A very important conversation with Belberith over drinks. A bit of sadness we never did that Marauder lesson, but I'm certainly he'll be out again.
Brotimes with Tobias, Brother, Aella, Beligor, Little Bear and Burkhart. His family, his blood, those he loves.
Hayley's shrieks after being "Born" as the Icarus core, and her makeup jo and appearance were super wonderful as well.
Feast was superb, but Ree was cooking so clearly I'm repeating myself.

Grim telling all his family how much he loved them before marching off against Icarus.

Interrogating a Mortal Hunter, and letting the hardass in grim come out in a social situation. Thanks Tim P and also Christine and of course Karen. Itr was nice to call that lore and have it matter for once.

Everything about the Seth interactions before and after Main mod were perfect. Especially when Seth pinned grim to the wall verbally and rendered him speechless for a second when he explained his motivation a bit. After main, the confrontation with Gras, Clytie, and Pluvious, with Grim there as the one-non knight desperately hurting as he saw the same hurts in Seth. Seths' RP was so on point, you could believe he was a berserker for reals with those words and his physical roleplay, especially throwing the guard sign into the dirt like that.

Realizing Tobias was complete MVP from the very moment he started. Matt said "Change my story." Tobias and Grim just went Saitamaok.jpg nad did exactly that. It's been a few years since this started. The end is now in sight, but it will always be prpobably my favorite plotline ever. The casting is wonderful, the crew were amazing, the costuming insane, the boss fights are glorious, and the off-time interaction with perfects, trues, and others is amazing.
With the crippling of Dr Heimdel and putting him on the chair, at least one other pointed out he's basically now on the Golden Throne. So Kr has a bit of a Horus Heresy feel to it now, which is about the best thing ever.

Brief but fun interactions with Lois all week and weekend.
Yoyo and her delicious, holy rat.

Finally succeeding in implementing cinder's advice from their last conversation, and act on his feelings and actually talk about them

Seeing Tobas, Skarosh, and Sigried again. hearing Sigfried's mass in the dakr before main, and realizing he had finally learned the lesson to love, feel joy, and smile instead of simply being driven by duty and honor and living as a machine of destruction for the Barony. It was the right words at the right time, and I can never thank Zach enough for that.,

Fighting with Grashugel's skirmishers without considering why. Then realizing it was a society of badasses and competent people. Lorelei. Grim, Seth, Gras, Wrenton, Arradir, and Kanas.

A final moment I'll recall as a highlight. Grimkjell, "I like the flower. It's pretty, you're pretty."
Lilith *laughs and says* "Of course. I'm perfect."

And he agreed.

IG: Sir Grimkjell Eirson
Knight of Pendarvin
Guardian of Mercy

OOG: William Hannings
Land system Marshal
Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 02:16 by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings).
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06 Jun 2017 02:40 #19 by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings)
Replied by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings) on topic WitL highlights 2017
Oh and the "Save them all" conversation with Jackdaw. Grim still doesn't trust Jackdaw. But Grim believes in and cares about his friend.

He's also starting to like Albatross too but don't tell anyone.

Grim had a few fun conversations with father himself as well, and was very blunt that they would -not- be treacherous to his children.

Speaking of Blunt, grimkjell's confrontation with Tari then the later one with Tobias was pretty great. Sometimes when you tell the living weapon with a sense of honor that someone is threatening everything you are working for, he's gonna just take immediate and harsh action :)

IG: Sir Grimkjell Eirson
Knight of Pendarvin
Guardian of Mercy

OOG: William Hannings
Land system Marshal
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06 Jun 2017 02:47 - 06 Jun 2017 02:51 #20 by Liz (Liz)
Replied by Liz (Liz) on topic WitL highlights 2017
Soooooooo after sleeping 16 hours straight, I feel like I might be alive again. I can only imagine its how Mae feels too...

