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NPC of the Month
Joe Bondi
NPC of the Month goes to the NPC that Joe Bondi played on the main mod. He was hobbling around with his cane, IG, and was the summoner that was responsible for dispatching waves of NPCs at the PCs. The whole time he hid in their midst and acted as though he was just a helpless old man. He was even healed by a PC at one point. Yet every time that he put an NPC into action, he uttered a completely IG incantation, which anyone could have noticed if they'd been suspicious of him in the least. Great job!
PC of the Month
Sir Alexander R.
PC of the Month goes to Roy S. as Sir Alexander. He's not often in the limelight, but he's very much the quintessential knight/cavalier character and he's always on the ball. He's always looking to lead and organize people and he takes no guff from people that don't pay the proper respect to the nobility. Yet this often arrogant exterior is simply what Sir Alexander believes is necessary for him to best serve the people, because serving the people is really the only thing he cares about. He's a fascinating character, and he was a strong presence this event. Keep it up!
Player of the Month
Geoffrey Schaller
Player of the Month goes to Geoff Schaller for getting additional firewood late Saturday night so people would not freeze as well as donating some much needed emergency supplies. Thanks Geoff, everyone appreciated your kindness and thoughtfulness!
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