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normal August 2017 Highlights

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27 Aug 2017 17:21 #1 by Terzak (TheArchMage)
August 2017 Highlights was created by Terzak (TheArchMage)
Wow. Just....wow.
Highlights in order consist of:
Selling barrels to the barrel-less
Meeting Marcus and his adorable baby.
Meeting Mantel.
Meeting Cap'n Tanwyn again.
Becoming TERZAK WINSTONSHIRE, SUPER SLEUTH (great RP from everyone in that whole endeavour btw)
Actually getting sleep on Friday!
Saying hi to Sylus Crone, who said some stuff that I kinda agree with but Terzak outright does not.
Venting IG frustration on the Goblin Hunt, featuring the TrebuChet!
Accidentally dropping while fixing the TrebuChet.
Not one, but two Commands of Enax! (Thanks Justin!)
The Great Hobgoblin Sword! (Really wish I got to fight Josh's npc over it, but the mod ended)
Accidentally finding a gift for someone amidst the gobbo carnage...
Possibly figuring out another riddle but not doing a thing about it because...reasons.
Biting the bullet and trying lasagne for the first time. Did not disappoint.
The followup cannoli, which Terzak is convinced was someone's Secret Recipe.
Dropping like a lesser undead vs. Argyle during main mod, which reinforced a great deal of character choices.
Finding out that Pie Mod is not actually a mod in which the town is attacked by animated pies. Kaladonia pulled out all the stops on that one, and the smores bettered what may have been the best elevensies ever.
Getting sleep....again!
Mousetrav and Shantay, Quee of the Nezumi, plus free Pop Tarts (and communism!)
The really pissed off goblin camp who went looking for the Nezumi slaves were also really fun.
Fighting Bob as Commander Tusk. Frankly, one of the most satisfying fights I've ever had.
Finally getting that Gate together, with a lot of greatly appreciated help.
Making an enemy, and a promise.
Extra special mentions go to:
Being unable to look at Jeff Balla in a white headband without chuckling at each other.
That One Raven Who Is An Accurate Judge of Character.
Andrew and Evan/Cade and Osprey.

Thank you all for an amazing event, and don't forget to keep being awesome!

By my hand,
Professor Terzak Winstonshire

OOG: Will Harrington
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27 Aug 2017 20:44 #2 by Dustiria (mytho2)
Replied by Dustiria (mytho2) on topic August 2017 Highlights
Have to say so many of you were wonderful when you found out our car broke down upon arrival. So thankful for the help James was able to give and Forest. Forest went beyond the call of duty finding us a garage, calming us, finding a way to clean up early among other things. Forest, you are amazing.

Jeff thank you so much for giving me a truly wonderful Npc roll . In my years of larping i have never played an npc for 6 hrs straight. All the new players did so well roleplaying. was fun playing Amy the pear orchard owner.

also how many people can say they helped dig up a grave?

My PC dusty also learned to find out who you are talking to before you talk. Good thing the magistrate and Seneschal are not mean people lol

All in all a bad weekend turned out enjoyable due to all the wonderful people there. Thank you all!

Dustiria the Alchemist/Engineer and something else. Let's just say I make all the bombs.

My friends call me Dusty

Member of the Alterra council

OOG Marcia K Thompson
Grumpy Dwarf Forge Artist
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27 Aug 2017 20:53 #3 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic August 2017 Highlights
Ive only a handful this month.

Pre Game:

Set up of the Encampment by the Advance Crew was stellar!! I owe each of you a drink.

In Game:

Fighting on the bar-door porch and being cut off by an inconveniently closing door.... then fighting 4 bad things at once- without room to move.
Birgitta's voice from behind me- "Duncan!! Get in here!"
my retort- "I'm a little busy right now!!" as I physically parry three or four swings as the bad guys try to make me into skewered Duncan
Just after the door flies open enough for Birgitta to grab me there is a hand on the back of my shirt-collar... "Goddamnit Duncan!".... and I am yanked backward into the foyer.

Maybe a minute later, The Three Cleric Blockade of the doorway- how often are you going to see an Aguran, a Brazenite and a Valosian telling Bad Things they picked the wrong door to storm?

