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unanswered Winterdark Ball Highlights/Murder on the Kormyre Express

  • Nalick
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18 Nov 2018 19:59 #1 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Winterdark Ball Highlights/Murder on the Kormyre Express was created by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
It was a day packed with surprises.

Driving out to a nearby store, though, might have prevented a worse one. Right before scooping up Chelsea, I decided to stop at the store to pick up some snacks; on the way home, my car was confused on the difference between Park and Drive. Eventually I had it towed home. Another friend wasn't set to leave for a couple of hours and he was able to drive both Chelsea and me to the Ball (thanks, Dan!). We arrived at 8:00 and "got the Ball rolling."

It must've been fate that Chet's main responsibility that night (games) was set for 9:00 p.m. I was able to eat and mingle before then. Charades was a hit--we didn't end up getting to any other games, but it was absolutely hilarious. Chet is not a cat-herder and I'm infinitely grateful that the Count stepped in to shepherd people into the side room. Every time I had two or three people heading with me, I'd turn around to say something to them after walking 20 feet and they'd be MIA, which led to some funny moments when His Grace checked in to see how Chet was doing.

Aleister drew a word, looks at it, asks, "Is it okay if I leave the room for a minute?"

He's gone for at least a minute. Lady Angelica looks around the room.

"Was his word The Baron?"

The whole room loses it.

Aleister came back about another minute later with Kestrel because the word was "mermaid."

The singing contest--WOW. A good deal of the contestants were nervous (y'all know who you are) about performing but after hearing them belt it out, I had no idea why. You're all incredible, especially Susan who ended up one of the winners. That coupled with the rest of the Ball, it's safe to say she had a great first KR event.

Wili and Estabon. Just the smallest of moments but also the bar concept in general rather than having the drinks in a corner. It made it feel like a wedding reception.

Dancing. Doing so somewhat competently. Several times throughout the night. Here's a tip of my oversize hat to my various waltz partners.

Back at the hotel thanks to Gannon and Jen. I get to my room, put my luggage on the floor so I can get the door unlocked. One foot holding the door open, I pick up my things to head inside expecting Tom, Alex, and my other roommates. There's what looks like 20 people in the room and they all shout "SURPRISE!" It was the first time in I don't know how many years I actually had a party or a get-together on my birthday and the first time ever that I was on the receiving end of a surprise party. Thank you to everyone who was in on it, that meant a lot to me like all of you do.

OOG -- Jeff Balla
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Kitchen Staff
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gwynedd (Gwynedd), JTinney (Swordsaint), Sindarion (Steven SA), Wili (kelley.commeford@gmail.com), Khala Stormbringer (Jymme), Ninnyhammer (Anna Collins)
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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