PC of the Month
Mike Smith
Everyone in attendance did an outstanding job. It was great to see how well everyone got their new personas together and all the great costumes we got to enjoy. Mike Smith as the Galmachian priest aka creepiest hobbit ever. If you had the opportunity to interact with him, you probably walked away feeling "dirty". His "heeeyyyy, how are you?" and "I like the end best" were favorite quotes for the weekend. Thanks for creeping us all out Mike!
PC of the Month
Lieutennant Aubrey
Everyone in attendance did an outstanding job. It was great to see how well everyone got their new personas together and all the great costumes we got to enjoy. Andrew as Corporal/Lieutenant Aubrey was outstanding, not just in his role-play as a loyalist to the king, but in his leadership of other PCs. He was on top of his game the whole event and painted a realistic portrayal of valued soldier. Awesome job Andrew!
NPC of the Month
Rob Gambino
Rob Gambino as Thanatos. It was a nice change of pace to see some Galmachian roleplay(since they usually just get executed), and Rob really did a great job. His continued attempts to persuade the PCs to let people die and rat out the healers was very convincing, and almost cost some deaths! We’d also like to mention Matt Volk as Captain Kelridge and Paul as Curly the bartender. Both of your roles were a huge help to a successful event.
Player of the Month
MaryBeth Elkins
Player of the month goes to MaryBeth Elkins for spending hours in logistics helping with last minute new character creation and feeding all of the key NPC nobility and personalities throughout the weekend. She helped several players make up all of those new characters on the fly, which took the patience of a saint. In addition, she always took time to make sure we were playing our parts according to the weekend write up, kept track of key story details, while doing a great job playing the likeable Countess in a stark comparison to the Earl and his court advisors. Finally, she always acknowledged anyone who looked hungry that wasn’t with our immediate staff group, calling people over for a bite or a sip of drink from her coolers. She made our jobs running the weekend an easy one.
Cabins of the Month
Dark Monastery, Dregamire Statehouse
Again, we couldn’t just choose one! The state house that is normally Drega’mire, where Mars, Diane, and crew stayed was done very well. They had several regulars and some new players staying in one large room and did an admirable job covering coolers, hiding gym bags and setting up a few prop filled tables and hangings. This is why the sprit of RP is important. Just putting a little more effort into cabin decoration enhances the immersion for the whole game. Nice job everyone! The Dark Monastery was also done very well. Creepy and dark, vastly different from the Monastery we are all used to. The random body parts and such made it so you never forgot what god was worshipped there! Most of the work was done by Rob & Emily G. and we wanted to let them know they did a great job! A special thank you to Kate, Kristen & Jason A. for setting up the mage’s guild & the armory also.