PC of the Month
Renee D. as Swyft
This month, Renee closed a chapter of her character’s life an opened up a brand new one. In making this difficult decision, Swyft has shown us that she has grown tremendously as a character in the last year. Additionally, she stepped up in front of her peers and proved that not all battles are won with violence. On top of all this, she constantly keeps her makeup looking perfect, even in the heat, an impressive feat by itself.
NPC of the Month
The Red Badgers Troupe
Every so often, NPCs are sent out as "entertainers" to roleplay with the crowds and make the players laugh and have a good time. The Red Badgers, an unrehearsed troupe of actors and performers, absolutely stole the stage with their wild antics and fairly insulting displays. They stepped above and beyond what we had hoped for in a random encounter, making it a memorable experience for all involved!
Player of the Month
Matt D.
On top of running plot for new players and plot for Pendarvin, Matt spent the majority of the weekend helping out around logistics and Rules marshaling various encounters. It takes a great level of dedication to the game to give up ones own time for the sake of the game and Matt has continued to prove that the game comes first in his mind. Thank you for all you do, Matt!
Cabin of the Month
It's no surprise that this award goes to Alisandria. They constantly maintain an active and exciting area that really sets the scene for the land they represent. With every month come new additions to the scenery and the decorations they have all over and even in the woods. There isn't a month that goes by that something new is left out to be discovered!