Then outside, Duncan and Birgitta sweeping a flank, dropping bad things for younger members of Travance to finish off and perhaps find loot. As senior players (no age jokes guys!!), its on us to help the newer ones find their footing. Or so we think at least. :)

Later on...
"Hey Duncan, you're a smith right?"
"No.... I'm not."
"But aren't all Brazenite Priests Smiths?"
*sigh* "No but we are all crafters. I happen to be a teacher...you know, I craft People's knowledge and help them craft themselves with learning things. A teacher is a crafter, guys..."
*blink blink* "Wow... you know, I never thought of that. Thanks for explaining..."
A smile. "No problem- Its part of my Job to help others improve themselves via knowledge.... "



Morning Meetings...
Brazen Mass On Tour! This Month was in Ostcliff. Well Attended mass and possible new members to the flock may result of it. Time will tell!

Thats pretty much it for highlights as I unfortunately departed around lunchtime Saturday due to unforeseen events.

See folks at Renfaire then at September Event!

Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
Chaplain, Bloodspirits Mercenary Company

Janos Beecham (alt)
Dragoon of No Importance

John Tinney
Safety Marshal/ EMT
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt), Dustiria (mytho2), Darius Redmaw (jackcoyle27)
28 Aug 2017 00:55 #4 by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme)
Replied by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme) on topic August 2017 Highlights
First and foremost I want to make a HUGE shout out to the storytellers that came together and made this possible. I know how short a time you guys had to work on this and you all are freaking amazing and deserve all the respect and love the community can give you! This weekend was awesome!

Friday night started off entertaining. The portal opening followed by fighting the constructs with others. Dashing about the field and just having a blast. Checking out the portal and trying to convince people to jump in with me, only to get dragged away by Wren, who then promised that if we found out where it went, he would take me through. Lying to Dimetri and skipping out on wine tasting club to do some personal business... watching the shenanigans of the townsfolk in the Inn. Once people found out where the portal goes, going to Wren and going "You promised!!!"

Gathering souvenirs from all the different portals I jumped through. Getting to see all sorts of cool stuff. I also learned my first couple druid spells this weekend!

A huge thank you to everyone who helped me out saturday night when I took a bad fall. The safety marshals who stepped up and helped me out, the mages who (when they saw me down and realized I wasn't getting back up) moved their protective bubble so I was in it and no one would trip over me as we got a safety marshal. The friends who continuously checked up on me throughout the night and took care of me. You guys are all amazing and I love you all. <3

Main Character: Khala Stormbringer
Alt: Keladry Aybara

OOG: JymmeAnne Walton
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28 Aug 2017 01:46 - 28 Aug 2017 11:22 #5 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic August 2017 Highlights
The way it felt marshaling an encounter where I was as in the dark about how the whole thing would end as the new players were, was incredible. From being mostly a fly on the wall who occasionally answered questions about lores or creative usage of skills (y'all were clever and should be proud of yourselves), to seeing the evolving and palpable expressions on all of your faces.

A sincere tip of the hat to Marcia, for playing her character so well. Props and thanks to Jacob F. and Erik D. for being part of the fun.

Writing a story is one thing; watching it come to life and transform based on the actions and choices of the characters, is definitely something else. All of you kept me so giddy throughout the weekend. Nalick is definitely an Andorran, but Jeff seems to delight in tormenting your characters. Thank you so, so much for running with it. We're only getting started.

Sam P: "Is she a PC or an NPC?"
Me: "She's a character."

Rachael, watching you Animal Empathy the raven and interact with it, and RPing the bird's responses, was the cutest thing and a lot of fun. You were definitely using your noggin when you were trying to get to the bottom of things.

More bird nonsense with Terzak; yet another misinterpreting Marcus' instructions. A little levity in an otherwise grim-dark story.

Livening up a bonfire around Kaladonia with a piece of paper, a pen, and some imagination. So good.

Ibrahim and Chet TRYING SO HARD to have a normal conversation, but dying of laughter anyway. Lemons and potatoes.

Miw coming back. The tension was electric at times. Nicole, thanks for being a great sport!

Goblins Part III: "You Gotta Siege It to Believe It"

Before this mod, I had never been a trebuchet. There's no other way to write that sentence that doesn't end with me in hysterics. On the battlefield and behind the scenes, we had an amazing cast. Forest, Will Bartlett, Jen C., Alex (especially with her balloon-filling expertise!), everyone who's NPCed theirs and some players' hearts out the last several months, all of the people who teamed up to submit land actions about it, and last but definitely not least, Jeremy. Thank you all!

Hearing that Jurian and Solara might not have made it out of the void and booking it around town to find anybody who could help disprove that. Finding out that they got to the Barracks safe and sound, but that there may have been up to two people who didn't make it out. OOG seeing someone in a blue headband enter the Barracks, but not finding out until later. Ouch.

Jonathan Carter and Chet Hardwick, two men on a mission. I smell a buddy cop movie!

