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stickyandlocked Aggregate Errata

  • Nicoletta
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24 Jun 2018 23:30 - 24 Jun 2018 23:34 #1 by Nicoletta (fyperia)
Aggregate Errata was created by Nicoletta (fyperia)
This post lists all changes made since the initial March 2018 release of the rulebook thru the June 2018 Errata. Note that updates made to the Armor system and Racials have been omitted because their final updates are still pending.

Updated class skill lists as well as Paragon Skills are omitted from this post as they can be found in the Adventurer’s Guide . Additionally, because the Casting and Support systems have undergone complete overhauls, the following things are not included in this post: (1) spell and talent adjustments, (2) spell and talent slot systems, (3) changes to domains. See the AG for this information.

Finally, updates that were invalidated by subsequent updates have not been included. Instead, only the most recent change to a mechanic/ability/etc. has been included. Minor updates to Area Effect, Camouflage, and Stealth have been included in this post and labeled as Updated post-06/2018.

  • The base damage of all weapons are listed below. Updated 05/2018
    • Small Weapons deal one damage from the front of the target and two damage when attacking the target’s back. Piercing damage is added to small weapons.
    • Bow, Crossbow, Arquebus, Javelin, and Thrown Weapons deal two damage. Piercing damage is added to these weapons.
      Unarmed and Medium Weapons deal one damage. Melee damage is added to these weapons.
    • Spears and short staves (shafted weapons between thirty and sixty inches in length) deal one damage. Melee damage is added to shafted weapons.
    • Polearms and long staves (shafted weapons between sixty and seventy-two inches in length) deal two damage and receive double the benefit from Melee damage increases. Melee damage is added to shafted weapons. Additionally, they gain +1 Burst (Melee) multiplier, provided the character wielding the weapon has a Burst (Melee) of at least 1.
    • Large weapons deal two damage and receive double the benefit from Melee damage increases. Melee damage is added to large weapons. Additionally, Large weapons gain +1 Burst (Melee) multiplier, provided the character wielding the weapon has a Burst (Melee) of at least 1.
    • Casting Phoki deal two damage and have a five second cooldown. Metaphysical damage is added to casting phoki.

  • Concealment abilities have been updated; all concealment abilities now use red headbands. The following text has been added to Codex A. Updated 05/2018

    When a character uses a concealment ability, she should immediately don a red headband. However, if a headband is unavailable or doing so would cause an unnecessary interruption to another player, she may instead indicate that she is using a concealment ability with a hand gesture. By raising her arm, bent at a ninety degree angle, in front of her lower face, the character signifies that she is hidden and must be treated as such by all other beings. A character may ask for clarification at any time to determine which color of concealment ability a target is using.
    When a character is in the presence of a concealed being or object that she notices OOG, the player must roleplay as if she cannot see the target at all. However, any sounds made by a concealed being – with the exception of OOG speech, such as calling a skill or clarifying the ability being used – may be heard and responded to as normal. While a character may never know for certain unless she uses a detection skill that a concealed being is present, it is reasonable and acceptable to move away from such noises of unknown origin.
    If a character wishes to use a detection ability on a concealed target, she must call the skill and receive acknowledgement from the concealed being or marshal. If the target is an object and no marshal is present, the ability automatically succeeds; a marshal may have additional steps or information for the character. If the target is a being, and he is not wearing a headband, he must respond immediately by either affirming the used skill pierces his concealment or calling a defense.

  • Movement skills have been updated; they may now only be used to flee combat. The following text has been added to Codex A. Updated 04/2018

    When a character uses a movement ability, she must raise her weapon or closed fist straight into the air over her head and immediately walk to her destination as quickly as possible without stopping; she must walk in a straight line only, and may not navigate around obstacles or terrain. Upon arriving at her destination, she should put down her hand and call Lay On, but does not need to count down in order to do so. While using a movement ability, the character may not take any action whatsoever except for travelling to her destination.
    If a being uses a movement ability in front of a character, she must ignore the being until the conclusion of the ability and may not move in the same direction until she calls Lay On. The character may choose to either continue interacting with beings around her, disengage from the being using the skill and walk in a direction opposite him, or freeze in place until Lay On is called.
    There are several reaction abilities that may be used in response to movement skills. A being using a movement skill may only be targeted by abilities that specify use against a movement skill. To use one of these abilities, the character must be within ten feet of the target, or closer, if the ability has a shorter range. Additionally, movement skills may be called as reactions to other movement skills. If the character wishes to use a movement skill of her own, she should not wait for Lay On and should instead perform the ability at the same time as the other being.

