PC of the Month
The PC of the Month Award for the January 2008 event goes to Craig O’Dell’s character, Daedri! Between dealing with the demonic disease spreading through Travance, to the sadistic machinations of his tormentor, Carlotta, Craig clearly portrayed a person who was struggling with situations that he couldn't control. On the surface, Daedri is arrogant, self-centered, womanizing. But when confronted with such unstoppable, life-altering events to which he could do nothing, he reacted with desperation, frustration, and anger, demonstrating a sense of depth that most characters rarely reach. Thank you Craig, for both your consistant role-play and your dedication to creating a real-to-life character.
NPC of the Month
Tommy Nichols
The NPC of the Month award for the January 2008 event goes to Tommy Nichols for his moving portrayal of the now-free Pentir Knight, Lothain. Tommy portrayed the tragic character in ways that provoked emotion even from those who did not have direct interactions with him. As an enslaved undead Knight, Tommy portrayed both the relentless devotion to the Arcanum’s wishes as well as the deep sadness, remorse, and pain of his current state. Then, upon the freeing of his soul, Tommy as Lothain happily walked out into the frigid cold and exuded joy over the little things normal “living” people would take for granted; for instance, seeing his own breath and the taste of food. Tommy has done an amazing job both at and between events developing this character, and his dedication and immersion is sincerely appreciated.
Player of the Month
Ralph, Julia, Brendan, and Lurch
The Player of the Month Award for the January 2008 event goes to a group of amazing people that not only entertained us as NPCs, but assisted in makeup throughout the event. Two of these players are veterans, Ralph Attanasia and Julia Hill, who as always put their all into everything they do. The other two of their group are newcomers, Brendan and Lurch, and their enthusiasm for the game was apparent even right off the bat. A big thank you to all four of you for all your hard work - Keep it up!
Cabin of the Month
The Butcher's Shop
We’re trying something new in the month of January in terms of the Cabin of the Month award. Many people work hard to present their wares at Market Faire, but few would go to the same lengths as Matt Fiore did in creating his Butcher Shop in the Inn. Decorated with fake animal carcasses, meats, and cloth, Matt kept his booth up all event. The atmosphere he created was so intense, it was easy to forget his sandwiches were made from basic cold cuts and packaged breads. Thank you so much for your work Matt, we all enjoy your sandwiches and your decorating skills!