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stickyandlocked Rules Reminders

  • Nicoletta
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03 Aug 2018 23:51 #1 by Nicoletta (fyperia)
Rules Reminders was created by Nicoletta (fyperia)
Starting now and continuing for the foreseeable future, I will be posting a series of rules reminders in this thread after every event. These reminders are for rules that we have had to make a lot of corrections on, or were asked a lot of questions about over the course of an event, to make sure everyone is up to speed and on the same page about how they work.

If any of the rulings in this thread become invalid for any reason, such as if a change is made that affects a ruling here, it will be updated to reflect the most current ruling. If you notice any inconsistencies due to changes, please email me at tori@knightrealms.com with details.

OOG: Zelda Turqman
  • Nicoletta
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03 Aug 2018 23:51 - 03 Aug 2018 23:55 #2 by Nicoletta (fyperia)
Replied by Nicoletta (fyperia) on topic Rules Reminders
  • Taking ANY action affecting another target while under concealment, including healing, offensive action, or trading items, instantly dispels the concealment. The only exceptions to this are making sounds (though they can be heard by anyone that hears them OOG), using skills such as Stealth Strike that specifically work while concealed, or using Concealment (Detection) abilities.
    (See the descriptions for the skills Invisibility and Stealth in Chapter IV.)

  • A Killing Blow takes TEN seconds to perform under the new Death System rules. A verbal count is not required. Note that you must take ten seconds, not simply counting to ten - you cannot count faster to increase the speed of your Killing Blow. Additionally, a Killing Blow is interrupted if you use any abilities, suffer any attacks, or stop concentrating for any reason.
    • "Assassinate" cannot be Intercepted.
    (See Codex B's "Interacting with Incapacitated Targets" and the Assasin Paragon descriptions.)

  • You may not deliver an attack skill on the same target more than once per second. The only exception is with skills such as Rapid Assault or Smite, where a second skill is instantaneously activated.
    (See "Using Skills" under "Adventuring and Using Skills" in Codex A.)

  • When calling an attack skill that deals damage, you MUST call the damage of the attack. This is because the damage is variable per character. If you are targeted by a damaging attack and the attacker does not clarify the damage amount, you are allowed to ignore the attack.

  • You must have a Caster class to use Casting Phokus; you must have a Rogue class to use Arquebus/Bow/Crossbow; you must have a Warrior class to use a Large shield; you must have a Support class to use Oculum.
    (See the proficiencies at the beginning of every class description in Chapter III.)

  • When using Spell Slots or Talent Slots, you must use a slot that corresponds to the rank of the Spell/Talent being used unless you are using a skill that says otherwise. You may NOT use a higher rank slot in any situation.
    (See "Spells, Spellcasting, and Talents" under the "Class Skills" heading in Chapter IV.)

OOG: Zelda Turqman
Last edit: 03 Aug 2018 23:55 by Nicoletta (fyperia).
Moderators: Nicoletta (fyperia)
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