  • Specialization skills have been removed from the game. Updated 04/2018

  • Bane damage has been updated as follows: “Bane damage, which is typically specific to a creature or creature type, does not deal any additional effects, but the target may never be resistant, highly resistant, or immune to any part of the attack, even if a skill possessed by the target would cause him to reduce the damage taken.” Updated 04/2018

  • Body damage has been removed. Piercing damage has been added under specialty damage type modifiers: “Piercing damage does not deal any additional effects, but must be treated as a Piercing attack and can only be defended as such.” Updated 04/2018

  • Drain damage has been added under specialty damage type modifiers: “Drain damage affects the target normally, but restores Body points to the user. If Drain damage is defended against, the user does not restore Body points.” Updated 05/2018

  • The Reaction trait has been updated as follows: “The ability may only be used reactively to an effect targeting or being used near the character. Defenses counter all or part of an attack. A character may use only one reaction per ability, unless the reaction is a defense.” Updated 04/2018

  • The Death Count system has been revised. Updates are listed below. Updated 05/2018
    • The Serious condition of the Death Status Effects has been renamed Incapacitated. The Incapacitated condition has been updated as follows: “The character has a Body point score of zero. A character in the Incapacitated stage must remain on the ground in a barely-conscious state; she may not move from her position unless carried, and may not resist any actions taken towards her. Incapacitated characters may speak no louder than a quiet conversational volume.”
    • Killing Blow has been updated as follows: “When an enemy has been bested, a character may perform a killing blow to finish him off. The character must clearly show her intent to kill the target, either verbally or visually, and spend ten seconds roleplaying doing so. She might spend time to line up a perfect shot, speak last rites over the body or performing lethal damage. At the end of the ten seconds, she must call “Killing Blow,” at which point the target is immediately placed into the Critical stage of his Death count.
      This time is considered concentration time and may not be shortened by any means; if the character stops for any reason, invokes any abilities, or suffers any attacks, the Killing Blow is interrupted and must be restarted from the beginning.”
    • The Critical condition of the Death Status Effects has been updated as follows: “The character has a Body point score of zero and may not be healed or targeted by any abilities except those that affect the Critical stage. A character in this stage must remain on the ground and may not speak or otherwise interact with her surroundings. After one minute in this stage, the character becomes Dead. All active Augment abilities upon a character end upon entering the Critical stage.”
      Life Effect slots have been removed from the game. There is no longer a limit on how many times a character can be healed from Critical.

  • Death and Resurrection has been updated as follows: There is no longer a limit on how many times a character may be resurrected. Additionally, characters no longer gain Build for dying and instead roll on a chart of random effects. The following excerpt explains the noteworthy changes: “While a spirit, the character is instinctively drawn towards any beings with this ability, and they towards her; a spirit may communicate with a being capable of resurrection, but this conversation cannot be perceived by any onlookers. After fifteen minutes of passing through the veils of the Spirit Realm to return the the material plane with the help of one of these beings, the character is considered to have resurrected, and must note such on her character card before returning to play. The player of the character must report to Logistics to roll on the Resurrection Chart as soon as possible in order to determine any potential side effects of her resurrection. Until she rolls, the character suffers Resurrection Sickness, which increases her Rest time to one hour. A character suffering Resurrection Sickness cannot have her Rest time shortened by any means.” Updated 05/2018

