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PC of the Month
Brother Lighthammer
Walter Cahill who plays Brother Lighthammer really got our attention this month. For a character that spends much of his time in the background of the workings of the church, this month’s plot put him on the front lines, leading groups of low levels through many of the trials throughout Saturday. He took charge well, organized the groups quickly, and got a chance to truly shine as a cleric doing his holy duty. Keep up the great work!
NPC of the Month
Corruption - Lauren Silver
The plotline for January gave the opportunity for many great roles and all were done very well. However, one name seemed to pop up just a bit more than the others, so we’d like to give this month’s NPC award to Lauren Silver’s portrayal of “Corruption”. From concept to costume, the role was well done. Thanks Lauren!
Player of the Month
Jason Turqman
Rules changes…character card re-writes… wow, what a crazy event! It wasn’t easy to get this all done, but Jason Turqman has been handling it all very well. He started by answering emails and updating many cards even before the event. He continued with the rewrites for over 5 straight hours at the event, recording changes until very late. Jason also had a big help from Sam Roberts who worked for hours with him before lay on. Great job guys!
Cabin of the Month
The Ostcliff Yurt
As usual, there were many well-decorated areas and it is great to see the amount of effort being put out by so many. This month, there was an area that had hardships even before the event started. It was great to see that that didn’t stop them. The Ostcliff Yurt went up, despite the issues. It was well decorated and everything added to the feeling of a merchants pleasure den. Despite the number of people staying there, they did a good job at keeping things OOG. The hay really added to the IG feel of the place. Fantastic job guys!
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