Sunday morning shenanigans with Amizar, featuring Father Ephrem.

Having a "This is why we're friends" moment with Jason/Caldor despite not really RPing all weekend. I think that made it all the sweeter.

Having another with Andy when Cade had a discussion in the bar late one night about "the opposite of a shoe." I walk up and whisper, "Bless you" and we both buckle over laughing.

Spelunking with a couple friends--and playing the hip new game: "Was That a Bear or Did Will Bartlett Belch?"

You all have one month to prepare. See you in September!

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
Last edit: 28 Aug 2017 11:22 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf), Terzak (TheArchMage), Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt), Dustiria (mytho2), Ephrem (bamore62)
28 Aug 2017 09:15 - 28 Aug 2017 09:18 #6 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor)
Replied by Caldor Eirson (Caldor) on topic August 2017 Highlights
To tired for full summary. Here goes the highlight quick edition.

Sylus Crone said something so awesome and powerful, and no I won't tell you what, because I think he'd kill me so hard it would carry to OOG if I did.

Nothing like having a Galmachian Celestial be all imposing an intimidating to you while a Galladelian angel is heading over to meet you....

Yay! Chronicler! One more for the bingo card.

Rudolph high on something (ENTIRELY IG) to make him able to battle the main mod was some of the best RP of the weekend.

Taking over the healing Triage station of the "He hits you into Crit" mod was so much more fun than I could have imagined. 33 Gifts of Life and 20+ Restoring Lights. Thank everything I remembered my Ceremonialist bonus applied to both. Using a whole bunch of skills and abilities I havent used before despite them being on the card for over a year was so rewarding, especially with a few people finally noticing I have them.


Eodra mod was utterly enthralling, even if it was too late and I was passing out. The very simple comment about the rose at the end almost broke Caldor IG Drew. So perfect of a comment given the rest of the 'holiday' weekend.

Jai did a great job on feast, simple but delicious. CANOLIS!!!!

Kala food was so good too.

So happy with Kala war games and our newest recruits.

Hospitality mod was excellent. I was so happy to be part of a mod solved entirely though non-tag skill social interactions. And while some may see it as sad that we actively left all the treasure, I think there is something deeply awesome about the level of RP comitment that showed in ALL the people who showed up. Still want the darn Leather Ottoman though.

Floating Barrel, I love/Hate you.

Thank you to Atrus for a REALLY well organized and presented divination ritual. Everyone who participated gave it a great push, and I really felt wonderful being involved.

Similarly, thank you to Blue Kesterel for letting me have a moment to explore something new and take advantage of something fun. I'm thrilled to be part of your plot/side adventure, if you'll continue to let me.


Brought William through the Focus, and really enjoyed the moment. I do love the one -on -one deep RP elements of bringing someone back. Especially such a solid RPer as Walter.

Things I never wanted to discover, but I'm glad I did. - I was able defend 10 Double Power Incinerates to the face without flinching.... Never want to risk that again.

I'm sure there is much, much more, but as I said, tired.

Caldor Eirson,

Gothi and High Priest of Gaia
Wedding Planner, Match Maker,
Spiritual Advisor To Kaladonia

OOG: Jason M.
Deputy Kitchen Marshal
Land System Marshal

Q: How many people does it take to teach a barbarian how to read?
A: 1 knight, 3 squires, and 1 master of the mages guild.
Last edit: 28 Aug 2017 09:18 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor).
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28 Aug 2017 11:17 #7 by Narcis (ChrisR)
Replied by Narcis (ChrisR) on topic August 2017 Highlights
As Ava:

-Jumping into Chaos Portal.... twice....ending up at the gates once....the void the other time. Saved by the Orophin both times.

-Being Absolutely manic about it as Ava. Chaos portals?!?! Small Lady chanting demonic??? Ava would've been completely sucked in if not for....

-Arch Devil of Malyc coming back unexpectedly. Found out he was the token, likely created for this purpose. Made me OOG and IG sad..... Will be bringing is body to the pits when we go hopefully :)

-Mummy hunt? Well...more like taking the objective item from the mummy.

-Meeting Chronicler as Ava, digging some holes playing a game called "I ask you a cryptic question and you give me a cryptic answer" as well as asking about several religious related things and finding out some interesting information....

As Leliana:

-Running after Cy when she starting running away because an angel showed up. Chasing her being like "WHATSSS WRONG??" because she didn't see. Then when we got outside being beset by a single undead. Poor Undead....poor poor undead.

-Cennius Senpai time. "Is that Cennius? No it can't be, he's moving too fast!!"

-Leliana, going to the void this time, rather abruptly along with some others.