-Coming IG with plans for equal time between Mae and Allyce.... THAT got thrown out super fast...
-Wednesday night learning a bit about how people see her.... and this time caring.
-Thursday during the lesson suddenly waking up completely as it progressed. And realizing the implications of EVERYTHING. Talking to Barack about some of them and having him start to grin as I start to fully think about whats possible now. And having myself start to grin and laugh as well.
-Being encouraged to join the unknown ritual and having Barack offer me his sword so that I could see most of it. Being able to use healing to bolster strands was amazing. Weaving other strands was just as amazing. Realizing that she can actually DO THIS.... priceless.
-Bothering every single Exemplar/White sorcerer in town about rituals and deciding from their answers how she wanted to form hers. Constantly being encouraged to choose things perfect for herself since she wasn't a sorcerer. Doing so and having it be embraced. The confidence she got from that made me giddy as heck.
-The nervousness of showing it to Steve and then being told it needed to fold....figuring out how to do so, in part, from remembering how Barack draws his.
-Talking with Angelica and having her approve my ideas and build on them.
-Incorporating the blood magic tip I got from Barack:
Me: "So... should I just take this vial of glitter to Logistics and mix fake blood with it and paint myself?"
Steve: "That would be amazing!"
Thank you Rachael for your offer of your own fake blood and the NPC that helped me put it on. It was soooo worth it and worked really well!!
-Casting the ritual in front of my friends...which ended up triggering a change in one that was....unexpected.
-EVERYONE who shook my hand or patted my back or said Good Luck. Mae was stupefied- shes so used to being in the background and didnt even notice that people were keeping track of everything she was doing. She was honestly shocked and overwhelmed- as for Liz, Mae had such tunnel vision that I LITERALLY didnt even see all of the people watching.
-THE MONSTER. HOLY HELL. The amount of work that went into that was remarkable, the way the town worked together, the opportunities for every single person to be the hero, seeing Icarus be removed at the end..... I literally cried. In the middle of battle. Crrrriiiieeedddd. Matt this was...beyond words.
-Getting the Phoenix. And all of the RP that happened after that.
-Being happy that people still recognized shes a Soul Warden and having people ask for help in ideas and plans dealing with souls.
-Walking right into a Lich of the Arcanum and mentally going "Shitshitshitshitshit". Having Mae decide the best choice was fainting. At least she couldnt harm anyone then...
-Realizing how much farther she has yet to go, and yet being honestly completely excited to see where it goes!!!

I didnt honestly really believe OOG that I would get this chance. I hoped and wished and worked. Mae literally swept me up and sped me along the entire week and weekend and so when Steve warned me I couldnt die on the battlefield, it was a HUGE boost. Jason, May, Steve, Tori, Alisia, Drew, Goose, Sam, Kelley, Stacey, and sooo many more- you MADE this for me. All of the help, all of the information, all of the ideas.... I cant even tell you what it all meant and means to me. After sooo many years, Mae is growing. Expanding. Im not sure even she realizes the enormity of what shes done and the fact that Staff took everything I threw at them and ran with it means the world.

There are sooo many other things I could say- everything I did, saw, ran into, helped with was literally amazing. RP was completely on point and I never even once thought about the real world until I was starving and invited to go eat. Its awesome when that happens and I truly hope everyone else enjoyed it too. From rezzing 3 people (*squeeeee that everyone liked that RP*) to talking to Silverbow and have him complain that the Phoenix was already changing me- it was incredible.
I honestly cannot wait to see what happens next.

Lieutenant of the Baronial Guard

Mae Fang Zhang
Healer of Khitan
"Go with honor and your ancestors shall guide you."

Lt. of the Baronial Guard
"Well... who likes a dull life? There's work to do."

OOG: Liz Reese

Land Staff
Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 02:51 by Liz (Liz).
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06 Jun 2017 08:30 #21 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic WitL highlights 2017

Wili wrote: Rolling up to Jed's shack- Oh hey there, Seth, what are YOU doing here? Meeting Scarlet, almost getting killed by Scarlet. I totally would have taken a tag for that, your reaction was beautiful.

Only reason you didn't was because I wasn't allowed to harm PCs!! I had to OOG remind myself of that when she got angry!

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
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06 Jun 2017 08:31 #22 by Aria (Aria)
Replied by Aria (Aria) on topic WitL highlights 2017

Grimkjell Eirson wrote: Speaking of Blunt, grimkjell's confrontation with Tari then the later one with Tobias was pretty great. Sometimes when you tell the living weapon with a sense of honor that someone is threatening everything you are working for, he's gonna just take immediate and harsh action :)

Heh you should have seen my confrontation with Tobias after your talk with me. ;)

Dame Tari Zhafirah Stonebar Deldragon of the Order of the Sagewardens
Dean of Arcane Studies of the Darkwood Acadamy of the Metaphysical Arts

Playing with fire is bad for those who burn themselves.  For the rest of us, it is a very great pleasure....
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06 Jun 2017 11:56 - 06 Jun 2017 12:11 #23 by Liighkaa Potrevski (Liighkaa)
Replied by Liighkaa Potrevski (Liighkaa) on topic WitL highlights 2017

Oh my gosh this event.

