PC of the Month
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Merrin Tellinghast
Al Mone as Merrin Tellinghast. Al showed a different side of Merrin this event. His character stepped up at the trial and did a really good job defending someone he may have been at odds with, in the name of helping to move closer to a fair and just trial. In regards to the Malycite Simon he at first did not have any interest in redeeming; Merrin had a slow and gradual realization that such a thing was possible, no matter how unlikely. It was a lesson that helped him learn that if he could temper his military side just a little bit, he could work towards the single greatest feat for the force of good: which is rescuing a soul that has been captured by darkness and for a priest there is no greater victory. This weekend we saw more of Merrin's priestly side than the clerical side. His benediction at the feast was great, but his participation in the redemption ceremony and the sacred heart mass was even better! He did an especially great job when asked to tell the crowd about Simon and how he came to be redeemed that night. Awesome job Al! We'd also like to give a nod to Goose as Fim the Satyr. He is doing such a great job, it has been said "He really IS a satyr!" I'm sure we'll all be hearing more about him very soon...