-Finding out that if you try and walk around the shadows in the void you start teleporting frantically around.

-Spinning.....so much spinning....thankfully we had some nice chains to keep us from floating away....

-Skeleton with wings friend???? What a cute lil guy!!!

-Atrus being mean... Leliana didn't like it AT ALL....he's very lucky big sister didn't break him in half ;)

Can't wait to hunt see you all in September :D

OOG:Chris R.
Storyteller / Marshal
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28 Aug 2017 13:53 #8 by Ikari Shizen (NarayanU)
Replied by Ikari Shizen (NarayanU) on topic August 2017 Highlights
This was a wonderful event to celebrate 2 years of KR.

Before Lay-on:
Watching memes be created and not regretting my involvement

Friday night:
The artist makes his first move.

Demons show up and Abe deals with it by staying at the bar.

Abe finally meets some people he's been meaning to talk with.

Watching Caldor's ritual.

Going through a chaos portal with some new friends and realizing that we're very underleveled.

Digging graves on the beach and making some money for it.

Saturday morning:
Working the bar in the morning and seeing many unfamiliar faces.

Selling muffins and using them to help Nalick deal with a hostage situation.

Abe reuniting with his brother.

Fighting Goblinoids with my shovel, it went better than expected.

Main Mod:
NPC'ing a demon and not being able to tell if what I was going to fight was a PC or NPC.

Constantly using Tsunami on people who it wouldn't effect.

Someone: Casts a barrier or wall spell.
Me: Taps where the wall would be a few times and runs somewhere else.

Saturday Night:
Having a drink at the bar and talking with Chet.

Pendarvin Mod was both enjoyable and terrifying.

Abe trying his best to help Aria, but accidentally making it worse.

Walking to the inn and hearing hissing coming towards us.
Abe: "Werespiders!"
Later finding out that it wasn't werespiders.

The events that unfolded at the prison. Ben Herman you are amazing at going along with whatever strange things we bring you.

Trying to give a raven a drink.

OOG: Narayan Alex Upreti
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28 Aug 2017 14:06 #9 by Not An Assassin (Salem)
Replied by Not An Assassin (Salem) on topic August 2017 Highlights
Y'all might as well just ask Jenna Leder what I did this event. Her memory is probably better than mine.

Salem Noire, Lieutenant Commander of the Blood Spirits

Lieutenant Leon Drekken of House Zezima

OOG-Reece Belmont
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28 Aug 2017 18:13 #10 by Darius Redmaw (jackcoyle27)
Replied by Darius Redmaw (jackcoyle27) on topic August 2017 Highlights
One of the best events I've ever had as I come up on my one year at Knight Realms, thank you all for making this one of my favorite places to visit.

Cleric barricade at lay on with Duncan and Aldric: "Darius, ye feel like going up the stairs?" throw really is a great way to get a tactical advantage

Friday night, learning Reyna had fallen on a hunt! I learned later that Darius could be heard screaming basically anywhere on the camp, my apologies to anyone who thought their was an OOG issue.

Life lesson, when two people willing to die for what they believe in face off, it's generally the one willing to kill for his beliefs who sees them through.

Seeing Caldor's unique in action for the first time and participating in the ritual to bring Reyna back from death. Plenty of intense role play and fun times all around.

Learning just how many people have Darius' back. Damn. Y'all are going to make me cry.

Oscliff training is the best thing. Practicing for capture the lord was great. highlights of that: blocks of ice make great barriers so your friends can still help you hold ground even if Burkehart is on the other team, people generally follow orders if you yell, strength is a great stat, and lords can be carried to protect them.

"There he stands alone one man against all
With the sword in his hand, soon he will fall"

Father Ephram almost brought Darius to tears. Bryan I will always love interacting with your character.


Jeremy Schwartz and Jeff Balla congrats, it all paid off. Jen and forest as Krela and her brother were a lot of fun and I can not wait for them to show up in game again. The fact that you mad bastards brought a trebuchet was amazing. The honor combat was straight out of a movie, Reyna and Krela facing off while their brothers stand by ready to fight for them as the entire battlefield watches on in amazement. Giving Darius the chance to be the hero he wants to be rather than the monster he thinks he is at the end made a nice touch:
no effect
shit shit shit fuck INTERCEPT FOR HER I TAKE IT!!!

RIP ratbag, Milof got his belt

The ending of that plot made me happy, considering how bad things often end up, getting the "golden ending" was a great way to end one of the best plots I've ever had the pleasure of being involved in.