During the week:

-Derping around as Liighkaa. Her fellow tribesmen kept warning her to stay safe and she just kind of kept scoffing at them. Ah, Liighkaa.

-Watching Darius get knocked unconscious over a dog. Liighkaa loved that so much, as soon as the brief panic of "OH NO HE'S HURT" was replaced by "He's fiiiiiiiiine."

-Subsequently telling Creepy that the chief of her tribe was knocked unconscious over a dog.

-The Bar Crawl.

-The Cult of Kevin. Watching the Cult of Kevin decide to worship Mustrav instead. (How do you spell Mustrav the Romani's name?)

During the weekend/after the Homunculi show up (it's kind of a blur when some of this happened):

-"DAAAARIUS! I DIED today!!!" ".....Liighkaa, what?"

-Every single interaction regarding Abel, especially during dinner with him and Lazarus. Those two are the best pair and need their own TV show/wholesome adventure series.

-Abel reacting to the body hair conversation he had with Liighkaa. Liighkaa has no concept that there are certain things that a man may not want to be forced to think about regarding his father and his sisters. Especially when his father designed and built his sisters. Much ale was chugged in silent desperation. I couldn't even keep character for that; I was out-of-game turning red.

-YOYO!!!!! Liighkaa loves that girl SO MUCH. "She is dangerous, but very fun!" (When Lazarus and Abel expressed concern about this, her response was that she had been chased by wild bears, and was not afraid of Yoyo. When Lazarus and Abel detailed some of the horrifyingly powerful things that they had fought together and that Yoyo STILL scared them, she replied, "Yoyo will kill me just as much as a bear will.")

-Touching the corpse-powered time-machine and getting my first minor insanity. :D Along the same vein, the exact interaction that led to it: Liighkaa goes to express concerns to Heimdell that he might not be able to raise his daughter to be not-a-monster, and he responded by vividly detailing an unrelenting multi-generational curse of pain and cruelty he unleashed upon the family of someone who dared to threaten Eden. Liighkaa was very very not convinced that this actually made him a good father.

-Having deep emotional conversations with Abel behind the Inn.

-LIIGHKAA HAD AN UTTER EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN WHEN SHE GOT BACK FROM PAPERWORK. First she finds out that Grigori died, then she finds out that Sébastien died and MIGHT NOT COME BACK(he did), then she finds out that Abel wasn't doing very well after the battle and shortly thereafter that Heimdell may have died and the Homunculi were MIA.... Oh man. Liighkaa is no stranger to tragedy; she was an orphan, she lived to see all of her sisters die, and she lives in desperate hope that Berk will survive another winter. She's also not a stranger to what it feels like to see your family betray your family. However, when she's in Berk, she's taking care of Berk; that's her job. She puts on a brave face and a cheerful attitude and goes to comfort the injured. Travance isn't her tribe. Nobody's supposed to die in Travance, and when they do, they come back. She can't help anybody when she's down south, because everybody is a hero or a healer or a physician, and she has no skills. She could not handle all of that happening at once.

-Speaking of Liighkaa's emotional breakdown: being comforted by Seb once he came back. The exact quote: "Liighkaa, why aren't you jumping around?"

-Searching for a way to contact Abel.

-Grigori's willpower lesson. Hiding in a tree during Grigori's willpower lesson. Throwing acorns at Grigori during and after his willpower lesson.

While NPCing:

-Hysterical hypochondriac! Thanks to everybody who dealt with her, especially those few of you who managed to actually calm her down a little. That was a fun mod. I wish I could have seen how the other "werewolves" were doing."

-I learned to fly the drone!!!!!!

-ICARUS. Oh my gosh, Icarus was amazing!!!!!!!!! She was gorgeous!

-That time Duncan (I think it was Duncan?) dragged me behind the line for healing. When he realized that I was a monster he crushed my face in.

-Once I finally got my groove on as an NPC and started crying like a little girl. :3

-The fact that there was a defensive line around Heimdell, with everyone facing the line of Spawn.... AND THEY LEFT HIS BACK COMPLETELY OPEN.

-That one brief, oh so brief, moment when I marked a character who was all alone to try and attack and drag back... and it turned out to be Gilgamesh. I couldn't just disengage, but my out of character reaction was just "Oh. Darn."

