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unanswered Lost: brown blanket

12 Apr 2010 21:26 #1 by SlightlySaneBillliamm (SlightlySaneBillliamm)
Lost: brown blanket was created by SlightlySaneBillliamm (SlightlySaneBillliamm)
Lost a brown blanket at low level main mod site/ npc land.

"Slightly Sane Billliamm"

ooc: gene stern
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
Time to create page: 0.088 seconds



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"You know the thing that makes gods fight against each other or marry one another? Or when something changes the minds of men to do wonderful or horrific things and no one really understands why? Whatever it is that makes those things happen... If there is a god that does that, I aspire to be that god."

~Paetros Yhatzi