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normal May 2019 Event Highlights, or 'A SoB Story'

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12 May 2019 15:18 #1 by Terzak (TheArchMage)
May 2019 Event Highlights, or 'A SoB Story' was created by Terzak (TheArchMage)
Howdy everyone!

I'm writing this in between bus rides home, so I'll try to keep it brief.

Most important highlight of all goes first: I'm so happy I got to say hi to everybody! Finals really hit me like a truck, and I can't believe how helpful it was to hang out with all y'all cool people and hit my friends with swords!

Anyway, here's what happened:
-Played Jimmy 'Duke' Mayfair, the Extremely Bruised.
-Played a bunch of sneaky SoBs, which was fun.
-Played Barnabus Combe, the Londwynian slave who was liberated, given his sword, entrusted as a defender of the innocent, and sent back to Londwyn on a boat. Really wish I knew where I put my RP points on that one, Chet and Kanas earned em.

-Helped out with feast (by the way, thank you kitchen staff because that was delicious and I was starving) as Barold R.S. Whitmore, food critic for the Chronicle
-Did more fighting
-Got to be a Troll for a hot minute, really enjoyed the combat RP on both sides
-At one point Alisia walked by, told me my eyes were distinctive, then dissappeared to plot.
-Had a drink at the Blackbird for the first time ever. Had a very good conk as we're ushered out .
-Alisia walks by again, asks me if I'm willing to play a certain reoccurring NPC. I, being semitired and worried I won't be able to reoccur, hesitate, but eventually cave because it sounds super . I can not play a cool character back at home, so why not take a chance?
-Got lectured by a vampire, then black-bagged by Sergei and Moostrav.
-Learned about some extremely scary undead.
-Witnessed the scorning of bones.

All in all, I had a really fun weekend! I was not expecting that I'd be able to get to game and back on my own, and I did a lot more fun stuff than I thought I would! Until next time, so long, and thanks for all the build!

By my hand,
Professor Terzak Winstonshire

OOG: Will Harrington
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13 May 2019 01:49 #2 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic May 2019 Event Highlights, or 'A SoB Story'
Big thank you to Keith and Jackie for making me feel so good about being a New Player Representative. There are a small handful of players, some of whom still play today, who made my first several events as special as they were that I'm still here years later. I want to be like that and I'm thankful I have so many opportunities.

OOG -- Jeff Balla
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13 May 2019 19:14 - 13 May 2019 19:25 #3 by Selphatos (Selphatos)
Replied by Selphatos (Selphatos) on topic May 2019 Event Highlights, or 'A SoB Story'
This was a relatively relaxed weekend for me, plot-wise. I'm not usually one to partake in rogue aligned shenanigans or political intrigue so I had plenty of time to relax and enjoy time with friends, both old and new. A couple highlights do of course stand out, in no particular order...

Friday night NPCing as part of a group of super elite assassins. Now, the highlight doesn't come from having a stacked card or killing anyone- but the group of trackers who we went up against, had a good skirmish with, and then fled from. Who proceeded to track the lot of us (there were 6) ALL over the site, from Kaledonia to Ostcliff, past the Mage's Guild, and ending in a final stand at the Slab. Great combat, great use of skills, and persistent tracking through the night. A+ to all involved, both Players and fellow NPCs!

"The Battle of the Beach". You NPCs who were there know... Was down there, relaxing Saturday, starting a lesson for a group of friends, and doesn't this gang of 9 'commoners' come moseying on down the path. "Hey, how're are you all?" "A lot better than you're all about to be!" Fight ensues. Trying to protect my friends while fighting off as many as I could (2 of my friends were only second eventers), and ONLY barely surviving due to one friend barely escaping to sprint for backup, and one of the NPCs throwing me halfway across the beach, allowing me time to down as many Mana Infusion as I could to get back in that fight (I almost ran through my entire card twice!). The combat roleplay at the end especially was phenomenal (special mention to Jack/Darrius), and then giving rites to the fallen and blessing them before they all left. Also, to all the reinforcements that rescued us- I may not know you all, but thank you! You saved our lives.

Main Mod, joking around with a couple of the High Value Targets, namely Lord Rudolph while standing guard on the porch with them was very enjoyable.
Also at main mod, while brief, the little bouts with James and/or Matt as their merc mooks is always an enjoyable time- both for combat RP and the deaths thereafter.

Being able to partake in the special NPC role I did Saturday was truly an honor and I would love to be of service as such again. To those who know what I mean- Thank you for a memorable time. (Also special mention to Owen- sorry I was a snarky guy! I appreciated the humor you brought to it!).

A brief but none-the-less important part to my event was Saturday night after Main Mod, sharing a very quick wholesome moment with Jeff Balla, and then laughing far too hard with Bryan Amore. I have missed you both and I appreciate any time I get to interact with you.

There are more I'm sure but, I'll call it here. Thank you, as always Knight Realms, for memorable times and I can't wait to make more.

Rob Davis
Last edit: 13 May 2019 19:25 by Selphatos (Selphatos). Reason: grammar
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Terzak (TheArchMage), Darius Redmaw (jackcoyle27), Ephrem (bamore62)
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13 May 2019 21:38 #4 by Terzak (TheArchMage)
Replied by Terzak (TheArchMage) on topic May 2019 Event Highlights, or 'A SoB Story'
Can't believe I forgot the Battle of the Beach! That was one of the best fights I've had in ages, props all around.

By my hand,
Professor Terzak Winstonshire

OOG: Will Harrington
The following user(s) said Thank You: Selphatos (Selphatos), Ephrem (bamore62)
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20 May 2019 13:28 #5 by Zathir (Clevatus)
Replied by Zathir (Clevatus) on topic May 2019 Event Highlights, or 'A SoB Story'
Overall this was one of the best events ive been to in some time.
I'm not one to get too involved in plot, so the fact that the camp was being used more fully by NPC's was very refreshing.
(i generally find myself doing nothing at or near the inn - so im making it a point to be anywhere else)
Thank you Chris Z for all your hard work!

Chrstine's dungeon crawl mod was fantastic, she did a great job forcing us to not only fight together, but to think and act together.
(it was also the first time in awhile i felt like the NPC's were reasonably leveled) (to be honest i havent seen a good wreck your party NPC (outside of big bads at main mod) in some time. So it was refreshing to fully spend any number of abilities.

I spent most of saturday Enjoying the weather by the lake, pond, and any other glimpse of nature i could get.

*Beach Battle* -this must be what you guys are referring to ^^^ most of the time when you hear yelling you start to run towards it only to get there and find the foes defeated.
well on Saturday when the screaming from the beach began, we thought that would be the case.
Shortly after we heard cries for help and the lot of us began our decent to the beach.

At that point we arrived to several newer towns members on the ground some being killing blowed as we arrived.
I jumped in and began reviving and healing while the rest of the company made short work of the assassins.
it was great to get involved with an encounter where people were in danger, i havent seen that in some time.

Feast was great, thank you Chelsea and the rest of the Kitchen Crew!
(Special thanks to Byron) - (Not sure who else was involved)

Sunday i made breakfast, the bunch of you slept in and it was the slowest breakfast shift i ever ran. Though we got everyone fed eventually!!

A huge thank you to the new players who did kitchen clean-up with me post-breakfast. You guys did a great job!

Overall a great event!

Zathir Ib'n Hatim Al Nawar

-Vassal of Drega'Mire

(OOG-Nathaniel Galloway)
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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