  • Retirement has been updated as follows. Updated 05/2018
    • Characters now retain 100% of their Build and Wealth upon retirement. You may not retire into an existing character. Characters may be brought out of retirement at any time.
    • Retiring into plot has been updated. Characters now retain only 75% of their Build and Wealth if a retirement scene is pre-scripted with plot. This Build may never be recovered, even if the character is brought out of retirement at a later date. A character retired into a plot ending may only be brought out of retirement after a minimum of one year has passed since her retirement scene.
    • When a character is created with more than her fifty starting Build, there is now a limit on the amount of spent Build with which she may enter play. A character may never spend more than 50% of her earned Build (to a maximum of 430 Build, or level 20.) You may always spend up to 50 Build (level 1.)

  • The Character Advancement section has been updated. The following line has been added: “A character may learn no more per event than one new skill or class and one additional purchase of a skill she has already learned.” Updated 05/2018

  • The proficiency system has been updated. Characters now gain a set increase to their damage, Body points, and passive skills based on their class, as follows. Updated 05/2018
    • Caster Classes gain the following:

      +5 Body Points
      +2 Metaphysical damage ((note: this is for Casting Phokus))
      +1 Burst (Metaphysical) multiplier
      Equipment Proficiencies: Casting Phokus
      A Literacy skill based on the class’s casting source

    • Rogue Classes gain the following:

      +10 Body Points
      +2 Piercing damage
      +1 Burst (Piercing) multiplier
      Equipment Proficiencies: Complex Ranged Weapon, Basic Florentine

    • Warrior Classes gain the following:

      +15 Body Points
      +1 Melee damage
      +1 Burst (Melee) multiplier
      Equipment Proficiencies: Expert Florentine, Large Shield

    • Hybrid Classes gain +10 Body points, the damage of one of their archetypes, the Burst multiplier of one of their archetypes, and any equipment proficiencies or literacies that their archetypes would normally grant.
    • Support Classes gain the following:

      +5 Body Points
      +2 Oculum Items
      Equipment Proficiencies: varies per class

    • The proficiencies gained by every class can be found on the same page as their skill lists. This section also includes information on the Alignment a class confers, if any.

  • What follows is an explanation of how Burst multipliers and damaging attacks now work. Updated 05/2018
    • When a character learns a class, she gains +1 Burst multiplier for that class archetype’s attacks. This means a character can have a Burst multiplier of 0, if she does not know any classes of that archetype, or from 1-4, depending on the number of classes of that archetype she knows.
    • The damaging (and healing) skills now look something like this: “This ability deals ten times the character’s Burst (Metaphysical) damage.” Different abilities deal different amounts of damage - the bolded number will be replaced with however much damage it is. All damaging amounts are in multiples of five, so the amount of damage dealt will always end in a 5 or a 0, which is generally easier to calculate on the fly.
    • Abilities that increase weapon damage (which may be listed as “piercing damage” for rogue skills, “melee damage” for warrior skills, or “metaphysical damage” for caster skills) do not affect abilities based on Burst damage. References to weapon damage refer only to non-skill damaging attacks inflicted with a weapon.

  • Every Warrior, Rogue, and Caster class in the game has had their continuous unique ability replaced with a Paragon Skill. Learning a Paragon skill grants the character a title - this title is the name of the skill. Paragon skill options can no longer be multi-purchased. Updated 05/2018

OOG: Zelda Turqman
Last edit: 24 Jun 2018 23:34 by Nicoletta (fyperia).
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25 Jun 2018 00:55 #2 by Nicoletta (fyperia)
Replied by Nicoletta (fyperia) on topic Aggregate Errata
Items System
  • A character may benefit from no more than one Refreshment Potion and one refreshment item per period. Updated 03/2018

  • Casting Phokus may no longer be used to autohit spells in combat. Updated 03/2018

  • The Crafting system has been updated. Changes are described below.
    • Crafting a Rank I-II item takes five minutes. Crafting a Rank III-IV item takes ten minutes. Updated 03/2018
    • Talent Slots have been added to all Support classes. Talent Slot, Rank X may be purchased from any support list for the following costs: Rank I-II - 1 Build, Rank III-IV - 2 Build. See the Rulebook for information on how Talent Slots may be used. Updated 06/2018
    • Learning a Talent Domain a second, third, or fourth time reduces the time required to activate the talents in that domain with Talent Slots by one second per additional purchase. Updated 06/2018

  • Armor points have been removed from the game; all instances have been replaced with Body points. Updated 04/2018

  • Traps have been updated. A trap may now only have one item as its effect. Traps can use Bombs, Scrolls, or Oils; the trap is defended as however the item would normally be defended.

