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normal New human entering the realm

26 Sep 2019 02:10 #1 by Anthony G. (Artemis)
New human entering the realm was created by Anthony G. (Artemis)
Hi all i plan to be going to the november event (100% going) and possibly the october event if i can get time off of work (highly doubt it). Playing a lvl 1 kormyrian who dabled into something he doesnt understand fully yet. Would like to find a few people who can both catch me up to speed on the world as well as have a few companions i can roam with.

I like to collect books and read about myth's and monsters that roam the world both in this realm of existence and the next. Havent left home for a long time but i feel like im ready to explore and get a first hand experience on encounters with the creatures that roam arawyn.. maybe even write a book or two on them as well. Who knows.

- Artemis Burton

(OOG)Anthony G.
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27 Sep 2019 17:14 #2 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic New human entering the realm
Hi, Anthony!

Dabbling into things without having a good grasp or understanding of it is certainly a Kormyrian thing to do! I kid--mostly!

My main character is a Kormyrian, born on the outskirts of the capital. He only rarely ventured into the town, so I'm not sure whether they met or would remember each other after all that's happened between then and now. BUT since your character would be well-read on the world, both fact and fiction, we could say that he's heard of Nalick DeMarche (my character), especially since he's a member of the Baronial Guard. He'd be more than happy to have an adventuring partner!

OOG -- Jeff Balla
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Kitchen Staff
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