TLDR: Jeremy Schwartz and Jeff Balla are the best, 'nuff said.

Darius Red-Maw
Champion of Agaura

alt Thaddeus Black
"Plain, simple Thaddeus"

OOG Jack Coyle
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28 Aug 2017 22:27 #11 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic August 2017 Highlights
First, though there were some rough spots, the Drew, Alisea, Tori, and Steve managed to put together a true "Last Minute Production" that worked more than just OK.
Jai (and Michelle) and others did a good feast. Would cannoli again.

A highlight for Steve - he ran Edwin from the battlefield. I was perilously close to being dropped and was uncertain if he was killing blow active, so discretion was the better part of valor. Glad I obtained the Gate Rune that afternoon.

Playing a Necromancer for Andrew's New Player mod. My damage was nerfed, which was fine, as they were New Players, and I was told to only Harvest the soul of someone who could kill me (sorry psion). It was a nice change to engage in combat with PCs who did not want to die or be dropped. Andrew did a fine job of moving the NPC mages around. I also got to use my 1HB, which was nice.

BTW, Andrew directed Chris to kill Evin's PC, for legit reasons. So much for an engagement gift. Cannot wait to see what Andrew does for a wedding surprise. :) Andrew ran a tight, entertaining mod which will have a follow up.

Taught a few lores, conducted some business, had a long IG conversation with Trent.

After around two years, the Count returned my best sword, which I had lent him the night the Nulls attacked and Telligrin was sorely wounded.

In the first part of MM, Matt Calo played his NPC to perfection.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
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28 Aug 2017 22:55 #12 by Liz (Liz)
Replied by Liz (Liz) on topic August 2017 Highlights

Friday Night:

-Monster Marshal Training! Thank you allll for having patience and Larry and Rachael for helping me out. It was exhilarating though and I hope you thought I did a good job.

-Getting done and realizing I was at the 21 hour point of no sleep. Once I realized I couldnt remember my card much less figure out how to talk, I went to bed.


-I slept! Wow! Its amazing!
-Being on time for the meeting with the Baron!
-Meeting our new members of the Guard and helping to outfit them (Thank you to all of the people that have helped with that!)
-Having Lord Silverbow come up to me and give me gifts! (That was amazing Norm and for once, Allyce had almost nothing to say in return)
-All of the little information sessions
-Flipping out on Lorelei
-Meeting with the Warlord and planning battle strategy. The fact that the Main Mod almost completely negated that strategy non-with-standing. We had one! And it was decent!
-Being dominated no less then 5 times and blown up at least 4 during main mod.
-Figuring out a cypher with others as the marshal was figuring out the message. Took an hour and a half but worth it.
-Sleeping....again? What? What is this?

-Research? Research. RESEARCH.

This month was interesting for me as a person and a PC. Dealing with interesting situations that really made me as the OOG person think about how my PC was reacting. Realizing how much Allyce has truly not gotten past- and also realizing that she never should. Allyce herself realizing the same thing and also realizing that the choice she thought shed never have to make....is in a way, already made. Interesting times are ahead.

Also: To all of the Guard, new and old, you are all amazing and I am so blessed to have you in my life and my PC's life. Never change <3

Lieutenant of the Baronial Guard

Mae Fang Zhang
Healer of Khitan
"Go with honor and your ancestors shall guide you."

Lt. of the Baronial Guard
"Well... who likes a dull life? There's work to do."

OOG: Liz Reese

Land Staff
The following user(s) said Thank You: Damien (Damien), Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt), Ebony Hale (ChelseaYeats), Dustiria (mytho2)
28 Aug 2017 23:08 - 28 Aug 2017 23:39 #13 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic August 2017 Highlights
Well this was an event to remember.

Literally digging up a grave and releasing a vampire that the witch hunters had to fight was intense. Great mod to die for the first time on! 10/10 would hunt again, although I know Reyna wants a short break from things to get her head in order.

Caldor's unique. That was an intense ritual, and the roleplay from Jason was amazing.

Realizing how important Reyna's shield is to her.

Spending time with Mileof and Kolbjorn. It was great to see a side of Kolbjorn that allows Reyna to relate to her brother!!!

Getting sucked into Kandie mod on the way to bed. So glad I went to see Forest play Kandie, and I'm so glad I used an invisibility potion for it because I could not have done that fight on an OOG level.

Saturday discussions with teachers and learning very important life lessons. Realizing that caring for people isn't a weakness in and of itself and starting on the path to accepting how much she cares for those close to her.