~Liighkaa Potrevski, daughter of tribe Berk

OOG: Cat Jackson
Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 12:11 by Liighkaa Potrevski (Liighkaa).
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06 Jun 2017 13:05 #24 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic WitL highlights 2017

Liighkaa wrote:

-That time Duncan (I think it was Duncan?) dragged me behind the line for healing. When he realized that I was a monster he crushed my face in.

Yep. That was me... I did not see a mask at the time I dragged you off.... and well, a fitting end, eh?

Liighkaa wrote:

-The fact that there was a defensive line around Heimdell, with everyone facing the line of Spawn.... AND THEY LEFT HIS BACK COMPLETELY OPEN.

Amateurs.:ohmy: :ohmy: ;)

Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
Chaplain, Bloodspirits Mercenary Company

Janos Beecham (alt)
Dragoon of No Importance

John Tinney
Safety Marshal/ EMT
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06 Jun 2017 14:20 #25 by Maeve Hesperus (gwennieofsidhe)
Replied by Maeve Hesperus (gwennieofsidhe) on topic WitL highlights 2017
I had a great event. I didn't really get involved in a lot of things and was mostly helping people with food, giving IG and OOG pep talks about how people deserve to chase after their IG dreams or tagging along with important people and being a sasspot, but I have no regrets.

Late night RP shenanigans in the Adventurer's Guild with tea and good company is always my absolute favorite. Huge thanks to the people who have made that a thing. I cherish you.

It was an honor to bring Flame-Queen Alluria to life again, even if it was only for 15 minutes. 100% worth it.

Myris: It hurts so much. Does it get any easier?
Flame-Queen Alluria: It will pass, child. The worst is almost over.
Myris: Do you feel any different?
Flame-Queen Alluria: I do, but it is very subtle. Like a small, white flower in an open field, blooming for the very first time.

See all you nerds next time. <3

File Attachment:

OOG: Renée Ballard
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07 Jun 2017 03:44 #26 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic WitL highlights 2017

Argyle Del Dragon wrote: The Team, wow we did it. I am so sorry to not help more.

I'd say, "What are ya, nuts!?" but c'mon now, who am I talking to? Seriously though, you were and are inspiring.

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
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08 Jun 2017 18:44 - 08 Jun 2017 18:45 #27 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic WitL highlights 2017
Week In The Life…

What a very long event and I got in late Wednesday too after working all day. Was able to change at work and come in garb so was able to jump right in out the gate…

I wish I had the time to write this sooner as memories get clouded by exhaustion and work….

Some noted good things.
Wednesday RP with some of the Spirits on camp and then with some of the others out and about in the Proper… Good time.
Thursday Morning Brazen Mass. Decent attendance with some new members of Travance coming to hear the Word.
Thursday Brisket and having the Old Mage of Travance visiting the Old Sword and her people. Wonderful conversations, good company.

Master Warrior 3 Teaching- Not all combat is fighting, sometimes its guarding… Melody the Wardog being the protected for Darius then Darius + help. Melody was into it once she figured out what was going on (Dogs are damn smart, people…) and helped her protectors by being on the move- this also made it harder for her protectors… but that was the goal, wasn’t it?
Kudos to everyone who participated… and For those who want the same sort of lesson, doing so will have to wait until the Wardog is able to return.

Bar Crawl- this old Celt was content to watch shenanigans…. And scare Jackdaw when I appeared from the Shadows by their pavilion. Grim’s compliment about my ability to do that… priceless.

Superglad no one got hurt in the fire… A highlight from a lowlight- gear can be fixed/replaced, people notsomuch.

A conversation with Jack Duo…
Meeting Scarlett in the flesh…. Hannah, you did awesome!
Late Friday triple Lesson session- Brazen would be proud for the efficient teaching methods.
Patrolling Travance with Gilgamesh and a handful of Spirits looking for Spawn…. And getting a quiet chuckle as Brigitta growls at a group of travancians to shut up.

Saturday’s Mass- light attendance but a good mass either way.
Blood Spirit Plan A put into motion… and despite attempts to derail it, manage to be successful with that plan- having success confirmed by Plot ST and one of his Main Minions. Go us!
The Search for the Cannons and their repair. Brazen Provides but sometimes it hurts doing so. Sacrifice of Blood Sweat and Tears is sometimes necessary to accomplish great things and its part of the quieter pieces of his teachings (and yes, it’s been a subject of Mass before. *grin*

A discussion about the material of the cannons after their recovery with Sterling. We both are damn curious about it and if we can duplicate it…

Main Mod fighting- Spirits working the sides of the battlefield. Finding out my skill of Nope with the War Hammer has improved… or I had an extended Blind Squirrel moment. Jury is out deliberating still on that one.

