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14 Jan 2010 06:37 #1 by Ali (Nutmeg)
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So I just inherited an Xbox 360 and I have no grasp or concept of whats out there and available. I love RPG's, real time strategy and first person shooters... Can anyone recommend any games?

IG: Nutmeg, Hobbit and Chef Extraordinaire
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14 Jan 2010 07:03 #2 by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing)
Replied by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing) on topic Xbox
well, i can't suggest any good RPG's for Xbox 360, and i don't know which games are available to you there in Canada but i can tell you for:
PS 1&2 : The Kingdom Hearts series, Tales of the Abyss (by Namco) and Tales of Legendia (by Namco), Grandia II
Wii or Gamecube: Tales of Symphonia and Skies of Arcadia are good. I heard there is a second Tales of Symphonia out, i have yet to play it but if it's anything else like the other Tales games it should be awesome!

I'm a playstation and Nintendo fan myself and if you have any of those systems i would suggest playing those if you haven't already!  ;D

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14 Jan 2010 07:51 #3 by Thorgrim Ironfeld (MitchC)
Replied by Thorgrim Ironfeld (MitchC) on topic Xbox
If you like RPG's

Dragon Age Origins (although better on the PC)
Mass Effect 1 (2 is coming out in a few months but 1 was arguably the best game of the year when it came out).
If you like sci-fi open ended worlds - fallout 3
More recently - Borderlands (but better as a multi-player)

Shooters - Call of Duty Modern Warfare, nuff said.

OOG name: Mitch
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14 Jan 2010 09:13 #4 by Erim Walker (shiva14b)
Replied by Erim Walker (shiva14b) on topic Xbox
Blue Dragon.

The only reason the game did poorly is because they released a JRPG on a system originally geared for American shooter meat-heads (yeah, you all heard me, want to fight about it?)

"Ok we can attack... but if we miss, we'll hit the villagers."
"I'm willing to take that chance!"

Things I am no longer allowed to do in an RPG :
31. The backup trap handler is not whoever has the most HP at the time.
73. Not allowed to name my cudgel Ceremonial Whoopass Stick.
74. My thief's battle cry is not "Run And Live"

[OOG Jenna
14 Jan 2010 09:22 #5 by Dynamic Reality (Dynamic Reality)
Replied by Dynamic Reality (Dynamic Reality) on topic Xbox
and of course there is Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Fable 1 & 2, and of course Halo 3....and I believe there was a thread somewhere that we listed a bunch of our gamertags...

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14 Jan 2010 10:38 #6 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic Xbox

(yeah, you all heard me, want to fight about it?)

Yes. I believe I do.

Xbox does indeed lack the generic spikeyhair, no talking, world needs saving, games the PS does, but there are a slew of other good games for it.

"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."

(Tom Senger )
14 Jan 2010 12:35 #7 by T. Grumblegut (Yngwie)
Replied by T. Grumblegut (Yngwie) on topic Xbox
If you want like 200 hours of game time get Oblivion for X Box. Also Fallout 3 is awesome but I wouldn't play it at the same time as Oblivion, because they use the same engine and you might get a little bored of it. Both also have multiple expansions.

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14 Jan 2010 13:03 #8 by Edward Walker (Liam)
Replied by Edward Walker (Liam) on topic Xbox
The 360 has a ton of everything you're looking for actually.  While I support the PS3 like it's my job (oh wait...) I can definitely point you in the right direction for games for the 360.

Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey play like traditional turn based RPGs and offer a ton of game time, so if you've got a lot of time to burn, definitely look into these two.  Oblivion and Fall Out 3 are definitely great games that take place from a first person view and also has RPG elements.  I'm a huge fan of Fall Out 3 actually so if you like FPS games and RPGs definitely look into getting it.  Since you're looking into RPGs and shooters, also take a look at Mass Effect.  It combines RPG elements with a third person shooter.  Dragon Age: Origins plays a lot like Baldur's Gate and is a a lot of fun to play and has a ton of replay ability.  Also keep in mind that Final Fantasy XIII is coming out in a few months, so you have that to look forward to.

As for shooters, the most obvious answer is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1 & 2.  Both have amazing single player campaigns and fantastic online multiplayer.  Another game that I want everyone to play is Bioshock.  It's my hands down favorite first person shooter by a long shot and the second one is coming out in under a month.  There's also Halo 3, Halo: ODST, Gear of War and Gears of War 2 out which are all reasonably cheap now and are still amazing games.

As for real time strategy, there really isn't a lot.  The only ones that I can really think of are Halo Wars, Command and Conquer: Red Alert and Command and Conquer: Tiberium Wars.  I'm not much of an RTS player, so I don't know how they are.