The finale of the goblin new player plot. Jeremy wrote an amazing plot, and I don't think it could have gone better. I still can't believe she got locked in an honor combat with the goblin general and won!! And Wulfgar and Reone's judgment of the general after was amazing.

Mileof never ceases to surprise me despite being one of Reyna's longest standing friends.

I don't think Argyle could have ever shocked Reyna more than he did right before main mod when they walked down to Ostcliff. She's still in shock, but she couldn't be happier.

Experiencing time magic on main mod was interesting, and Reyna is still confused as to what happened.

Getting concussions suck, but this was an amazing event, and I can't wait for the next one!

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
Last edit: 28 Aug 2017 23:39 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon).
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29 Aug 2017 16:16 #14 by Atrus (Atrus)
Replied by Atrus (Atrus) on topic August 2017 Highlights
I don't even know where to begin, there was a lot going on this event...

Achievement Unlocked: Texas Funeral- build a coffin, dig a grave, get buried alive and live to tell the tale.
Coffin Mod: Bursting out of a coffin and scaring the hell outta some people was... "fun" lol, don't worry there's more.
Rich/Peaches Kali Ma-ing the shit outta me, I got the piss beat outta me, crazy sore, totally worth it, would coffin again. Awesome role play Peaches, Kevin aka my blood battery. Thank you all who helped out with that, Forest, May, Jean, Sean, Reece, Ashley and special shout out to Angry Bill for keeping me mostly sane. Also where the hell did my sausages/sean's guts go- I was gonna eat those with people???

Sorry Cade and crew for running late, I'm so glad we got to meet though face to face and talk, you guys were awesome and awesome on NPC shift.

Sweet role play down at Ostcliff, "wanna go for a walk?" Ostcliff shenanigans and whatnot, I miss that land. Wolfgar, Rudolph, Alex and crew very fun back and forth.

Tessa and Blood Spirit roleplay was great, definitely a highlight, next level trolling of Atrus was fantastic; the troll in me salutes you. The late night conversations from post main mod and Lich insanity with Tessa was wonderful, very much enjoyed getting to know the character better and I look forward to more in the future.

Blue Kestrel roleplay down at Kaladonia and later on Saturday, very very cool. Explaining the reverence of Gods, and finding out more about Nyad "culture." Trying to remain semi serious was a tough challenge when talking about your first encounter with the crew. Looking forward to more.

Saturday Night Post Mod:
Walking in and seeing a lich... *Wield faith* nothing... "well shit..." Subsequent talks and the roleplay afterwards. The back and forth with that character as he and a bunch of PCs formed up around me in the barn, I really thought I was about to get McMurdered, then I remembered I had a full card and felt better about the situation, I don't remember the exact thing I said, but there was something along the lines of "embracing the sweet release of death," so as not to deal with Travance anymore, with 'appropriate' levels of snark that surprised me OOG. I thought the Lich and I were going to throwdown a few times, and feeling like I was walking along the razor's edge with roleplay, and rituals was so refreshing. The back and forth with the PCs and the Lich was so much fun.
Lich: "There's something inside you that eats at you."
Atrus: "Well you're gonna have to be a little more f-ing specific than that, I've done a lot of shit over the years! What?! The demon thing was a long time ago- no I didn't eat one, well I did but that's not what I'm referring to, it was Legion it infected me it was a thing, it got handled- the Glomm stuff?! I stopped some of the... like a year ago that's... i don't wanna talk about it- the illithid thing? that was also different-no i didn't eat it, it tried to eat me/brain slug me, whatever, that got fixed, kinda sorta, it was fixed-
Lich: You ate it, the seed...
Atrus: That was like 14 years ago, i'm fine, how do you even...
John OOG: shut up, there was green jello involved.
It came full circle, cuz fate.

Atrus to the one who accompanied him: "I'm so annoyed right now, i'm so utterly, entirely, thoroughly annoyed. I'm never going to be able to give mass or preform ceremonies again."

That entire scene was awesome, so thank you to all the players involved, I had a great time. The ritual was cool seeing some makeup stuff a little up close that some players did was really fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed the epic trolling Atrus got, from all sides.

Also thank you to the players who helped out on Sunday and Saturday, I was so out of it between various jobs and getting KR stuff ready I'm more than burning the candle at both ends.

The TZ Atrus showdown/reunion. That goddamned character is going to be the death of me. I always enjoy the roleplay the back and forth and could spend hours just talking about whatever. The reaction to the news of Atrus' departure was great. I always get a kick out of any situations where Atrus is on the receiving end of BS and whatnot, 10/10 will get trolled again.

Magnus and Atrus talking and the subsequent decisions that were made was a really cool bit of RP that I did not see coming at all.

