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unanswered Infantry Unit seeking members

02 May 2017 19:43 #1 by Fenris Nattulv (dhaas987)
Infantry Unit seeking members was created by Fenris Nattulv (dhaas987)
This summer, I will be bringing an Alt to game. His primary purpose will be to raise a company of soldiers to assist with all the violence so common to Travance. I'm willing to offer a large shield and boffer sword to anyone interested in joining this company. In-game, I'm envisioning possibly a bit of combat practice with the company every event that I'm there, and then marshaling the company for combat during Main Mod. I'm looking for anywhere between 4 and 10 volunteers whose characters can use {Large Shield}. If anyone is interested, you can message me either here or on Facebook. If you do wnat to join, it should be a lot of fun!

- Fenris Nattulv

-Alt: Jonathan Carter, Minstrel of the Road

OOG: Daniel Haas
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