I hope this helps you out.

Doctor Edward D. Walker

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14 Jan 2010 17:31 #9 by Kelly (Kelly)
Replied by Kelly (Kelly) on topic Xbox
Any of the Lego adventures games are a lot of fun (Batman, Indiana Jones and the Star wars series). For first person shooters I am a big fan of Left for Dead 1 or 2, its about killing zombies.

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14 Jan 2010 17:46 #10 by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing)
Replied by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing) on topic Xbox
LEGO games FTW! there is something so satisfying about playnig as a LEGO chewbacca and ripping the LEGO arms off of LEGO storm troopers *contented sigh*

"There is a difference between a hero and a coward. A Hero wakes willing to risk death. A coward wakes wishing for it."

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14 Jan 2010 20:23 #11 by Clove (Mark)
Replied by Clove (Mark) on topic Xbox
most rpgs i can tell you about from experience have already been mentioned, but just bc i love it so much ill mention that elder scrolls 4: oblivion is awesome, and elder scrolls 3: morrowind is worth playing... also i heard borderlands was a pretty good fpsrpg

OOG-Mark B
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14 Jan 2010 21:38 #12 by Ali (Nutmeg)
Replied by Ali (Nutmeg) on topic Xbox

ahaha oh wow thanks guys/ gals!

Ok so far I have Mass Effect 1, Assassins Creed 1 & 2, Red Faction and Gears of War lol I think that should fill my boots. I've already played Fallout 1-3 on my computer so I felt little need for them on the system.

I'm just worried Im going to purchase a mainly online game by accident thats all.

IG: Nutmeg, Hobbit and Chef Extraordinaire
OOG: --Ali--
15 Jan 2010 09:57 #13 by Barak Tellinghast (Barak Tellinghast)
Replied by Barak Tellinghast (Barak Tellinghast) on topic Xbox
Do be careful about purchasing any RTS games for consoles... The lack of mouse/keyboard control seeeriously changes how the games handle, namely not being able to move your view around as fast.

Sir Barak Tellinghast
Knight of Drega'Mire
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OOG: Jason Turqman
30 Jan 2010 12:39 #14 by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas)
Replied by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas) on topic Xbox

Shooters - Call of Duty Modern Warfare, nuff said.

Oh yeah! also for shooter (I am a big fan of 1st person shooters myself!) I'd recommend looking out for Battlefeild: Bad Company 2, or any of the other Battlefeild games as well, I admire Battlefeilds games for their frostbite engine, I mean you can freggin take whole buildings crumbling down!! what more do you want?! =D

Rupert the adventurer

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30 Jan 2010 17:38 #15 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic Xbox

Shooters - Call of Duty Modern Warfare, nuff said.

Oh yeah! also for shooter (I am a big fan of 1st person shooters myself!) I'd recommend looking out for Battlefeild: Bad Company 2, or any of the other Battlefeild games as well, I admire Battlefeilds games for their frostbite engine, I mean you can freggin take whole buildings crumbling down!! what more do you want?! =D

I'm so there when that game drops on steam.

"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."

(Tom Senger )
31 Jan 2010 00:19 #16 by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas)
Replied by Mordecai Ashfields (ambrose_leonidas) on topic Xbox

Shooters - Call of Duty Modern Warfare, nuff said.

Oh yeah! also for shooter (I am a big fan of 1st person shooters myself!) I'd recommend looking out for Battlefeild: Bad Company 2, or any of the other Battlefeild games as well, I admire Battlefeilds games for their frostbite engine, I mean you can freggin take whole buildings crumbling down!! what more do you want?! =D

I'm so there when that game drops on steam.

Well hey, if you have xbox you can get the demo right now, it's pretty nice I will say, but I seem to be sucking pretty badly... but I think it's because I'm really use to modern warfare 2 controls, but I'll get there =)

Rupert the adventurer

OOG: Cody Robert Queen
05 Jan 2019 08:19 - 05 Jan 2019 08:19 #17 by Stacy Fulton (StacyCFulton)
Replied by Stacy Fulton (StacyCFulton) on topic Xbox
There are many first-person shooter games that are available for Xbox 360. Games like Destiny 2, Call of duty and more. It depends on which one would you like to play. I have recently started playing this game Destiny 2 and it's so much fun, it takes on the epic journey of the solar system. I play this game with my friends in multiplayer mode and also challenge them. I bought this game at an amazing price from this useful site . You should definitely try this game at least once. It's very interesting.
Last edit: 05 Jan 2019 08:19 by Stacy Fulton (StacyCFulton).
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