Sunday Ritual stuff with Bryan, Jason, Reece, Alex, and Dave was a lot of fun. Tessas's contribution was very cool, and very appropriate. I hope everyone had fun, I tried to have everyone as involved as possible. Random cookies are always good, the Templar Song was sweet and so totally unexpected; Aldric, time to start a choir! Thank you all for being part of that with me.

All in all had a lot of fun, and we're looking forward to doing more mods in the future.

PS: The skill "Overwhelm," is lame, that stupid table by the smoker's porch is even lamer, although, I can finally walk without limping.

"Only those who have endured the greatest suffering can become the greatest people."

The following user(s) said Thank You: JTinney (Swordsaint), Dame Clytie Silverfang (itsgonnabemay), Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt), Mantel (sigma-j), Kestrel (Kestrel), Dustiria (mytho2)
29 Aug 2017 20:42 #15 by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt)
Replied by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt) on topic August 2017 Highlights
Texas Funeral, nuff said. Thank you to all who helped us make an amazing mod. You want a trust exercise? Higgins let us toss in a grave, and wait for players to dig him up. I sincerely hope that those whom played in that mod loved it as much as I did. John said it, and I will echo him in saying we have only just begun! (I promised not to light anyone on fire. Seriously folks, they made me promise that.)

Steve,"Elf mummy."


Steve knew what he was doing when he let me play THAT card. I must have looked it over at least 5 times. I had a blast as that Mummy! The NPCs with me only fueled the passion and each one of you helped make the the scene even better. To the new players, I hope you all enjoyed it.

Kandie, ahh what can I say? You know the villain is a right bastard when playing him makes your skin crawl. In the voice,"I bid y'all a very fine farewell and a screw you sir." Jeremy, what a ride huh? 3 years of role play. To all those whom came out for the final ride, thank you. Alice you are horrible, but a damn fun person to role play with. I won't name anyone else here. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU DID!!! I think the ending, well... it's Travance after all, is what I have to say about how it played out ;) Justin, I thank you for your help, I had a blast.

Drew,"you're a crystal."

Me,"I got this."

I fought what seemed like every player awake Saturday morning. Kirsten Lotano gave me an amazing compliment for the role. I tried my best to keep up, have fun, and not pass out in the sun. Damage roleplay was very different from normal so I ran with it.

(Fun Facts with Forest Highlight Edition; Do NOT fight the Baron and his Squad people. I'm kidding, I had a blast with you all. That fight was a ton of fun, and I tried like Hell to role play it up and give you all the best fight I could in that heat.)

Grumpy Dwarf Crew, I still wish I could have done more for you and thank you for all your help. I had a blast with you. You all reminded me what it's all about.

Special Shout out to some Ostcliff players. You too, get to say you also dug up a coffin!

"Jeremy, let me drop off the coffin and I am good to go bro!"

I have loved your new player plot since I heard about it man. I was sad to see it end. Richard, Alex, Drew, Hannah, and of course Jen what a blast. The story isn't over, the Mod is. Well Done Jeremy, we are proud of you, and congratulations on the end of your FIRST sucessful mod series.

Steve RP!!! that guy knows what to say to me folks. I spoke to all the hunters about the "new house" or "mummy house" I could find and still managed to get a few great memories in with Kala fam and hunters. I really did love that scene. SHIT, I FORGOT ABOUT THE CHEESE! Thank you Geoff and Diane. The Argyle coaster is with my card table as I type this.

The "fight" my cell died in the start of the 4th round. I never wanted to go back to bed more than when I found out. Thank you all for letting me sleep. I bailed out of Matt Defranza for a second time, so I want to publicly say that I will make it up to you. I did drop a coffin on my foot...

Evin and Andrew, simply put, congrats and I want an invitation. Yup, I'm that guy.

Feast was needed and wanted.

Sunday Funday, coffee. I don't even remember who got me it. Chelsea it was YOU, thank you. I had an easy pace of cleaning up and helping here and there. Cleaning up the Encampment was made all the easier with the help of new players and some old friends. I think I can speak for all of the Blood Spirits in saying thank you, for having a good time with us.

I hope to see you all at the Renn Faire! Higgins, it's on man!

Until the Next Episode; "The Eden of the World and a father's love." (That's MY title NOT Matt's.)

Del Dragon, Argyle
(OOC: Forest Dougan)
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03 Sep 2017 00:50 #16 by Ephrem (bamore62)
Replied by Ephrem (bamore62) on topic August 2017 Highlights
Quite an end to the event on Sunday with the ceremony that Atrus organized and brought to life. Even better than what I expected, which is already saying a lot.