  • Trinkets and Talismans (formerly Scrolls) have been updated. Trinkets no longer allow characters to invoke skills they do not normally have access to; instead, trinkets all have predefined effects. These items, when used, grant the character a Latent invokable defense. A character may stack no more than one of any Latent effect on herself at a time. Updated 06/2018

  • Consumable item attacks have been updated. There are now three categories of attacks, described below. Consumable items generally do not deal damage, but provide a number of other utilities and status effects.
    • Bombs are thrown and are considered as Piercing attacks. They are crafted by the Alchemist and Engineer classes.
    • Scrolls are delivered via spell packet and are considered as Metaphysical attacks. They are crafted by the Scholar class.
    • Weapon Oils (sometimes just Oils) are applied to weapons and delivered as Melee attacks. They are crafted by the Smith class.

  • OOG: Zelda Turqman
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    25 Jun 2018 01:01 #3 by Nicoletta (fyperia)
    Replied by Nicoletta (fyperia) on topic Aggregate Errata
    Casting System
  • Mana Points have been removed from the game and replaced with Spell Slots. Spell Slot, Rank X may be purchased from any caster list for the following costs: Rank I-II - 1 Build, Rank III-IV - 2 Build. Updated 05/2018

  • Weaponcasting no longer changes the delivery of a spell into a physical attack; it may be defended only as a spell. Additionally, Complex Ranged Weapon (Bow, Crossbow, Arquebus) may no longer be used to deliver Metaphysical attacks. Updated 05/2018

  • The Spells and Spellcasting section has been updated. See this section in Chapter IV for a full description. All spells have been updated to new effects. While some spells retain the same names as previous iterations, the mechanics have all been updated and streamlined. The spell descriptions have been added to the skill list in Chapter IV. Updated 05/2018

  • OOG: Zelda Turqman
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    25 Jun 2018 01:03 #4 by Nicoletta (fyperia)
    Replied by Nicoletta (fyperia) on topic Aggregate Errata
    Traits and Keywords
    • Highly Resistant now reads as follows: “The being suffers only half the inflicted damage from attacks of the specified damage type, to a maximum of ten points of damage.” Updated 04/2018

    • Immune now reads as follows: “The character is unaffected by the specified effect. A character may not be immune to an effect of which she is willingly the target.” Updated 03/2018

    • The Concentration trait has been renamed to the Channeled trait. Aura and Barrier have been added as sub-traits. The trait reads as follows: “The character may not take any action while maintaining the ability except invoking Latent effects. Any concentration skill may be maintained for a maximum of thirty minutes per use. If the aura sub-trait is present, the ability affects all targets within reach of the character. If the barrier sub-trait is present, the character must hold her arm perpendicular to her body, palm facing out, to represent the ability.” Updated 03/2018

    • The Procedure trait has been added and reads as follows: “The ability requires a specified amount of time to activate and immediately takes effect upon the conclusion of the activation time. Abilities with no time listed require five seconds of concentration.” Updated 03/2018

    • The Area Effect (Spray) trait has been removed from the game. The Area Effect trait has been updated as follows: “The ability affects multiple targets within a specified area. If no area is specified, the character must strike each target individually.” Updated post-06/2018

