PC of the Month

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Anhil and Emeline
Two players really showed the strength of their Character through role play this month. Sean Moulson as Anhil is the first PC to be recognized. Sean has been very consistent with his character development with Ainhil. He brings a high level of roleplay and his flair for rolling with any situation. Throughout the event, no matter how many times his character may get flustered, tortured, assaulted or felled, Sean takes it all in stride, and has nothing but the game and the story in mind. Kirsten Lotano as Emiline has really made her character’s presence felt as well. Coming into game as a guardswomen from Caer Bridaeg, she has developed Emiline to be a recognized fighter and leader on the battlefield in a skirmish or main mod battle. She is an inspiration for anyone who wants to play with equal parts role-play and martial ability in the game and really has fun doing it.