Finding out what Pie-Mod is. Kaladonia you put on a good spread. To those who joined later, just remember no melting marshmallows for s'mores over the citronella candle..... or was it? It's just unfortunate that I was too tired to take part in the festivities and the subsequent RP afterwards. Heads slams in the outer circle - jeez....old people dropping like tsetse flies.

Valos brownies on Sunday. Thanks all for the interactions with them. Hope you enjoyed. However, a gift of Miw's brownies at the bar on Saturday night was even better....ahhhh, chocolate!

Grumpy Dwarf always coming up with great ideas and phys reps - not just weapons and armor, but a lot of the little things that help the game so much.

Had to go green head band this past event, but was glad to offer assistance to all the battlers before the battle. Main mod especially. I finally was able to give a few people Blade of Victory after piling up build into faith points recently. And what happens? Everything gets refreshed twice during the battle!!!! Yaaaay! If only I hadn't tested out that Chaos field and got blasted with 300 body. Always someone there in Travance to help, though. Thanks, to whoever pulled my unconscious body back to the healers before I even came close to crit.

Reading the tale of Valos and Andorra right after Mouse described her own vision of the marriage; almost had this Italian OOG in tears with her account. Great role play. Unbelievable, that what she imagined it to be had just about matched the text that I had written up for the event. Incredible...incredible! Much thanks to all who participated in the IG holiday. Collecting alms (Midori, "What is an alm and where can I find one?"). Reading the tale. Not to forget: trying to get Caldor through the ceremony after he had imbibed some Satyr wine. That was a hoot! Especially after seeing the Lamp of Valos thinking that the Inn was on fire and telling him to run! (Sorry Jason, it was just too tempting)

Knowing that Drew did last event, not knowing that he stepped in last minute, and greeting him in the AG on Friday evening with. "So..this one you could relax a bit." Amazing that Drew, Steve, Alisia (apologies if I missed anyone) jumped in and did such a fine job. Kudos to all of you. A big thank you to the Bentons - pictures, food and drink. You guys are great!

Fun NPCing non-combat as a merchant. Lots of enjoyable interactions. I just hope I didn't undercut some of the PCs' prices -ooops and sorry if I did. That was a great way IG of buying some items that PCs have been holding onto and finding no use; then other people finding them useful and buying them. I'm glad I made some coin for logistics - let the economy of Travance not inflate!

I'm thrilled at seeing new clergy characters coming up. Being relatively new myself, somehow I still seem like the "old man"....well, then again...yeah.

Big highlight: via random carpooling request in the Forum, bringing Stepan, visiting the US from Russia this summer. "Knight Realms, an international live-acting experience." I'm glad he made it to Buffalo safe and sound...by bus (yaaaay). Enjoy your adventures in America.

Father Ephrem
Primus of the Church of Light in Travance
the Heart of Valos

OOG: Bryan Amore
The following user(s) said Thank You: Atrus (Atrus), Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Thalia Burdorn (abbyl), Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt), Mantel (sigma-j), Dustiria (mytho2)
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03 Sep 2017 11:42 #17 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic August 2017 Highlights
After the event, hearing from my buddy Zach about the cookout he hosted at the Baron's Manor that His Excellency himself benefited from Nalick's "missed steak."

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
The following user(s) said Thank You: Terzak (TheArchMage), Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt), Mantel (sigma-j), Dustiria (mytho2)
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08 Oct 2017 20:54 #18 by Tsula Stormcrow (Tsula_Stormcrow)
Replied by Tsula Stormcrow (Tsula_Stormcrow) on topic August 2017 Highlights
Most of the event was overshadowed with my brakes freezing up as we drove in... And I want to give a HUGE thank you to Forest for going above and beyond to try and get us the help we needed to get home. Also happy to add OOC.... Not often you can tell people you dug up a coffin over the weekend..

Tsula Stormcrow
Cenobite of Agaura
Vrajitoare of House Skuggare

Alts: Giselle Meadowbrook

OOG: Lorna Long
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt), Mantel (sigma-j), Midori Suarez (krykit), Selphatos (Selphatos)
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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Brother Germaine: "I just thought you all should know that earlier tonight we killed T'bal."

*blank stares*

Arlington: "Huzzah?"

Brother Germaine: "You know, the enemy that has menaced us for over a year and murdered many of our friends? He's dead."

*a couple of nods*

Arlington: "I believe you can attribute our subdued response to the fact that we're eating bacon."

Brother Germaine: "You have bacon?"