    • The traits Physical, Metaphysical, Piercing, and Voice have been consolidated as sub-traits of the Attack trait. The Physical trait has been renamed Melee. The Voice trait has been renamed Naming. The description of the Attack (Piercing, Melee, Metaphysical, Naming) trait is as follows: “The ability offensively affects a target. Any ability targeting a character against her will gains the attack trait. Piercing and Melee attacks require the character to make contact with the target with her weapon to be successful; melee attacks may not be delivered with ranged weapons. Metaphysical attacks require the character to make contact with the target or an armament on his person with a spell packet to be successful. Naming attacks autohit the target and may only be delivered within ten feet; there is no maximum range when targeting allies with beneficial effects. Naming abilities bypass Barriers and cannot be redirected. Updated 05/2018

    OOG: Zelda Turqman
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    25 Jun 2018 01:06 #5 by Nicoletta (fyperia)
    Replied by Nicoletta (fyperia) on topic Aggregate Errata
    • Defenses have been updated. Class-specific defenses: namely Deflect, Dodge, and Negate, now defend only attacks from the same archetype. Updated 05/2018

    • Avoid Trap has been renamed Avoid and updated as follows: “This ability allows the character to resist an item or Area Effect attack.” Updated 06/2018

    • Berserker Rage has been updated as follows: “This ability allows the character to render herself Enraged versus a target to gain +1 Melee damage against him and ten times her Burst (Melee) multiplier as unhealable Body points. This skill may be used even if she is Enraged by other means. Body points gained from using this skill do not stack.” Updated 06/2018

    • Camouflage has been updated as follows: “This ability defends the character from a Concealment (Detection) ability and renders the character Immune versus Concealment (Detection) skills for one minute.” Updated post-06/2018

    • Critical Attack has been renamed Rend. Updated 05/2018

    • Disarm/Retain has been renamed Disarm. The ability may no longer be used as a defense. Updated 05/2018

    • Entropic Shield has been updated as follows: “This ability allows the character to temporarily reduce her maximum Body point total by five points to gain ten unhealable Body points, stacking up to forty Body points at a time. Body points spent in this way may not be recovered until she completes a rest.” Updated 06/0218

    • Fear has been renamed Intimidate. Updated 05/2018

    • Gift of the Predator has been removed and its effect rolled into Keen Senses. Updated 05/2018

    • Immaculate Defense has been updated as follows: “This ability defends a melee attack and renders the character immune to the next attack by which she is targeted.” Updated 06/2018

    • Intercept has been added to the Common List. Updated 05/2018

    • Research has been added to the Common List at a cost of ten Build. Updated 06/2018

    • Silver Bolt has been renamed Stake. Updated 05/2018

    • Smite has been updated as follows: “This ability deals ten times the character’s Burst (Metaphysical) multiplier as Mystic damage and allows her to instantly cast a spell on a target within ten feet.” The ability now has the Combo trait. Updated 03/2018

    • Stealth has been updated as follows: “This ability conceals the character. While concealed, the character may move at up to a normal walking pace. The concealment is dispelled if she takes any action affecting another being or that she would be unable to perform while concealed and lasts for a maximum of thirty minutes. See Adventuring and Using Skills in Codex A for information on concealment.” Updated post-06/2018

    • Silenced and Hindered have been combined into a single status effect, Hindered. All abilities that referenced the Silenced status have been updated to afflict Hindered. Updated 05/2018

    OOG: Zelda Turqman
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    25 Jun 2018 01:07 #6 by Nicoletta (fyperia)
    Replied by Nicoletta (fyperia) on topic Aggregate Errata
    Master Classes
    The format of Master classes has been updated. There is no longer a Continuous benefit to learning a Master class. At Rank I, the character learns one of three Continuous skills at the cost of 10 Build. These skills may never be purchased more than once (so a character with three purchases of a single Master class must learn all three skills.) At Rank II and III, the character learns one of three periodic skills at the cost of 7 Build; on subsequent purchases, they may be chosen again to benefit from Skill Overlap on the scaling cost. Updated 06/2018

    All Master Class skills have been updated. See the Mastery section of the rulebook as well as the skill descriptions for full information. Updated 06/2018

    OOG: Zelda Turqman
    Moderators: Nicoletta (fyperia)
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