Fixing a cannon and helping to power another up. Brazen Provides….

A last second addendum to the Main Mod plans by one of ours ensured complete overall success at main for Travance that much faster. I have it on good authority that the butcher’s bill would have been FAR higher and a good chance for Travance to lose was there if we had not been successful with what we did- especially the last parts. I’ll take that gladly

The Death and missing Spirit of a Blood Spirit- goddamn it Reece!

Post Main, I participated in a Witch Hunter mod/teaching session as an NPC. I was feeling pretty good despite all the walking/aches of the day… and before the start, I joking said to the players before going off to be in position- “I’m gonna apologize now if I give y’all a fight; I’m actually feeling pretty limber right now…” There was laughter on all sides and off I went.

Little did I know that my joking comment would prove that Prophetic- the School of Nope was Strong this night… and I kept moving & swinging…. Giving the Hunters as good a battle as I was asked to do.
Apparently I scared the crap out of them and it was not just my NPC skills doing that. Guys, I am happier than hell to have given the lot of you a wicked awesome fight and I have been told I will be asked to help with such mods in the future. I just need to remember to drink a Gatorade and a Rockstar again before hand….

Sunday- get up and get up to the inn for a bit. Talks, discussion and finally get Archcaster Lesson 2 out of the way (only took four months >.< ) When the rain was seen coming, it was down to the camp to pack up.

It was great to be at camp for the week and I look forward to next event for many reasons. See everyone then!

Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
Chaplain, Bloodspirits Mercenary Company

Janos Beecham (alt)
Dragoon of No Importance

John Tinney
Safety Marshal/ EMT
Last edit: 08 Jun 2017 18:45 by JTinney (Swordsaint).
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11 Jun 2017 04:32 #28 by Dimetri Yhatzi (DMvanhart)
Replied by Dimetri Yhatzi (DMvanhart) on topic WitL highlights 2017
Wow that was some crazy week we had.

Wednesday: Setting up the Djinn and Tonic and getting the tent together was a new experience. Trying to remember what we had vs what we needed. Organizing people who never set up the bar before (thanks guys). It came out great. I hope everyone had a good time there!

Lessons, food, and drinks. Nice and easy

Everything else is a blur....
Elevenses with the Scholars...fun time...lots of research and bouncing ideas off of people.
Teaching time with Lord Tartaros...how magic works and rituals and stuff. (Maybe a Beholder...naaa)
Got some interesting goblins to join me in Tolaria.
Ostcliff Party...CRABS! Cooked my marinaded chicken...yum!
Travancian Bar Crawl!!! That was amazing...next time I will be more ready for that amount of people. Kudos to the Stone Bar for winning the overall.

Fire...never have I been happier to have fire extinguishing training. Thankful everybody was ok in the end.

Scourge Dolls for you, scourge dolls for me.
Breakfast of eggs, and sausage and mushrooms...yum!...... and The Triad! Very interesting crew!

Layon...attacked! Time to put the prep into use. Poison and Bane!
Roam the woods looking for messages on spawn...Van and I work well together.
Get a watch...lose your mind.

YoYo playground...walk around while YoYo plays with everyone else...find the prism and then the bone. Gate!

An apple for your thoughts...get the time apple and win a prize...Bottled Lightning!

Ostcliff meeting and drills.
what about traps...no repeating ballistia.

Feast....nom nom from the Nobles table.

The Big battle....Icarus is super big and oww that light hurt...retrieval team woot!

Thanks Matt M and team for the whole event. It was amazing!

Dimetri Yhatzi
Viceroy of Ostcliff
Druid of the Conclave.
Master Merchant and Locksmith, The Purple Thistle
Mashkar le gadjende leski shib si le Romeski zor

Damian VanHart - OOG

"Destiny, chance, fate, fortune--they're all just ways of claiming your success without claiming your failures."
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13 Jun 2017 19:47 #29 by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta)
Replied by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta) on topic WitL highlights 2017
War dog highlights were seeing all aunts and uncles new and old friends all the pats love attention scraps treats water fun lessons learning and being with you ball at the camp.

She totally enjoyed being with all of you!!

Birgitta Drexel (Primary)
Commander of Training Baronial Militia
Blood Spirits (Cmd/Sgt)
Blue Dragoon

"Amateurs Practice Until They Get It Right; Professionals Practice Until They Can’t Get It Wrong"

Callisto Boyington (Alt)

AKA Leslie McCormack
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